Holocene Marine Sedimentation in the North Sea Basin

Book Description

A special publication of the International Association of Sedimentologists This comprehensive scientific book of more than 500 pages features chapters by various authors. Holocene Marine Sedimentation in the North Sea Basin address topics that include: ripple, megaripple and sandwave bedforms in South Wales; shoreline development in St Andrews Bay, Scotland; and the origin of ridges off the Zeeland coast. Highlighted research includes: measurements of suspended sediment concentrations made at stations on a sandy intertidal zone in South Wales, as well as another study of two cores from the southern side of the Norwegian Channel concerning geotechnical properties, texture, sedimentary structures and mineralogical composition.

Geochemistry and Sedimentology of the Mediterranean Sea

Book Description

The monograph presented to foreign readers has been prepared by the famous Soviet investigators of processes of geochemistry and sedimentation in the Mediterranean Sea. For more than 20 years E.M. Emelyanov has examined the recent sedimentation of the Mediterranean Sea and K.M. Shimkus has studied the Quaternary and the earlier sedi mentation of the area. The authors, scientific workers from the P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, USSR Academy of Sciences (Atlantic and Southern Depart ments), took part not only in numerous cruises on oceanographic vessels of the USSR, but in the study of cores of the deep-sea drilling on R/V "Glomar Challenger". A great number of scientific papers and some books devoted to the processes of sedimentation and geochemistry of the Mediterranean Sea were written by them. Although the scientific interests of the authors are not only limited to these questions, I should like to emphasise these aspects of their scientific activity when introducing this book. The Mediterranean Sea is a suitable natural laboratory for solving a number of principal problems of marine sedimentation and lithogenesis.

Holocene Sedimentology and Stratigraphy of Coastal Sediments in an Arid Climate, Al Qahmah, Southern Red Sea, Saudi Arabia

Book Description

"Holocene sedimentary deposits in Al Qahmah coast, southern Red Sea, in Saudi Arabia have been accumulated on an arid siliciclastic coast in a rift tectonic setting. This study provides a detail interpretation and analysis of sedimentary facies, stratigraphy, depositional environment, and major geological processes. Two studies have been undertaken. First, petrological study of composition and texture of modern sediments and facies mapping delineate facies distribution and mechanisms of sediment transport and deposition. A unique suite of complex riverine, wave, tidal, wind, and chemical and biological processes affect the composition, texture, and distribution of the facies. Second, the depositional environments of the Holocene deposits were interpreted on the basis of detailed lithofacies analysis and lithostratigraphic correlation, along with absolute age dating, using subsurface trenching and seismic refraction tomography (SRT) and electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) methods. Two major facies, underlying carbonate and overlying siliciclastic facies, were delineated. The carbonate facies are interpreted as shallow normal marine deposits. The siliciclastic facies are marginal marine and nonmarine coastal deposits. A disconformity and an erosional unconformity are identified, across which significant changes in tectonic and climatic conditions had occurred. This study presents a detailed sedimentologic, stratigraphic, environmental, and paleoclimatic reconstruction in modern and recent arid siliciclastic coast in a rift tectonic setting"--Abstract, page iv.