Seeing Christ in the Old Testament

Book Description

This book again finds the author Ervin N. Hershberger at his best, as one editor noted. He continued, I would rate this book right up with his Tabernacle studies. Readers will once again be amazed and delighted to see figures and types of Christ where they least expected to find them. The writer to the Hebrews wrote in 10:1, For the law having a shadow of good things to come. Hershberger brings these shadows alive. This book has served many through personal studies and group studies. Every preacher and Bible teacher could benefit from this well thought out study."

Seeing Christ in the Old Testament (part 1)

Book Description

"The word of God is living and operative" (Hebrews 4:12a). It is "living" and not just letter because it gives life. The Scriptures are "operative" because they contain not only theological ideas to be pondered but also spiritual realities to be experienced. For "every scripture is divinely inspired [God-breathed], and profitable for teaching, for conviction, for correction, for instruction in righteousness; that the man of God may be complete, fully fitted to every good work" (II Timothy 3:16-17). "Ye search the scriptures," said the Lord Jesus Christ, "for ye think that in them ye have life eternal, and they it is which bear witness concerning me; and ye will not come to me that ye might have life" (John 5:39-40). It behooves us, therefore, to diligently read the Bible and meditate on it. To encourage God's people to study God's word, brother Stephen Kaung delivered a series of messages on the sixty-six books of the Bible. Commencing in 1983, each Lord's day the survey of one book was shared from the New Testament; and a similar sharing from the Old Testament commenced in 1986. Each message is merely a panoramic view of each book of the Bible; a tasting of the sweetness of God's word. The aim is to provide the saints with some basic understanding in their search of God's word. These being spoken messages, no acknowledgement of the names of the many commentaries consulted is indicated. This survey of the Holy Bible will be published as Volume I and Volume II under the overall title of God Has Spoken: with Volume I bearing the subtitle, Seeing Christ in the Old Testament, and consisting of two physical volumes, Part One (Genesis to Song of Songs) and Part Two (Isaiah to Malachi); and Volume II bearing the subtitle, Seeing Christ in the New Testament. May God use these volumes to increase our love for His word.

Unlocking the Bible

Book Description

David Pawson presents a unique overview of both the Old and New Testaments.

The Promised One (A 10-week Bible Study)

Book Description

This first volume in the Seeing Jesus in the Old Testament Bible study series guides women through a Christ-centered study of Genesis. The Promised One provides a fresh look at the book of Genesis, leading women in discovering how its stories, symbols, people, and promises point to Christ. Over ten weeks of study, participants will see Christ as the agent of creation, the offspring who will crush the head of the serpent, the ark of salvation, the source of the righteousness credited to Abraham, the substitutionary sacrifice provided by God, the Savior to whom the whole world must come for life, and much more. Each weekly lesson includes questions for personal study, a contemporary teaching chapter that emphasizes how the passage fits into the bigger story of redemptive history, a brief section on how the passage uniquely points to what is yet to come at the consummation of Christ's kingdom, and a leader's guide for group discussion. A ten-session DVD companion set is also available.

The One Year Book of Discovering Jesus in the Old Testament

Book Description

We tend to look to the New Testament to tell us about Jesus, yet it was the Old Testament about which Jesus said, “the Scriptures point to me!” In The One Year Book of Discovering Jesus in the Old Testament, Bible teacher Nancy Guthrie takes readers from Genesis through Malachi, shining the light of Christ on the promise of a descendent who will put an end to the curse of sin; the story of a father who offers up his son as a sacrifice; the symbol of a temple where people can meet with God; the prophecy of a servant who will suffer; the person of a king who will rule with righteousness—and so much more. Day by day throughout the year, readers will see the beauty of Christ in fresh new ways, creating a deeper understanding and appreciation for who Jesus is and what he accomplished through his Cross and Resurrection.

The Messiah in the Old Testament

Book Description

The Old Testament both tells the story of Israel and points to the coming Messiah. Kaiser distinguishes between Old Testament passages that describe national Israel's glorious future and those that point to Christ and his kingdom. Kaiser's chronological approach traces Israel's developing concept of Messiah through different time periods.

Jesus on Every Page

Book Description

Join author and minister David Murray as he introduces you to Jesus through the lens of the Old Testament. When you think of a son trudging uphill, carrying wood for his own sacrifice because his father has decided to give him up to death, what biblical event does this bring to mind? Is it Abraham and Isaac in Genesis 22, or is it Christ's passion in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John? The kinship between these two stories is deeper than mere coincidence, and the similarities don't end there. In fact, Murray argues that Christ isn't just present in the story of Abraham and Isaac--he's present on every page of the Old Testament. In Jesus on Every Page, Dr. Murray guides the reader down his own Road to Emmaus, describing how the Scriptures were opened to him, revealing Jesus from Genesis 1 all the way through Revelation 22. Dr. Murray shares his ten simple ways to seek and find Christ in the Old Testament, diving deep into: Christ's planet--discovering Jesus in the story of Creation Christ's people--discovering Jesus in the characters of the Old Testament Christ's promises--discovering Jesus in the covenants of the Old Testament Recognizing Jesus in the full breadth of scripture is important for every Christian. In this step-by-step guide to discovering Jesus in the Old Testament, Dr. Murray provides a framework that will help you start practicing this wonderful way of enjoying Jesus throughout the Bible. Whether you are preaching Jesus through Old Testament readings or just beginning to discover the reality of Christ in the Old Testament, Jesus on Every Page is an accessible guide to getting to know the Old Testament for what it truly is: full of Jesus.

The Christ Key

Book Description

Reading the Old Testament can seem like exploring an old, mysterious mansion, packed with of all sorts of strange rooms. The creation room, vast and sublime. The exodus room, with hardhearted pharaohs and dried-up seas. The war room, with bloody swords and crumbling walls. The tabernacle room, with smoking altars and dark inner sanctums. What does this odd and ancient world have to do with us, who are modern followers of Jesus? As it turns out, everything! Every chapter in the Old Testament, in a variety of ways, tells the story that culminates in Jesus the Messiah. What Christians today call the Old Testament is what Jesus and the earliest believers simply called the Scriptures. That was their Bible. From its pages, they taught about the Messiah's divine nature, his priestly work, his ministry of salvation. The Christ Key will reintroduce readers to these old books as ever-fresh, ever-new testimonies of Jesus. By the end, you will see even Leviticus as a book of grace and mercy, and you will hear in the Psalms the resounding voice of Christ.

Point Me to Jesus

Book Description

Scripture encourages adults to take an active role in discipling children, in making them students of Christ. Moms and dads, grandparents, and mentors are on the front line of helping the youngest to understand and trust God's Word. In Point Me to Jesus, author Tara McClary Reeves equips grown-ups with 365 quick lessons to be shared with their children. Each day begins with a key verse from the Bible. Reeves then uses stories and insights to help build a Christian worldview around the topics of who Jesus is, why He came, how He lived, how He wants us to live and share His love with others, and more. Every reading concludes with a question for reflection and discussion. Psalm 127:3 declares that children are a reward from the Lord. Steward these treasures from heaven as you grow together in God’s Word and in passionate, obedient love for Jesus

The Wisdom of God

Book Description

This 10-week study of Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and the Song of Solomon mines the Wisdom Literature not only for wise principles for living, but also for the wise person these books point to through their drama, poetry, proverb, and song. In her accessible and authentic style, Nancy Guthrie focuses on seeing Jesus in the Old Testament instead of emphasizing works-based moralism. She presents clear commentary and contemporary application of gospel truths, speaking directly to issues such as repentance, submission, happiness, and sexuality. Each weekly lesson includes questions for personal study, a contemporary teaching chapter that emphasizes how the passage fits into the bigger story of redemptive history, a brief section on how the passage uniquely points to what is yet to come at the consummation of Christ's kingdom, and a leader's guide for group discussion.