Seeing Red Or Tickled Pink

Book Description

An engaging compendium of 750 color-related terms--their origins and definitions--in 12 chapters covering color families, from White as Snow to All the Colors of the Rainbow. Annotation copyright by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR

Grammar Magic – 8

Book Description

Grammar Magic is a series of eight books for students of Classes 1 to 8. It aims at helping learners grasp grammatical concepts with ease through its learner friendly approach. It offers sufficient practice in grammar, comprehension and composition. The ebook version does not contain CD.

Madhubun’s Grammar for Learners – 8

Book Description

Madhubun’s Grammar for Learners is a series of eight books for students of Classes 1 to 8. It aims at helping learners grasp grammatical concepts with ease through its learner-friendly approach. It offers sufficient practice in grammar,comprehension and composition. The ebook version does not contain CD.

Amber Brown Sees Red

Book Description

Even when nothing is going her way, Amber Brown is always bold, bright, and colorful. #Amber Brown is out now on Apple TV+ Amber Brown's going through a growth spurt . . . and her body's not the only thing that's changing. Her mom and Max are engaged. Her dad is moving back from Paris. And now her school's overrun by skunks, and she feels like she's being held captive in a hot, crowded school bus that's going nowhere. But growth spurts and skunks are not her only concerns. Why can't her parents agree on anything . . . why did she ever get that haircut . . . and most important, what will happen when Dad moves back?

What in the Word?

Book Description

Presents a humorous look at the English language, including information on word and phrase origins, slang, style, usage, punctuation, and pronunciation.

On Color

Book Description

Our lives are saturated by color. We live in a world of vivid colors, and color marks our psychological and social existence. But for all color’s inescapability, we don’t know much about it. Now authors David Scott Kastan and Stephen Farthing offer a fresh and imaginative exploration of one of the most intriguing and least understood aspects of everyday experience. Kastan and Farthing, a scholar and a painter, respectively, investigate color from numerous perspectives: literary, historical, cultural, anthropological, philosophical, art historical, political, and scientific. In ten lively and wide-ranging chapters, each devoted to a different color, they examine the various ways colors have shaped and continue to shape our social and moral imaginations. Each individual color becomes the focal point for a consideration of one of the extraordinary ways in which color appears and matters in our lives. Beautifully produced in full color, this book is a remarkably smart, entertaining, and fascinating guide to this elusive topic.

The American Heritage Dictionary of Idioms

Book Description

From “all systems go” to “senior moment”—a comprehensive reference to idiomatic English. The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms explores the meanings and origins of idioms that may not make literal sense but play an important role in the language—including phrasal verbs such as kick back, proverbs such as too many cooks spoil the broth, interjections such as tough beans, and figures of speech such as elephant in the room. With extensive revisions that reflect new historical scholarship and changes in the English language, this second edition defines over 10,000 idiomatic expressions in greater detail than any other dictionary available today—a remarkable reference for those studying the English language, or anyone who enjoys learning its many wonderful quirks and expressions. “Invaluable as a teaching tool.” —School Library Journal

ALL+ 互動英語 2019 年 7 月號 No.176 [有聲版]

Book Description

〔適用對象:進階英語學習者、具基礎能力,想英語再升級的高中生~成人〕 ALL+互動英語以深度教學內容、和豐富多元的題材,讓您的英語向下扎根深度學習,精選大量閱讀文章、實用會話、主題式寫作和新聞時事等內容,讓您的聽說讀寫全面升級! ►購買完整紙本書請上: Literature 文學花園 Rappaccini’s Daughter 〈拉帕西尼的女兒〉 News Report 看新聞學英語 NASA Launches Plan to Return to Moon—and Stay NASA計劃重返月球常駐 People 人物側寫 Tom Holland: Swinging into the Spotlight 躍上大銀幕的新生代蜘蛛人——湯姆.霍蘭德 CNN主播教你說英語0 Notre Dame Fire 巴黎聖母院大火 Foods 食物與手作 The Benefits of Coconut Oil 椰子油的妙用 Dialogue Focus 情境對話 Kitchenware 圖解廚房用具 Equipping a Kitchen 添購廚具 Social 社交禮儀 Etiquette: An Exercise in Character 好禮儀讓你更受歡迎 Writing 寫作練習 Translation Practice 翻譯寫作 Travel 繞著地球玩 A Fascinating Journey to Malaysia 體驗馬來西亞的多元魅力 Language 語言探究 Adding Color to Language 和色彩相關的慣用語 Plus Talk 會話百分百 Interview English 面試英語 1. Introducing Yourself 自我介紹 2. Strengths and Weaknesses 優缺點 3. Handling Difficult Situations 處理應對困境 4. Future Plans 未來的計畫 Animals 動物搜奇 Amazing Animals You’ve Never Heard Of 你從未聽過的奇特動物 Life 環保生活 How Many Times Can That Material Be Recycled? 資源回收知多少? Topic Writing 主題式寫作 A Letter to the Mayor 給市長的一封信 Knowledge 安全知識 Fire Safety Dos and Don’ts 火災安全知識不可不知 Tom Holland: Swinging into the Spotlight 躍上大銀幕的新生代蜘蛛人——湯姆.霍蘭德 -K. M. Wright 7/4 British actor Tom Holland has swung into the spotlight for his portrayal of a teenage Spider-Man. While many people know 23-year-old Holland only for this role, there’s so much more to the up-and-coming star. With a father who is a comedian and author, and a mother who is a photographer, Holland was bound to be drawn to the arts, which was first evidenced by his taking dance lessons as a child. Despite being bullied for dancing, he never gave up on his passion, later saying, “You couldn’t hit me hard enough to stop me from doing it.” His perseverance paid off because at just 10 years old, he was discovered by a choreographer for Billy Elliot the Musical. After intense training in dance and gymnastics, he took the lead in the show. Holland’s first film came in 2012 when he starred in The Impossible, a movie about a family caught in Thailand’s 2004 tsunami. His moving performance as a brave but terrified young boy won him praise and several awards, including the National Board of Review Award for Breakthrough Performance. Following this impressive start, Holland went on to act in a variety of films until he got his big break—being chosen to play Spider-Man in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. 英國演員湯姆.霍蘭德因飾演青少年的蜘蛛人而備受矚目。雖然許多人只因為這個角色才認識二十三歲的霍蘭德,但這位明日之星可不只如此而已。 由於父親是喜劇演員和作家,母親是攝影師,霍蘭德注定會受到藝術吸引,這最早從他童年上舞蹈課就獲得了印證。儘管因跳舞遭到霸凌,但他從未放棄熱愛的事,後來他說過:「你再怎麼打擊我也不能阻止我做這件事。」他的堅持努力得到回報,因為他年僅十歲就被《舞動人生音樂劇》的舞蹈指導發掘。經過密集的舞蹈和體操訓練後,他在該劇中擔任主角。 霍蘭德主演的首部電影是二○一二年的《浩劫奇蹟》,是關於一家人受困於二○○四年泰國海嘯的故事。他飾演一名勇敢卻受到驚嚇的年輕男孩,其動人的演技為他贏得讚賞及好幾座獎項,包括「美國國家評論協會的最佳突破演出獎」。在初試啼聲就令人印象深刻後,霍蘭德繼續在各種類型的電影中演出,直到他得到這個大好機會——獲選為漫威電影宇宙中的蜘蛛人一角。 7/5 Landing the role of Spider-Man was a dream come true for Holland, who was so obsessed with the superhero that he ran around in at least 30 different Spider-Man suits during his childhood. It wasn’t just his love of the character that won him the part, though. The young actor says he can relate to Peter Parker because neither of them was ever “the cool kid at school.” On top of that, the acrobatic skills he continues to develop allow him to execute some of his own stunts. Holland was widely applauded for his energetic performance in Spider-Man: Homecoming in 2017, even receiving a BAFTA Rising Star Award. His success launched him into stardom, but he’s made sure not to let it go to his head because he knows that “the terrible thing about being famous is you start to believe it.” This self-awareness, along with reminders from his dad, has helped him stay grounded. This month, Holland is back again in Spider-Man: Far From Home, in which the teenage superhero faces off against villains during a school trip to Europe. With several other movies lined up for the promising young actor, our Spidey sense tells us that this is just the start of a brilliant career. 獲得蜘蛛人一角對霍蘭德來說是美夢成真,他小時候十分著迷於這名超級英雄,玩耍時穿過至少三十套的蜘蛛人服裝。不過,他獲得這個角色不只是因為他對蜘蛛人的熱愛。這名年輕演員說他對彼得.帕克感同身受,因為他們從來都不是「學校裡的酷小孩」。此外,他持續培養的特技能力讓他能親自做其中一些特技動作。 霍蘭德在二○一七年《蜘蛛人:返校日》中充滿活力的演出廣受讚賞,甚至獲頒「英國影藝學院電影獎明日之星」。他的成功使他躋身明星之列,但他確保自己不因此自滿,因為他知道「成名可怕的地方在於你開始信以為真。」這份自覺,加上父親的提醒都幫助他腳踏實地。 這個月,霍蘭德在《蜘蛛人:離家日》又回來了,電影中這名十幾歲的超級英雄到歐洲校外教學的期間對上了反派人物。還有好幾部電影在等著這位前程似錦的年輕演員,我們「蜘蛛人般的」直覺告訴我們這只是一個精彩生涯的開始。

The Pink Book

Book Description

What do we think of when we think pink? In this richly illustrated homage to the color, artist Kaye Blegvad explores its significance across history and cultures, from gender connotations to product marketing, symbols and iconography, and more. Through engaging mini essays, interactive exercises, object studies, and interviews, readers will learn about a vibrant miscellany of pink facts and pink occurrences: like iconic applications of the color, from Elvis's cars to cotton candy; or the etymology of phrases like "tickled pink," "pink slip," or "rose-tinted glasses." This ebook will captivate those with a passion for pink and anyone with a curiosity about color.

Healing with Spirit

Book Description

We all have the potential to be a healer. A person who has reverence for all living things has an even greater potential. Humanitarians who wish to alleviate other people’s suffering know that time on earth is only fleeting and to make it a meaningful life, they must share love, joy, hope and peace with their fellow human beings. This book will guide you through the process of healing, yourself and others. ,