Analysing Trader Behaviour in the Maize Marketing System in Zambia

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Private traders are perceived to extract monopoly rents from farmers by offering very low prices. However, little attempt has been made to understand the behaviour of private traders and the factors that influence their behaviour. This study, therefore, examines the behaviour of private traders and determines the factors influencing their behaviour by means of the Chi-squared test. It further identifies the characteristics of smallholder farmers and private traders transacting with each other and examines the pricing, grading and weighting systems used by private traders, as well as the relationship that exists between farmers and private traders. Understanding private trader behaviour, factors influencing this behaviour, and the relationship between farmers and these private traders are important questions and have great implications for policy. Primary data was used in this study which involved interviews and direct observations with both private traders and smallholder farmers. The sample sizes for private traders and smallholder farmers were 50 and 200, respectively. The data was collected in the Kalomo District of Zambia between June and August, 2015. Only those farmers that transact with private traders or use assembly traders as the marketing channel were included in this study. The data collected was analysed using gross marketing margin, the Chi-squared test and descriptive statistics. The measure of the extent of opportunistic behaviour was also used to achieve the study objectives. The findings show that the mean price paid by private traders was ZMW 0.989 (USD 0.13) per kg and private traders were the ones who determine the prices and grades of maize. The private traders also weigh the maize and the smallholder farmers have little control on the final weight of the maize, as they do not participate in the weighing. This indicates that the private traders have power in the determination of the weight of maize. The majority of the private traders were found to behave opportunistically, accounting for 58 % of the surveyed traders. Experience and education level of the private traders were found to influence their behaviour. Given the importance of the above factors in influencing private trader behaviour, particularly experience and education, the results suggest that monitoring of the maize trading could potentially significantly reduce opportunistic behaviour among these less-experienced and less-educated traders. Lastly, the study reveals that 68.5 % of the smallholder farmers did not trust the private traders, whereas 46 % of the private traders did trust the farmers. The findings of this study indicate great potential for public sector investments in organisations that ensure standard weights (such as the Zambia Weights and Measures Agency 'ZWMA') and grades for maize. The ZWMA is the Zambian organisation responsible for enforcing weight institutions. An agency enforcing grading institutions for the smallholder maize farmers, however, does not exist in Zambia. Investment in such organisations would increase the levels of trust between farmers and traders, as neither would be suspicious of the weight or grade obtained, and possible opportunistic behaviour would be reduced. The suggestions and recommendations given by this study should help reduce the possibilities for opportunistic behaviour and exploitation of smallholder farmers. Because this study is in line with Zambia's poverty reduction plan to reduce poverty levels through increased agricultural production and improved maize trading among smallholder farmers, the recommendations given will help improve maize trading and the livelihoods of smallholder farmers. This is because they will be able to sell their maize at higher prices owing to reduced opportunistic behaviour of private traders, thus realising profits. The development of a grading system will lead to a better trading environment for both smallholder farmers and private traders, as both parties will be certain of the maize quality. In conclusion, a trading environment where organisations and institutions are in place, monitored and enforced to ensure reliable grading and weighing systems will help improve maize trading by smallholder farmers and private traders in Zambia. The improved maize trading will be the result of reduced opportunistic behaviour. This will ultimately increase the welfare of smallholder farmers and improve their livelihoods, which will contribute towards the reduction of the poverty levels in Zambia.

Achieving Sustainable Cultivation of Maize Volume 1

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This volume focuses on breeding new varieties with desirable traits such as drought tolerance and improved nutritional value as well as how such innovations can be successfully deployed in the developing world.

Management Practices, Soil Quality and Maize Yield in Smallholder Farming Systems of Central Malawi

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"The effect of management practices used by smallholder farmers to improve soil quality and increase maize yield was examined in an 80 ha. micro-watershed of central Malawi. Because of the complexity inherent in smallholder farming systems, this research proposed the combination of participatory methods with analytical techniques developed in field ecology, such as multivariate and spatial analysis. During a Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA), farmers identified factors potentially influencing soil quality and maize yield. One hundred and seventy-six (176) plots were located in twenty-nine (29) fields and characterized for management practices and biophysical characteristics. Soil samples were collected at each plot and analysed for a suite of properties. The maize yield was measured for both 1996--97 and 1997--98 seasons. A formal survey was used to gather information on household characteristics. Results showed that management practices that were promoted by a previous extension project, such as alley cropping and the planting of grass on contour ridges, were strongly correlated and found mainly in fields located closer to house compounds. Farmers with a higher proportion of their land under wetland gardens tended to use less agroforestry. Food security was associated with households that were able to purchase inorganic fertilizers, had larger landholding size, and owned livestock and woodlots. The effect of management practices on maize yield and soil quality was partially confounded with characteristics of the plot, such as slope, degradation level, number of years under cultivation or pest damage. Higher maize yield was observed in plots that were better managed, as expressed by the combination of different management practices, lower pest incidence, fewer erosion signs and higher soil fertility. Some positive effects of alley cropping on soil quality were observed in plots that were cultivated for a longer period and located on flatter land. This study demo" --

Maize Value Chain Analysis

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This article analyzes maize value chain performance in Malawi and Mozambique using data collected from a market study commissioned by the International Centre for Tropical Agriculture. The results show that although smallholder maize productivity is slightly higher in Malawi, a maize value chain analysis indicates that smallholder maize in Mozambique is more competitive. Mozambique has a relatively higher competitive advantage with regard to maize production because of the relatively lower input costs, perhaps due to its proximity to the coast, which invariably reduces input costs relative to its land-locked neighbor, Malawi. However, smallholder maize productivity is low in both countries, when compared to the regional average. The article concludes that interventions aimed at raising smallholder productivity would invariably make smallholder farmers more competitive. It proposes policy implications aimed at raising the productivity and trade competitiveness of maize, as this will ensure the overall productivity of the maize-based smallholder farming system in the two countries.

Agricultural Extension, Rural Development and the Food Security Challenge

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This publication reviews key trends and policy developments aimed at reforming agricultural extension systems, in order to address issues of food security, poverty alleviation and rural sustainable development. It highlights the importance of the public sector in promoting rural development through extension and communication. A number of recommendations are made for developing countries, which seek to encourage institutional reforms and dialogue among diverse providers of extension services, all aimed at advancing livelihoods and income generation of poor rural people.

Improving Diets and Nutrition

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Nutrition-sensitive, food-based approaches towards hunger and malnutrition are effective, sustainable and long-term solutions. This book discusses the policy, strategic, methodological, technical and programmatic issues associated with such approaches, proposes “best practices” for the design, targeting, implementation and evaluation of specific nutrition-sensitive, food-based interventions and for improved methodologies for evaluating their efficacy and cost-effectiveness, and provides practical lessons for advancing nutrition-sensitive food-based approaches for improving nutrition at policy and programme level.