
Book Description

1864 Clairvoyance, or somnambulic vision: its art & culture with rules for its attainment.

The Development of Seership

Book Description

"Coming Events Cast Their Shadows Before" Some of the subject matter: the Science of Knowing the Future; Seership proves behind the visible there is an invisible world that is hidden from the senses; Seership is the birthright of every soul; the deve.

The Development of Seership

Book Description

Like all of the Swami Bhakta Vishita titles by William Walker Atkinson, The Development of Seership presents an occult subject and idea to the masses, attempting to teach the reader to reach higher planes, search the inner eye, and attempt to become clairvoyant. Atkinson, as Vishita, lays out Lessons that take the reader through the steps of developing a mystic sense, reading and interpreting the future, communing with the afterlife, and using clairvoyant knowledge for good.SWAMI BHAKA VISHITA is one of three Hindu aliases and pen names of American writer WILLIAM WALKER ATKINSON (1862-1932), editor of the popular magazine New Thought from 1901 to 1905, and editor of the journal Advanced Thought from 1916 to 1919. He authored dozens of New Thought books under numerous pseudonyms, including "Yogi," some of which are likely still unknown today.

The Art of Celtic Seership

Book Description

A study of Celtic visionary methods, from second sight and prophecy to reading omens and making divinations, which includes description of ancient practices as well as activities to encourage these skills in ourselves. In the ancient realm of the Celts, the seer was a person who opened a window to reveal a complete view of the cosmos, in which the otherworld and the everyday world interconnect. This was the essence of true perception and wisdom, known as gléfiosa, or 'bright knowledge'. For the seer, the babbling of the stream, the swaying of treetops in the wind, the hunting and foraging of animals are all brimful of deeper meaning. The Art of Celtic Seership shows how to connect with this visionary wisdom, nurture it in ourselves and harness it to live in harmony with each other and with the earth, and to bring profound insight and understanding to our day-to-day existence. It describes the tools and techniques of the druids, bards and seers of old, and explains how we too can draw inspiration from the natural world and open ourselves to developing our prophetic and visionary powers. Practical exercises include calling upon your ancestors, working with your dreams, cultivating a connection with the faery folk, experimenting with trance states, entering into the consciousness of the stones, trees and other natural features around you, asking a question of the universe and listening to the reply and reading omens and signs in the symbols you encounter through the day.

The Science Of Knowing The Future

Book Description

Bits of the glittering truths of Seership have sifted through different minds from time to time; the author chose, on his words "to bring together the scattered fragments, and to unite them in a harmonious whole". The subject is handled as a practical Science, and is stripped of all the mystery which has been purposely thrown around it by the pseudo-seers, charlatans, and rank imposters that abound in every country, and have brought discredit to the science. These teachings are more valuable to mankind than gold, yet they are given freely. The veil which has been closed for centuries is drawn aside; and complete instructions are given to the sincere student who is ready to become a seer.If you are wise, you will profit by these teachings. As you advance, a new world of existence will be opened to you.

The Beginnings of Seership

Book Description

This Is A New Release Of The Original 1909 Edition.

Crystal Balls & Crystal Bowls

Book Description

Quartz crystal balls and crystal bowls are popular magical tools. Yet, not everyone understands the extent of their power and multipurpose potential. Ted Andrews reveals how these dynamic instruments can be used for divination, astral projection, spirit communication, healing, and reaching higher states of consciousness. Readers will learn many methods of crystal gazing, along with ways to enhance this practice with candles, fragrances, and elixirs. Also included are techniques for divining with water, communicating with angels and spirit guides, developing clairvoyance, and activating creativity. This updated edition also contains new illustrations.

The Science of Seership

Book Description

A study of the faculty of clairvoyance, its development and use, together with examples of clairvoyant research. Contents: Supernormal cognition; Clairvoyance as an Instrument of Scientific Research; Clairvoyant Diagnosis of Disease; Psychometry; Ex.

The Tree of Enchantment

Book Description

In Faery Seership the truths we seek can only be found within ourselves, within nature, and within our relationships to nature. At the center of the Faery Tradition lies the Tree of Enchantment: the symbol for these relationships and for the threefold life of humanity. At each level of the tree, there are attending spirit forces that vary from beings of light to beings of shadow, from the ancestors of humanity to the architects of form and nature, from the destiny of our planet to the creation forces of the universe. The tree’s roots grow through the lower world, where all life originates and the dead travel, its trunk and lower branches reach out across the middle world, where elemental forces and the four directions guide us, and its highest branches reach the into the upper world and the Star realm. Weaving together folk tradition and extensive academic research, Orion Foxwood has created an accessible, beautifully written pathway into the Old Religion of Faery Seership. Based on Appalachian traditions, Wiccan studies, Celtic oral traditions, and the Craft from Western and Northern Europe, The Tree of Enchantment offers the student of Faery Tradition both introductory and advanced visionary practices and authentic tools to learn to navigate the three realms of humanity. With diligence and an open heart, the reader will learn to cross The River of Blood, pass through The Gate of Awakening, and over The River of Stars.