Selected Essays on Economic Planning

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This 1987 book brings together the series of papers Kalecki wrote on economic planning.

The Art of Planning

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The work of Harvey S. Perloff stands as a landmark in the evolution of Anglo American planning doctrine. It is impossible to fully capture the essence of the published work in a paragraph, page, or even an entire essay. Yet its highpoints can be identified. His work was innovative, reformist, comprehensive, and ori ented toward the future. In emphasizing the greater importance of people com pared to things, Perloff repeatedly prodded planners to be concerned with human needs and values. He was critical of the past. But inasmuch as he de voted more effort to envisioning what could lie ahead than in recalling the past, his work was markedly optimistic. He once admitted in writing to his "built-in weakness for expecting rational, socially oriented solutions ultimately to win out, no matter what the objective situation seems to be. " To some the expecta tion may be seen as naive; to others, as a faith in the wisdom of humankind to take the best course. However received, Perloff's optimism served as a powerful stimulant to keep moving ahead for the best that would come of it. Institutions and the ways they should be shaped and reshaped were of central concern, for institutions (though he rarely used the term) were the in struments through which "knowledge was translated into action.

Economic Planning Studies

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Selected Essays on the Economic Growth of the Socialist and the Mixed Economy

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Comparison of economic growth in mixed economy and socialist economic systems - reviews economic theories thereon, provides a framework for the economic analysis of acceleration of growth under different initial conditions and for introducing political choice into the economic planning process, includes work on the selection of investment projects in a planning context, as implemented in Poland, and emphasizes political aspects of economic problems.

Economic Planning Studies

Book Description

It is probably true, as the editor of these essays and studies by Ragnar Frisch points out, that the majority of economists are not well aware of the contributions made to their discipline by Frisch. This certainly does not apply, however, to econometricians. In fact, Frisch was one of the founding fathers of the Econometric Society and, for the first decade of its existence, its recognized leader in Europe. The annual European meetings were inspired by his enthusiasm, his unprecedented didactic talents and his amazingly diversified contributions. It is also clear that those members of the Swedish Academy of Sciences who selected candidates for the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Science, were fully aware of Ragnar Frisch's pathbreaking work when they decided to award him that famous Prize. While much of Frisch's earlier work has been published, in his later years of activity he harqly took the time to shape the results of his work in an optimal way for wider circulation. Although an impressively lucid writer, he evidently gave priority to solu tions of some of the planning problems he was involved in rather than to formulating them in the characteristically crystal-clear and well-structured expositions of earlier years. I very much welcome, therefore, Dr Long's initiative to make available to a wider public within the profession some of the few texts Frisch himself produced, probably under pressure from his immediate friends and col leagues.

Here the People Rule

Book Description

Most of the essays in this volume have appeared in scholarly journals or in books edited by others. A few are published here for the first time. None has been taken from one of my books. A would-be reader would have to go to much trouble to find them; that is the reason for bringing them together. Collections of essays are frequently miscellanies. This one is not. Except for the final two chapters, all deal with some aspect of the American political system. Some have to do with the structure and functioning of the federal system, others with the nature of publi(}-and incidentally other-organization, and still others with the causes and supposed cures of the social problems that government is nowadays expected to solve or cope with. The two final chapters are about the relationship between economics and political science; for lack of a better term they may be methodological.

Selected Essays on Employment and Growth

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Lord Kahn was a leading figure in the development of modern economic theory. Not only did he play a vital role in the conception of the new theories of employment and money in the inter-war period, but he also made important contributions to the further development of monetary theory and the theories of economic growth during the last half of the twentieth century. This selection of essays illustrates the broad range of Lord Kahn's achievement, from the path-breaking 'multiplier' article to a recent essay on the growth of corporate firms. It brings together both papers previously published in academic journals and papers published elsewhere, including his important evidence to the Radcliffe Committee and two radio talks on Lord Keynes.

Welfare, Planning, and Employment

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Fifteen of Bergson's most influential essays on social welfare, social choice theory, and socialist economics.

The Economics and Politics of Socialism

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The volume focuses on the socio-political aspects of economic transformations in the Eastern European Socialist countries. Particular emphasis is laid on the problem of interrelations between the plan and the market and between economic incentives and social consumption. The volume also examines economic and political factors in the wider political context, particularly looking at the question of democratization within industry and politics.