Selected Papers on Atmospheric Optics

Book Description

SPIE Milestones are collections of seminal papers from the world literature covering important discoveries and developments in optics and photonics.

Aerosols of Siberia

Book Description

Selected Papers on Scattering in the Atmosphere

Book Description

SPIE Milestones are collections of seminal papers from the world literature covering important discoveries and developments in optics and photonics.

Inverse Problems of Lidar Sensing of the Atmosphere

Book Description

This monograph undertakes to present systematically the methods for solving inverse problems of lidar sensing of the atmosphere, with emphasis on lidar techniques that are based on the use of light scattering by aerosols. The theory of multi-frequency lidar sensing, as a new method for studying the microphysical and optical characteristics of aerosol formations, is also pre sented in detail. The possibilities of this theory are illustrated by the experimental results on microstructure analysis of tropospheric and low stratospheric aerosols obtained with ground-based two- and three-frequency lidars. The lidar facilities used in these experimental studies were construc ted at the Institute of Atmospheric Optics S8 USSR Academy of Sciences. Some aspects of remote control of dispersed air pollution using lidar systems are also considered. A rigorous theory for inverting the data of polarization lidar measure ments is discussed, along with its application to remote measurement of the complex index of refraction of aerosol substances and the microstructure pa rameters of background aerosols using double-ended lidar schemes. Solutions to such important problems as the separation of contributions due to Rayleigh molecular and Mie-aerosol light scattering into the total backscatter are ob tained by using this theory. Lidar polarization measurements are shown to be useful in this case. The efficiency of the methods suggested here for inter preting the lidar polarization measurements is illustrated by experimental results on the investigation of the microphysical parameters of natural aero sols and artificial smokes using polarization nephelometers.

Selected Papers of Freeman Dyson with Commentary

Book Description

This book offers a unique compilation of papers in mathematics and physics from Freeman Dyson's 50 years of activity and research. These are the papers that Dyson considers most worthy of preserving, and many of them are classics. The papers are accompanied by commentary explaining the context from which they originated and the subsequent history of the problems that either were solved or left unsolved. This collection offers a connected narrative of the developments in mathematics and physics in which the author was involved, beginning with his professional life as a student of G. H. Hardy.

Selected Papers on Fourier Optics

Book Description

SPIE Milestones are collections of seminal papers from the world literature covering important discoveries and developments in optics and photonics.