Selected Readings on Strategic Information Systems

Book Description

"This book offers research articles on key issues concerning information technology in support of the strategic management of organizations"--Provided by publisher.

Enterprise Resource Planning: Global Opportunities and Challenges

Book Description

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) refers to large commercial software packages that promise a seamless integration of information flow through an organization by combining various sources of information into a single software application and a single database. The outcome of ERP itself is still a mystery, but the trends and issues it has created will be the enigma that future generations will have to solve. Traditionally, separate units were created within an organization to carry out various tasks, and these functional areas would create their own information systems thereby giving rise to systems that were not integrated. ERP strives to provide a solution to these problems. Enterprise Resource Planning Solutions and Management examines the issues that need to be further studied and better understood to ensure successful implementation and deployment of ERP systems.

The Enterprise Resource Planning Decade

Book Description

The Enterprise Resource Planning Decade: Lessons Learned and Issues for the Future presents a collection of chapters written by various experts that share a interest in the ERP movement. This collection will generate much interest and contribute to the development of Enterprise-wide systems that provide true support to organizations and the development of methodologies that are less disruptive of organizational day-to-day business than is the case today. When ERP projects stop being the make or break ventures they can be and we stop getting these negative reports about failed implementation, the target will have been met and the ERP market will be less of a jungle than it is today.