Self-Employment as Precarious Work

Book Description

Since the 1970s the long term decline in self-employment has slowed – and even reversed in some countries – and the prospect of ‘being your own boss’ is increasingly topical in the discourse of both the general public and within academia. Traditionally, self-employment has been associated with independent entrepreneurship, but increasingly it has become a form of precarious work. This book utilises evidence-based information to address both the current and future challenges of this trend as the nature of self-employment changes, as well as to demonstrate where, when and why self-employment has emerged as precarious work in Europe.

Dependent Self-Employment

Book Description

Dependent self-employment is widely perceived as a rapidly growing form of precarious work conducted by marginalised lower-skilled workers subcontracted by large corporations. Unpacking a comprehensive survey of 35 European countries, Colin C. Williams and Ioana Alexandra Horodnic map the lived realities of the distribution and characteristics of dependent self-employment to challenge this broad and erroneous perception.

Self-Employment, Women, and Precarious Work

Book Description

This paper begins by examining the stereotype of self-employment and how it is distinguished from employment in order to develop a more complex and accurate typology of subordination and autonomy in employment relationships. The next section turns to the ILO, and traces its approach to self-employment. Since 1990, the ILO has attempted to fashion an entente between employees' representatives, employers' representatives, and governments around the scope of employment protection and the coverage of self-employed workers. The next section begins the case study and presents some of the recent Canadian data on self-employment, and examines it along the dimensions of subordination and dependency identified in the typology. It also explores the extent to which women's self-employment is precarious, and how women's self-employment is shaped by their responsibility for domestic labour. The scope of employment in labour-related law and legislation in the common-law jurisdictions in Canada is mapped in the next section, and it is compared to the reality of women's self-employment. A key question is whether the scope of legal protection of employment contributes to the precarious nature of self-employment for women. The paper concludes by considering what effect the ILO's approach is likely to have on access to labour and social protection for self-employed women in Canada. Women's self-employment demonstrates the need to go beyond employment to consider self-employment and unpaid caring labour in order to develop policies and laws that promote women's equality.

Precarious Work

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This volume presents original theory and research on precarious work in various parts of the world, identifying its social, political and economic origins, its manifestations in the USA, Europe, Asia, and the Global South, and its consequences for personal and family life.

Self Employment

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The Challenges of Self-Employment in Europe

Book Description

This book aims at explaining the variance in legal status, working conditions, social protection and collective representation of self-employed professionals across Europe. Despite considerable diversity, the authors observe three strategic models of mobilisation: the provision of services; advocacy, lobbying and the political role; and the extension of collective bargaining. They highlight the new urgent challenges that have emerged including the implementation of universal social protection schemes, active labour market policies likely to support sustainable self-employment, and the renewal of social dialogue through bottom-up organisations to extend the collective representation of project-based professionals.

Working Without Commitments

Book Description

Working Without Commitments offers a new understanding of the social and health impacts of this change in the modern workplace, where outsourcing, limited term contracts, and the elimination of pensions and health benefits have become the new standard. Using information from interviews and surveys with workers in less permanent employment, the authors show how precarious employment affects the health of workers, labour productivity, and the sustainability of the traditional family model. A timely and relevant work for uncertain economic times, Working Without Commitments provides helpful information for understanding the present workplace and securing better futures for today's workforce.

Precarious Employment

Book Description

'Precarious Employment' explores the nature and dynamics of precarious employment in contemporary Canada.