Mathematical Analysis of Shock Wave Reflection

Book Description

This book is aimed to make careful analysis to various mathematical problems derived from shock reflection by using the theory of partial differential equations. The occurrence, propagation and reflection of shock waves are important phenomena in fluid dynamics. Comparing the plenty of studies of physical experiments and numerical simulations on this subject, this book makes main efforts to develop the related theory of mathematical analysis, which is rather incomplete so far. The book first introduces some basic knowledge on the system of compressible flow and shock waves, then presents the concept of shock polar and its properties, particularly the properties of the shock polar for potential flow equation, which are first systematically presented and proved in this book. Mathematical analysis of regular reflection and Mach reflection in steady and unsteady flow are the most essential parts of this book. To give challenges in future research, some long-standing open problems are listed in the end. This book is attractive to researchers in the fields of partial differential equations, system of conservation laws, fluid dynamics, and shock theory.

The Mathematics of Shock Reflection-Diffraction and von Neumann's Conjectures

Book Description

This book offers a survey of recent developments in the analysis of shock reflection-diffraction, a detailed presentation of original mathematical proofs of von Neumann's conjectures for potential flow, and a collection of related results and new techniques in the analysis of partial differential equations (PDEs), as well as a set of fundamental open problems for further development. Shock waves are fundamental in nature. They are governed by the Euler equations or their variants, generally in the form of nonlinear conservation laws—PDEs of divergence form. When a shock hits an obstacle, shock reflection-diffraction configurations take shape. To understand the fundamental issues involved, such as the structure and transition criteria of different configuration patterns, it is essential to establish the global existence, regularity, and structural stability of shock reflection-diffraction solutions. This involves dealing with several core difficulties in the analysis of nonlinear PDEs—mixed type, free boundaries, and corner singularities—that also arise in fundamental problems in diverse areas such as continuum mechanics, differential geometry, mathematical physics, and materials science. Presenting recently developed approaches and techniques, which will be useful for solving problems with similar difficulties, this book opens up new research opportunities.

Handbook of Mathematical Fluid Dynamics

Book Description

This is the fourth volume in a series of survey articles covering many aspects of mathematical fluid dynamics, a vital source of open mathematical problems and exciting physics.

Partial Differential Equations

Book Description

For more than 250 years partial di?erential equations have been clearly the most important tool available to mankind in order to understand a large variety of phenomena, natural at ?rst and then those originating from - man activity and technological development. Mechanics, physics and their engineering applications were the ?rst to bene?t from the impact of partial di?erential equations on modeling and design, but a little less than a century ago the Schr ̈ odinger equation was the key opening the door to the application of partial di?erential equations to quantum chemistry, for small atomic and molecular systems at ?rst, but then for systems of fast growing complexity. The place of partial di?erential equations in mathematics is a very particular one: initially, the partial di?erential equations modeling natural phenomena were derived by combining calculus with physical reasoning in order to - press conservation laws and principles in partial di?erential equation form, leading to the wave equation, the heat equation, the equations of elasticity, the Euler and Navier–Stokes equations for ?uids, the Maxwell equations of electro-magnetics, etc. It is in order to solve ‘constructively’ the heat equation that Fourier developed the series bearing his name in the early 19th century; Fourier series (and later integrals) have played (and still play) a fundamental roleinbothpureandappliedmathematics,includingmanyareasquiteremote from partial di?erential equations. On the other hand, several areas of mathematics such as di?erential ge- etry have bene?ted from their interactions with partial di?erential equations.

Analytical Approaches to Multidimensional Balance Laws

Book Description

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of mathematical investigation of balance laws. They arise in many areas of physics, mechanics, chemistry, biology, social sciences. In this collective book we concentrate in particular on the equations of continuous medium and related to them. As a rule, they are very complicated in their primitive form. An important feature of such equations is a possible formation of singularities even in initially smooth solution within a finite time. The structure of the singularities can be very complex. A natural step in the approach to this problem is the transition, despite the three-dimensionality of our world, to spatially one-dimensional model. Significant progress has been achieved in this direction. Unfortunately, the methods of the one-dimensional theory, as usual, cannot be adapted to a case of many spatial variables. However, there are many attempts to deal with multidimensional problems. We would like to present some of them. All of the papers are written by outstanding experts, representing various schools in mathematics and mechanics. Each paper is organised as follows: it contains an elementary (as far as it is possible) introduction to a problem, a brief review of previously published results, and then original results of the authors are presented.

Hyperbolic Problems: Theory, Numerics and Applications

Book Description

The International Conference on Hyperbolic Problems: Theory, Numerics and Applications, 'HYP2008', was held at the University of Maryland from June 9-13, 2008. This book, the first in a two-part volume, contains nineteen papers based on plenary and invited talks presented at the conference.

Shock Wave Reflection Phenomena

Book Description

The phenomenon of shock wave reflection was first reported by the distinguished philosopher Ernst Mach in 1878. Its study was then abandoned for a period of about 60 years until its investigation was initiated in the early 1940s by Professor John von Neumann and Professor Bleakney. Under their supervision, 15 years of intensive research related to various aspects of the reflection of shock waves in pseudo-steady flows were carried out. It was during this period that the four basic shock wave reflection configurations were discovered. Then, for a period of about 10 years from the mid 1950s until the mid 1960s, investigation of the reflection phenomenon of shock waves was kept on a low flame all over the world (e. g. Australia, Japan, Canada, U. S. A. , U. S. S. R. , etc. ) until Professor Bazhenova from the U. S. S. R. , Professor Irvine Glass from Canada, and Professor Roy Henderson from Australia re initiated the study of this and related phenomena. Under their scientific supervision and leadership, numerous findings related to this phenomenon were reported. Probably the most productive research group in the mid 1970s was that led by Professor Irvine Glass in the Institute of Aerospace Studies of the University of Toronto. In 1978, exactly 100 years after Ernst Mach first reported his discovery of the reflection phenomenon, I published my Ph. D. thesis in which, for the first time, analytical transition criteria between the various shock wave reflection configurations were established.