Semi-classical Analysis for Nonlinear Schr”dinger Equations

Book Description

These lecture notes review recent results on the high-frequency analysis of nonlinear Schr”dinger equations in the presence of an external potential. The book consists of two relatively independent parts: WKB analysis, and caustic crossing. In the first part, the basic linear WKB theory is constructed and then extended to the nonlinear framework. The most difficult supercritical case is discussed in detail, together with some of its consequences concerning instability phenomena. Applications of WKB analysis to functional analysis, in particular to the Cauchy problem for nonlinear Schr”dinger equations, are also given. In the second part, caustic crossing is described, especially when the caustic is reduced to a point, and the link with nonlinear scattering operators is investigated.These notes are self-contained and combine selected articles written by the author over the past ten years in a coherent manner, with some simplified proofs. Examples and figures are provided to support the intuition, and comparisons with other equations such as the nonlinear wave equation are provided.

Applications of Semiclassical Analysis to Partial Differential Equations

Book Description

Semiclassical analysis and other types of asymptotic analysis are important tools in the study of partial differential equations. We demonstrate the versatility of these methods by proving two types of results. First we study the dynamics of solitary waves for two different nonlinear Schr\"odinger equations. The first is the Hartree equation the second is a general nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation with an $L2̂$-subcritical power nonlinearity. For both of these equations, we show that a solution found using initial conditions within $\eps \le \sqrt h$ of a soliton (in $H1̂$) evolves according to the equations of motion given by the effective Hamitonian up to time $\sim.

Spectral Asymptotics in the Semi-Classical Limit

Book Description

This book presents the basic methods and applications in semiclassical approximation in the light of developments.

Semiclassical Asymptotics of the Focusing Nonlinear Schrodinger Equation for Square Barrier Initial Data

Book Description

The small dispersion limit of the focusing nonlinear Schroodinger equation (fNLS) exhibits a rich structure with rapid oscillations at microscopic scales. Due to the non self-adjoint scattering problem associated to fNLS, very few rigorous results exist in the semiclassical limit. The first such results were for for reflectionless WKB-like initial data, which generalizes the well known sech solutions. Soon after another generalization of the sech potential, adding a complex phase, was discovered. In both studies the authors observed sharp breaking curves in the space-time separating regions with disparate asymptotic behaviors. In this paper we consider another exactly solvable family of initial data, specifically the family of centered square pulses, q(x,0) = q & chi[-L, L]for real amplitudes q. Using Riemann-Hilbert techniques we obtain rigorous pointwise asymptotics for the semiclassical limit of fNLS globally in space and up to an order one (O(1)) maximal time. In particular, we find breaking curves emerging in accord with the previous studies. Finally, we show that the discontinuities in our initial data regularize by the immediate generation of genus one oscillations emitted into the support of the initial data. This is the first case in which the genus structure of the semiclassical asymptotics for fNLS have been calculated for non-analytic initial data.

Semiclassical Soliton Ensembles for the Focusing Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation (AM-154)

Book Description

This book represents the first asymptotic analysis, via completely integrable techniques, of the initial value problem for the focusing nonlinear Schrödinger equation in the semiclassical asymptotic regime. This problem is a key model in nonlinear optical physics and has increasingly important applications in the telecommunications industry. The authors exploit complete integrability to establish pointwise asymptotics for this problem's solution in the semiclassical regime and explicit integration for the underlying nonlinear, elliptic, partial differential equations suspected of governing the semiclassical behavior. In doing so they also aim to explain the observed gradient catastrophe for the underlying nonlinear elliptic partial differential equations, and to set forth a detailed, pointwise asymptotic description of the violent oscillations that emerge following the gradient catastrophe. To achieve this, the authors have extended the reach of two powerful analytical techniques that have arisen through the asymptotic analysis of integrable systems: the Lax-Levermore-Venakides variational approach to singular limits in integrable systems, and Deift and Zhou's nonlinear Steepest-Descent/Stationary Phase method for the analysis of Riemann-Hilbert problems. In particular, they introduce a systematic procedure for handling certain Riemann-Hilbert problems with poles accumulating on curves in the plane. This book, which includes an appendix on the use of the Fredholm theory for Riemann-Hilbert problems in the Hölder class, is intended for researchers and graduate students of applied mathematics and analysis, especially those with an interest in integrable systems, nonlinear waves, or complex analysis.

Spectral Theory, Microlocal Analysis, Singular Manifolds

Book Description

The spectral theory of differential operators is a challenging subject with deep connections to many branches of mathematics and mathematical physics. It is a central issue in this volume of Advances in Partial Differential Equations The first contribution addresses domain perturbations for generalized Schr?dinger operators and the influence of the capacity on spectral data. There follows an article discussing the minimal smoothness assumptions on the domain under which the asymptotics of the counting function for the eigenvalues of elliptic boundary value problems can be determined. Systems of h-pseudo-differential operators on the half-line are studied in the next paper. The results concern existence and distribution of resonances for various semi-classical regimes. Three further articles are devoted to the regularity and symptotics of solutions to partial differential equations on singular manifolds. A very efficient tool is the combination of suitable operator algebras and pseudo-differential calculi with sufficiently rich symbolic structures. One paper considers the case of manifolds with non-compact ends, another the case of higher cuspidal singularities. A final contribution treats degenerate hyperbolic equations.

Attractors of Hamiltonian Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations

Book Description

This monograph is the first to present the theory of global attractors of Hamiltonian partial differential equations. A particular focus is placed on the results obtained in the last three decades, with chapters on the global attraction to stationary states, to solitons, and to stationary orbits. The text includes many physically relevant examples and will be of interest to graduate students and researchers in both mathematics and physics. The proofs involve novel applications of methods of harmonic analysis, including Tauberian theorems, Titchmarsh's convolution theorem, and the theory of quasimeasures. As well as the underlying theory, the authors discuss the results of numerical simulations and formulate open problems to prompt further research.

Semilinear Schrodinger Equations

Book Description

The nonlinear Schrodinger equation has received a great deal of attention from mathematicians, particularly because of its applications to nonlinear optics. This book presents various mathematical aspects of the nonlinear Schrodinger equation. It studies both problems of local nature and problems of global nature.