Semi-Strong Form Efficiency of Indian Stock Market in Post-Reform Period

Book Description

The Efficient Market Hypothesis is an elegant edifice that provides a basis on which the efficiency tests of a stock market are performed at three distinct levels: weak - form, semi-strong form and strong - form. This magnificent edifice of EMH rests on the Random Walk Theory which contends that all price changes reflect a random departure from previous prices. The weak form of the hypothesis states that prices efficiently reflect all information contained in the past series of stock prices whereas the semi-strong form efficiency contends that security prices factor in publicly available information in the market and that the price changes to new equilibrium levels are reflections of that information. The book checks the weak-form and semi-strong form efficiency of the Indian stock market by examining the behaviour of the stock prices in the Indian stock market after the introduction of the various financial sector reforms using different methodologies. By using NSE data over the period 1998-2005 - the period which witnessed some major crises, scams, intense capital market activities and introduction of many new financial instruments - the study examines the information contents of historical stock price data, quarterly earnings announcements, and stock splits. The book also checks for the presence of the Day-of- the- Week Effect in the Indian stock market and enquires whether the introduction of the various instruments and policy changes have made the Indian stock market weak-form and semi-strong form efficient i.e., whether the efficiency of the stock market has been restored in the post-reforms period compared to the situation in the pre-reform period.

Price Earning Ratio Effect

Book Description

Proponents of Semi strong form of Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) claim that security prices fully reflect all publicly available information in a rapid and unbiased manner. Opponents of this Hypothesis question its validity by explaining various anomalies in stock markets. One such anomaly that they elucidate is Price Earning (P/E) ratio Effect, which is based on the premise that P/E ratios are indicators of the investment performance of a security and low P/E stocks have a tendency to outperform high P/E stocks even after adjusting for underlying risks.The purpose of the study is to empirically test the relationship between P/E ratios and equity returns in Indian stock market based on monthly stock returns of 90 companies during the period April 2006 - June 2012 and thereby to examine the validity of semi strong form of EMH. The study applies Jensen, Sharpe and Treynor measures, which are based on Sharpe-Linter Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) to test the risk- return relationships of these portfolios and to compare whether portfolio of low P/E stocks outperforms the portfolio of High P/E stocks. The study attempts to test, if there is any statistically significant difference between the returns of such a portfolio and a simple buy and old strategy. The study also attempts to examine if there is any statistically significant difference between the returns of Lowest P/E portfolio and Highest P/E portfolio using an alternative specification of CAPM. The findings of the study explain the superior performance of low P/E portfolio to high P/E portfolio, indicating the premium associated with cheap stock.

Testing the Semi-Strong Form Efficiency of Indian Stock Market

Book Description

The present book is significant in several respects. First and foremost thing is that it is one of the few studies testing the efficiency of Indian stock market with respect to information content of corporate events announcements in India with respect to Information Technology (IT) companies. Further, this study used a very large sample containing actively traded IT companies from Bombay Stock Exchange (List A and B1). The present study used the well established event study methodologies for analyzing the efficiency of the information content of corporate events announcements. The results of the study are encouraging. The results of the present study show that the Indian capital market is efficient in the sense that its uses the information relevant for security valuation and for investment decision making. The corporate events announcements information's are captured in stock prices within a short period of few days. The results will be encouraging to finance professionals, analysts, investors, and regulatory agencies because usefulness of accounting information for investment decision making has been indicated by the results.

Information Efficiency of Indian Stock Markets -

Book Description

It is a great pleasure to present my book entitled Information Efficiency of Indian Stock Markets. 1.Information Efficiency of Indian Stock Markets - Volume I (Test of Weak Form Efficiency) 2.Information Efficiency and Indian Stock Markets- Vol. II (A Test of Semi Strong Form Efficiency) The book represents the research findings of information efficiency of Indian bourses during various market phases. Volume I of the book discusses in detail the random behavior of stock prices on Indian stock markets and tells the intensity of weak form efficiency. Volume II of the book has shown the impact of various corporate announcements on the movement of stock prices. As the emerging economies give the highest rate of return on the investment in stock market products but the existing non random character of the stock prices may result in irrational movement of the market therefore the investors need to understand the prevailing efficiency in the stock price behavior. The findings will help the reader to understand the efficiency of Indian stock markets in weak form and semi strong form of EMH.

Investment Performance Of Equity Shares

Book Description

This Book, Based On The Doctoral Research, Analyses Stock Price Behaviour Around The Announcement Of Half-Yearly Financial Results By Companies. The Objective Has Been To Discover Investment Strategies To Beat-The-Market Using Earnings Information. The Statistical Analysis Of The Stock Price Reaction To Earnings Announcement Carried Out In This Study Has Strong Implications For Security Analysis, Portfolio Management, Efficiency Of Information Processing Market And Many Other Allied Issues. Both Academicians And Professionals Will Find This Book Interesting.

Indian Stock Market

Book Description

India is one of the major emerging economies of the world and has witnessed tremendous economic growth over the last decades. The reforms in the financial sector were introduced to infuse energy and vibrancy into the process of economic growth. The Indian stock market now has the largest number of listed companies in the world. The phenomenal growth of the Indian equity market and its growing importance in the economy is indicated by the extent of market capitalization and the increasing integration of the Indian economy with the global economy. Various schools of thought explain the behaviour of stock returns. The Efficient Market Theory is the most important theory of the School of Neoclassical Finance based on rational expectation and no-trade argument. The book investigates the growth and efficiency of the Indian stock market in the theoretical framework of the Efficiency Market Hypothesis (EMH). The main objective of the present study is to examine the returns behaviour in the Indian equity market in the changed market environment. A detailed and rigorous analysis, made with the help of the sophisticated time series econometric models, is one of the key elements of this volume. The analysis empirically tests the random walk hypothesis and focuses on issues like nonlinear dynamics, structural breaks and long memory. It uses new and disaggregated data on recent reforms and changes in the market microstructure. The data on various indices including sectoral indices help in measuring the relative efficiency of the market and understanding how liquidity and market capitalization affect the efficiency of the market.

An Introduction to Stock Exchange Investment

Book Description

The new edition of Janette Rutterford's classic textbook has been updated to take account of all practical, technical and legal developments since the last edition was published. Now enhanced by a range of student-friendly features, the focus remains on the London Stock Exchange, but a global perspective is adopted where appropriate. Also available is a companion website with extra features to accompany the text, please take a look by clicking below -

Efficiency and Anomalies in Stock Markets

Book Description

The Efficient Market Hypothesis believes that it is impossible for an investor to outperform the market because all available information is already built into stock prices. However, some anomalies could persist in stock markets while some other anomalies could appear, disappear and re-appear again without any warning. A Special Issue on "Efficiency and Anomalies in Stock Markets" will be devoted to advancements in the theoretical development of market efficiency and anomaly in the Stock Market, as well as applications in Stock Market efficiency and anomalies.

ICCAP 2021

Book Description

This proceeding constitutes the thoroughly refereed proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Combinatorial and Optimization, ICCAP 2021, December 7-8, 2021. This event was organized by the group of Professors in Chennai. The Conference aims to provide the opportunities for informal conversations, have proven to be of great interest to other scientists and analysts employing these mathematical sciences in their professional work in business, industry, and government. The Conference continues to promote better understanding of the roles of modern applied mathematics, combinatorics, and computer science to acquaint the investigator in each of these areas with the various techniques and algorithms which are available to assist in his or her research. We selected 257 papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 741 submissions. The presentations covered multiple research fields like Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, internet technology, smart health care etc., brought the discussion on how to shape optimization methods around human and social needs.