Séminaire de Probabilités XLIII

Book Description

This is a new volume of the Séminaire de Probabilités which is now in its 43rd year. Following the tradition, this volume contains about 20 original research and survey articles on topics related to stochastic analysis. It contains an advanced course of J. Picard on the representation formulae for fractional Brownian motion. The regular chapters cover a wide range of themes, such as stochastic calculus and stochastic differential equations, stochastic differential geometry, filtrations, analysis on Wiener space, random matrices and free probability, as well as mathematical finance. Some of the contributions were presented at the Journées de Probabilités held in Poitiers in June 2009.

Séminaire de Probabilités XXXVII

Book Description

The 37th Séminaire de Probabilités contains A. Lejay's advanced course which is a pedagogical introduction to works by T. Lyons and others on stochastic integrals and SDEs driven by deterministic rough paths. The rest of the volume consists of various articles on topics familiar to regular readers of the Séminaires, including Brownian motion, random environment or scenery, PDEs and SDEs, random matrices and financial random processes.

Seminaire de Probabilites XXXIV

Book Description

This volume contains 19 contributions to various subjects in the theory of (commutative and non-commutative) stochastic processes. It also provides a 145-page graduate course on branching and interacting particle systems, with applications to non-linear filtering, by P. del Moral and L. Miclo.

17 Seminaire de Probabilites

Book Description

Seminaire de Probabilites XXIX

Book Description

All the papers included in this volume are original research papers. They represent an important part of the work of French probabilists and colleagues with whom they are in close contact throughout the world. The main topics of the papers are martingale and Markov processes studies.

Séminaire de Probabilités XLV

Book Description

The series of advanced courses initiated in Séminaire de Probabilités XXXIII continues with a course by Ivan Nourdin on Gaussian approximations using Malliavin calculus. The Séminaire also occasionally publishes a series of contributions on a unifying subject; in this spirit, selected participants to the September 2011 Conference on Stochastic Filtrations, held in Strasbourg and organized by Michel Émery, have also contributed to the present volume. The rest of the work covers a wide range of topics, such as stochastic calculus and Markov processes, random matrices and free probability, and combinatorial optimization.

Séminaire de Probabilités L

Book Description

This milestone 50th volume of the "Séminaire de Probabilités" pays tribute with a series of memorial texts to one of its former editors, Jacques Azéma, who passed away in January. The founders of the "Séminaire de Strasbourg", which included Jacques Azéma, probably had no idea of the possible longevity and success of the process they initiated in 1967. Continuing in this long tradition, this volume contains contributions on state-of-art research on Brownian filtrations, stochastic differential equations and their applications, regularity structures, quantum diffusion, interlacing diffusions, mod-Ø convergence, Markov soup, stochastic billiards and other current streams of research.

Séminaire de Probabilités XL

Book Description

Who could have predicted that the S ́ eminaire de Probabilit ́ es would reach the age of 40? This long life is ?rst due to the vitality of the French probabil- tic school, for which the S ́ eminaire remains one of the most speci?c media of exchange. Another factor is the amount of enthusiasm, energy and time invested year after year by the R ́ edacteurs: Michel Ledoux dedicated himself tothistaskuptoVolumeXXXVIII,andMarcYormadehisnameinseparable from the S ́ eminaire by devoting himself to it during a quarter of a century. Browsing among the past volumes can only give a faint glimpse of how much is owed to them; keeping up with the standard they have set is a challenge to the new R ́ edaction. In a changing world where the status of paper and ink is questioned and where, alas, pressure for publishing is increasing, in particular among young mathematicians, we shall try and keep the same direction. Although most contributions are anonymously refereed, the S ́ eminaire is not a mathema- cal journal; our ?rst criterion is not mathematical depth, but usefulness to the French and international probabilistic community. We do not insist that everything published in these volumes should have reached its ?nal form or be original, and acceptance–rejection may not be decided on purely scienti?c grounds.