Séminaire de Théorie Des Nombres

Book Description

This is the 13th annual volume of papers based on lectures given at the Seminaire des Nombres de Paris. The results presented here by an international group of mathematicians reflect recent work in many areas of number theory and should form a basis for further discussion on these topics.

Séminaire de Théorie Des Nombres

Book Description

Le travail ci-dessous developpe sur quelques points les tex:tes fondamentaux de C.L. Siegel [13[ et de K. Ramachandra [2). Remerclements C'est au Max Planck Institut de Bonn que la plus grande part des resultats (th. 2 et 3, ex:ception faite du point 3 d et th. 4 et 5) ont ete soit rectiges soit con~s. La rectaction definitive de ce travail a eu lieu ä l'Institut Fourier de Grenoble durant l'hiver 1990. Le th. 1 tel qu'il apparait ici, et le corollaire du th. 6 cf. identite (13), sont nouveaux. On trouvera une rectaction detailleedes th. 2 et 3 dans [51 et, parmi d'autres resultats, des th. 4, 5 et 6 dans [7). Que tous mes collegues et les deux equipes de secretartat recoivent ici mes remerciements les plus chaleureux. 2 1) On pose e( x) = e 1rix, x E C. Pour L un reseau complex:e, on note une base positivement olientee de L = lw + lw c'est-ä-dire teile que 1 2 On definit alors une forme modulaire .,.p> de poids 1 par 1](2)(w) ~fn (21l"i)ql/12 IJ ( - qn)2 1 { w2 n>l 1 12 q = e(W) , q 1 = e(W/12) , W = wt!w2 .

French Mathematical Seminars

Book Description

Intended for mathematics librarians, the list allows librarians to ascertain if a seminaire has been published, which library has it, and the forms of entry under which it has been cataloged.

On the Correlation of Multiplicative and the Sum of Additive Arithmetic Functions

Book Description

The correlation of multiplicative arithmetic functions on distinct arithmetic progressions and with values in the complex unit disc, cannot be continually near to its possible maximum unless each function is either very close to or very far from a generalized character. Moreover, under accessible condition the second possibility can be ruled out. As a consequence analogs of the standard limit theorems in probabilistic number theory are obtained with the classical single additive function on the integers replaced by a sum of two additive functions on distinct arithmetic progressions.

Linear Differential Equations and Group Theory from Riemann to Poincare

Book Description

This book is a study of how a particular vision of the unity of mathematics, often called geometric function theory, was created in the 19th century. The central focus is on the convergence of three mathematical topics: the hypergeometric and related linear differential equations, group theory, and on-Euclidean geometry. The text for this second edition has been greatly expanded and revised, and the existing appendices enriched. The exercises have been retained, making it possible to use the book as a companion to mathematics courses at the graduate level.


Book Description

"Integers" is a refereed online journal devoted to research in the area of combinatorial number theory. It publishes original research articles in combinatorics and number theory. Topics covered by the journal include additive number theory, multiplicative number theory, sequences and sets, extremal combinatorics, Ramsey theory, elementary number theory, classical combinatorial problems, hypergraphs, and probabilistic number theory. Integers also houses a combinatorial games section. This work presents all papers of the 2013 volume in book form.