Code of Practice for the Introduction of Biological and Landscape Diversity Considerations Into the Transport Sector

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The Pan-European Biological and Landscape Strategy (1996) aims to halt the degradation of landscape and biological diversity across the European region. Action Theme 2 of the Strategy relates to the integration of landscape and biological diversity into other sectors including transport. This Code of Practice contributes to this progress. The Code relates to linear transport systems, comprising roads, railways and inland navigation along waterways, such as canals and rivers. It aims to assist elected representatives, decision makers, and practitioners as well as nature conservation bodies in the understanding of the main issues and solutions associated with the planning, design and use of linear transportation networks i.e. roads, railways and inland navigation channels, in relation to the landscape and biological diversity. Other modes of transport are outside the scope of this CodeThe Code sets a political and social framework and proposes policy options for the development of new, and the maintenance of existing linear transport systems in relation to biological and landscape diversity. By building on examples, the Code has developed a series of Practice Pointers.

Protected Areas

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Implementation of the Bern Convention

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The Standing Committee to the Bern Convention (Convention of the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats) wished to know how the Convention was being implemented in the Different states; what administrative structures were set up for nature conservation activities; and how the main challenges were being met. This study presents the situation in Sweden.

General Guidelines for the Development of the Pan-European Ecological Network

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The Pan-European Biological and Landscape Diversity Strategy, which was endorsed by ministers from 54 countries in the UN-ECE region on 25 October 1995, provides for the establishment by 2005 of the Pan-European Ecological Network. These Guidelines provide a reference document for all those involved in establishing and managing the network. The document aims to provide a coherent framework for guiding an array of co-operative, decentralised measures which aim to ensure the conservation and sustainable use of the ecosystems, habitats, species and landscapes of European importance.

Identification of the Most Important Transboundary Protected Areas in Central and Eastern Europe

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The protection of transborder areas in an ecological network system which take account of clusters of conservation areas represents an important step towards protecting natural heritage in Europe. Cross-border co-operation can help provide larger protected areas with uniform management and thus make a considerable contribution to the conservation of biodiversity. This report reflects the transborder co-operation in countries of central and eastern Europe, including Russia, the Baltic countries, Belarus and Ukraine.

The Micro-reserves as a Tool for Conservation of Threatened Plants in Europe

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Many threatened populations of plant species occupy a very small area, ranging from a few square metres to a few hectares. To protect them, some countries have established legal systems that permit them to create and manage small or very small reserves, called micro-reserves. This publication presents an analysis of micro-reserves for plant species, with special reference to those set up in the region of Valencia, Spain.

Corridors and Ecosystems

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Coastal and marine ecological corridors, part of the Pan-european Ecological Network, form part of the migration route of many mobile marine species and are often narrow stretches of water (such as sea straits and river mouths). Shorebirds often move along the coast, itself one long corridor interrupted only by infrastructure and other developments. This study seeks to contribute to the identification of the main marine and coastal ecological corridors in Europe.