Sergeant Uri

Book Description

Sergeant Davida Uri is the only volunteer willing to locate a missing group of people simply called the Survivors by the lethargic group of World Leaders that run Shamayim, a city designed to shelter civilians that have already been rescued. As Sergeant Uri journeys through this new wasteland, she runs into a reluctant and hostile academy, a group of beings known as the "Caretakers," who have taken on the task of restoring the Earth, as well as a being Uri simply refers to as the Shadow, when she is unable to make out its features throughout most of her journey.

The Maracaja

Book Description

Michael T. Shepherd, the infamous freelance photojournalist, semi-retired adventurer, and ex-spy, has the unsavory task of leading a joint DEA/CIA operation via riverboat up the Rio Negro beyond the Umarituba Outpost north into the uncharted Territory of the Maracaja. Our main character and his crew, four men and one woman, are to apprehend and arrest the alleged trafficker of drugs and general embarrassment to the United States Government by the name of O Gato de a Selva. This alleged criminal's real name is Gabriel Courier. He is a renegade Lieutenant Colonel from the US Military. And Michael's good friend. "The Maracaja" - a story boasting of adventure, action, romance, a bit of mystery, and the literary touch.

Deep in the Heart

Book Description

Rabbi Zeev Karov describes the moments of joy only a father can have on his son's wedding day. Soon after the wedding, his son, Aharon, is called up for duty and leaves to fight for his nation. While fighting, Aharon suffers traumatic injuries from an explosion. Although doctors are sure he will not survive, Aharon defies the odds and overcomes an incredible obstacle. This book is the heartwarming story of an individual who enthusiastically and selflessly jumps into the fray without concern for personal benefit and a nation that rises to a very difficult occasion with grace and extraordinary solidarity. While bringing in proverbs, scripture, and Jewish history to support the actions taken before and after the explosion, Rabbi Karov also uses similar tactics to reinforce his faith and belief in God while his son recovers. Deep in the Heart is about hope and about the faith that has kept the Jewish people alive to this very day.

The Men Who Stare at Goats

Book Description

Now a major film, starring George Clooney, Ewan McGregor, and Jeff Bridges, this New York Times bestseller is a disturbing and often hilarious look at the U.S. military's long flirtation with the paranormal—and the psy-op soldiers that are still fighting the battle. Bizarre military history: In 1979, a crack commando unit was established by the most gifted minds within the U.S. Army. Defying all known laws of physics and accepted military practice, they believed that a soldier could adopt the cloak of invisibility, pass cleanly through walls, and—perhaps most chillingly—kill goats just by staring at them. They were the First Earth Battalion, entrusted with defending America from all known adversaries. And they really weren’t joking. What’s more, they’re back—and they’re fighting the War on Terror. An uproarious exploration of American military paranoia: With investigations ranging from the mysterious “Goat Lab,” to Uri Geller’s covert psychic work with the CIA, to the increasingly bizarre role played by a succession of U.S. presidents, this might just be the funniest, most unsettling book you will ever read—if only because it is all true and is still happening today.

Hidden Account of the Romanovs

Book Description

Preparing for President Putin's State Visit in 2003, the Bank of England is ordered to return any remaining Czarist money to Russia. The Bank's trustee of the former Empress Alexandra's secret trust account resists. To support his case, the trustee investigates the revealing career of a Grenadier Guards officer. The evidence trail follows the Grenadier though the trenches of World War I, including active service events involving The Prince of Wales, Winston Churchill and the Royal Flying Corps. The backdrop is Imperial Russia and the extraordinary lives of Emperor Nicholas and his family. While history recorded three women surviving the initial shootings of the Imperial family, only to be killed later when they cried out, rumours erupted of a female Romanov escapee. Stalin determined to liquidate her. In 1918, the Grenadier offi cer is posted to Russia to locate and aid the escape of Romanovs. Attached to a Cossack regiment, a peasant girl rescues him from Red soldiers. Against a background of international intrigue and Imperial elegance the story winds through two of histories greatest mysteries, the murders of the Imperial family and Rasputin. King George V's hitherto misunderstood delay in rescuing his cousin Emperor Nicholas is explained. Questions challenging conventional history run through the story, including amazing evidence, suggesting the British MI6 organization of Rasputin's assassination and Trotsky's raising of Bolshevik seed capital in New York.

The Shield

Book Description


Book Description

Come ride along and live the adventure of the men of Mjölnir (the name of the legendary hammer of Thor, the Norse god of war.) an eleven-man German special forces unit of World War II. A forward observation group for the German war machine, the Wehrmacht, and their panzer tank divisions. Join them as they spearhead the advance through Europe, the occupation of France, the Normandy invasion, the fall of the thousand-year Reich, the occupation of Germany by Russian and Allied forces, to the final destinies of a unit called Mjölnir. In honor of all the brave men and women on all sides of all wars, especially the veterans and current enlisted men in the armed forces of the United States of America, a percentage of the profits from the sale of this book will be donated to aid Veterans Affairs.

Moon in Mazatlan

Book Description

Detective Corey Williams is content with his small town Virginia home. Normally, his busiest night is Saturday, but when his best friend’s ex-wife attempts to have him killed, Corey gives his promise to ensure justice is served. Meeting a red-haired, Harley riding goddess has thrown a wrench in his quiet staid life. Only one hiccup in this situation; the goddess is a reporter. When the ex-wife of his friend flees the country, the reporter makes sure she is right behind Detective Williams. He is oath bound to bring the fugitive ex-wife back for trial. What he hadn’t counted on was falling for the Harley riding reporter.