Serving the Gifted

Book Description

First Published in 2013. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Identifying and Serving Diverse Gifted Learners

Book Description

Grounded in a combination of evidence, personal narratives, interviews, data, and research, Identifying and Serving Diverse Gifted Learners: Meeting the Needs of Special Populations in Gifted Education is a guiding resource for all stakeholder groups in gifted education to shift the equity needle of gifted programs in America. Though it is the right of Black, Hispanic/Latinx, twice-exceptional (2e), low-income, and other special populations of students to have access to advanced academic programs in the American educational system, complex and deep-rooted systemic issues often block the way. This seminal text thoughtfully brings the conversation around historically underrepresented students in gifted education to the forefront, drawing on real-world examples to provide an accessible discussion of foundational, interdependent topics, including current research and promising educational practices. Readers will develop a basic theoretical understanding of the issues and be able to advance more responsive programs and experiences for low-income, racially, culturally, and linguistically diverse gifted students, and other diverse gifted populations. This text serves as a beacon to motivate K-12 educators, researchers, and scholars to carry the torch of advocacy on behalf of those students historically underrepresented in programs for the gifted and talented.

Identifying and Serving Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Gifted Students

Book Description

Identifying and Serving Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Gifted Students revolutionizes the identification and education of culturally and linguistically diverse (CLD) gifted and talented students. Written with the educator, administrator, and program developer in mind, this book will positively transform the educational system for working with CLD student populations. Correlated with the updated NAGC standards, the book examines existing program structures through the lens of over- and underrepresentation of CLD students in gifted programs. The book also features a formula for auditing current programs for CLD representation and an innovative model for identifying these students for gifted services.

Serving Gifted Learners Beyond the Traditional Classroom

Book Description

Serving Gifted Learners Beyond the Traditional Classroom: A Guide to Alternative Programs and Services provides a concise and thorough introduction to the various types of out-of-school programming recommended and appropriate for gifted and advanced learners. Including overviews of mentoring programs, residential schools, summer opportunities, and distance learning, top scholars in the field of gifted education combine research and experience in this guide toalternative services for teachers, parents, and gifted education program directors. Other programs and services covered include service learning, university-based programs, and competitions. In addition, a much-needed review of the issues concerning programming for diverse youth, options for students from low-income backgrounds, and counseling gifted students to make good out-of-school choices, along with an insightful, insider's look at the culture and lives of gifted students at residential schools, make this handy guide to alternative programs and services a necessity for anyone serving and working with gifted students.

Unlocking Potential

Book Description

Winner of NAGC's 2021 Book of the Year Award This edited book, written by authors with extensive experience in working with gifted students from low-income households, focuses on ways to translate the latest research and theory into evidence-supported practices that impact how schools identify and serve these students. Readers will: Learn about evidence-supported identification systems, tools, and strategies for finding students from low-income households. Discover curriculum models, resources, and instructional strategies found effective from projects focused on supporting these students. Understand the important role that intra- and interpersonal skills, ethnicity/race, families, school systems, and communities play. Consider the perceptions of gifted students who grew up in low-income households. Learn how educators can use their experiences to strengthen current services. Unlocking Potential is the go-to resource for an up-to-date overview of best practices in identification, curriculum, instruction, community support, and program design for gifted learners from low-income households.

Start Seeing and Serving Underserved Gifted Students

Book Description

See me -- Understand me -- Teach me -- Challenge me -- Advocate for me.

Serving Gifted Students in Rural Settings

Book Description

A cooperative publication of the National Association for Gifted Children and Prufrock Press, Serving Gifted Students in Rural Settings provides a framework for educating the gifted in rural settings. The book outlines practical, theoretical, and evidence-supported approaches for understanding, teaching, and leading programs for this unique population. Case study vignettes and practical ideas for administrators and teachers are combined with theoretical applications. The first of three sections in the book outlines the various philosophies and current status of rural education. The second section focuses on practical strategies and evidence-supported approaches for identifying and serving rural gifted students based on their unique geography. Section three highlights support structures that are necessary for leading and supporting gifted education in rural schools. This book helps bridge the gap existing between rural education and accessible, effective gifted education.

Empowering Underrepresented Gifted Students

Book Description

Help underserved high-potential students claim their right to an education that addresses their unique needs. In gifted education, an important and contentious issue that has yet to be sufficiently addressed is the systemic underrepresentation of gifted students who have been discriminated against in school-based gifted and advanced learner programs because of their race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, or other realities. Empowering Underrepresented Gifted Students gives a voice to those students and brings their stories into focus. With chapters written by student and expert scholars who specialize in addressing the structural inequity and educational inequality in gifted and advanced learner programs, Empowering Underrepresented Gifted Students recommends practices and strategies for helping underserved high-potential students claim their right to an education that addresses their unique needs. Each chapter has key takeaways and discussion questions, providing a built-in book study guide to prepare educators to engage students in conversation and to help develop their self-advocacy skills. Coeditors Dr. Joy Lawson Davis and Deb Douglas have brought together the voices of experts and students to help educators move closer to ensuring equity, access, and excellence in gifted education. By arming historically marginalized gifted students with self-advocacy strategies, these remarkable students will be better enabled to fulfill their dreams.

Identifying Gifted Students

Book Description

Identifying Gifted Students: A Practical Guide is designed for practicing professionals such as teachers, counselors, psychologists, and administrators who must make decisions daily about identifying and serving gifted and talented students. This book offers up-to-date information for building an effective, defensible identification process.

Beyond Gifted Education

Book Description

Seeking a more comprehensive vision for gifted education, this book offers a modern vision of programs and services for gifted and talented students. Beyond Gifted Education: Designing and Implementing Advanced Academic Programs provides the first comprehensive look at designing and implementing advanced academic student programs. Written by four leading experts in the field, Beyond Gifted Education reviews the current range of traditional gifted education practices and policies. Then, the book offers the concerned gifted program coordinator or school administrator a more expansive approach to educating gifted learners. The authors lead readers through the process of identifying needs, responding with programming, and then finding students who are well-suited for and would benefit from advanced academic programming. Detailed examples walk the reader through real-world scenarios and programs common to the gifted coordinator on topics such as cluster grouping, acceleration, and increasing diversity. Throughout the book, connections are made to Common Core State Standards, Response to Intervention, and a wealth of outside research in order to support ideas.