Set Apart - Women's Bible Study Participant Book

Book Description

Set Apart is a dynamic six-week study of 1 and 2 Kings that examines the holy habits of the prophets and kings who were set apart by their close walk with God. Each week we will explore the central story of one of these intriguing men of God and the specific practice each observed, as well as what the Bible teaches about this practice. Each of these characters was trying to follow God while carrying out his calling on earth. As we consider their example, we will discover that even prophets and kings struggled and grew in their faith through spiritual practices, and we will learn how to follow God’s unique purposes for us in His Kingdom. The Participant Book contains five daily readings per week, each including Scripture, reflective teaching material with questions and space for recording responses, prayer suggestions, and ideas for practical application. Other components for the Bible study, available separately, include a Leader Guide, DVD with six 24-27 minute sessions featuring closed captioning, and boxed Leader Kit.

Set Apart - Women's Bible Study Leader Guide

Book Description

Set Apart is a dynamic six-week study of 1 and 2 Kings that examines the holy habits of the prophets and kings who were set apart by their close walk with God. Each week we will explore the central story of one of these intriguing men of God and the specific practice each observed, as well as what the Bible teaches about this practice. Each of these characters was trying to follow God while carrying out his calling on earth. As we consider their example, we will discover that even prophets and kings struggled and grew in their faith through spiritual practices, and we will learn how to follow God’s unique purposes for us in His Kingdom. The Leader Guide contains six session plan outlines, complete with discussion points and questions, activities, prayers, and more—plus leader helps for facilitating a group. Other components for the Bible study, available separately, include a Participant Workbook, DVD with six 24-27 minute sessions featuring closed captioning, and boxed Leader Kit.

Determined - Women's Bible Study Participant Workbook

Book Description

GROUP PARTICIPANT WORKBOOK - Imagine waking up every single day convinced that the twenty-four hours ahead of you are a precious gift to be used wisely. Now imagine that you know exactly how to spend them to be a force for God’s good. All too often we wander through life without appreciating the gift of every moment we’ve been given. The result? An unsatisfying life, missed opportunities to experience the joy of being in sync with God, and days marked with apathy instead of passion. Our time on earth is measured. We should want to make every moment count—not only because we aren’t guaranteed the next one, but also because this is exactly how our Savior spent His time here. How, then, do we walk out unwavering joy-filled faith every day, determined to let go of the things that keep us from experiencing abundant life and fulfilling the plans God has for us? The answers are found in following the footsteps of the One who lived fully, because He was determined that we might do the same. In this six-week study of Luke, we will follow the life and ministry of Jesus as we consider the choices He made on His way to the cross. We’ll intimately connect with a Savior who remained laser-focused on His mission to love the world. In return, we’ll receive a model for intentional living that we can replicate to ensure we are living each day to the fullest and making a difference for God’s kingdom. And together we’ll determine to embrace the abundant life we are promised in Jesus. It’s time to stop wandering and start living!

The Miracles of Jesus - Women's Bible Study Participant Workbook

Book Description

Jesus demonstrated the presence and power of God by performing miracles. He turned water into wine, healed the sick, calmed the storm, opened blind eyes, and raised the dead. While these beloved stories draw our attention to divine power, they also have something else in common: human desperation. Every time we see Jesus performing a miracle, we also get a glimpse into the gift of desperation, a gift that opens us to the dramatic power of God through our desperate need for him. In this six-week Bible study, Jessica LaGrone leads us in a captivating exploration of the miracles of Jesus, helping us to see that our weakness is an invitation for God to work powerfully in our lives and reminding us that we need God on our best days just as much as we do on our worst. Themes and miracle stories include: the gift of desperation (turning water into wine and other signs of God's response of fullness in our times of emptiness) the miracle of abundance (feeding the 5,000 and other abundance stories) miracles on the water (calming the storm, walking on water, the abundant catch) Jesus our healer (5 stories of healing) death and resurrection (Lazarus, Jairus’ daughter) the miracle we all receive (the Incarnation) The participant workbook includes five days of lessons for each week, combining study of Scripture with personal reflection, application, and prayer. Other components for the Bible study, available separately, include a Leader Guide, DVD with six 20-25 minute sessions, and boxed Leader Kit.

The Set-Apart Woman

Book Description

In The Set-Apart Woman, women of all ages will be encouraged to stay grounded in Jesus amid the many distractions and temptations of their daily lives. Biblical truths will help readers understand what it means to live the consecrated life, set apart for God’s purposes. Readers will apply these truths to practical areas of struggle that women face on a daily basis, such as sinful attitudes and patterns and other hindrances to our souls.

Broken and Blessed - Women's Bible Study Participant Book

Book Description

Broken and Blessed is a six-week study that traces the story of the Genesis family from Adam and Eve through the generations to Joseph, bringing blessing from brokenness. We will see that despite both good and bad traits that were passed down, God worked for good in every generation—determined to transform those within and outside the family bloodlines. The study ends with the story of Joseph, who decided to stop the cycle of previous generations, offering forgiveness and grace to his brothers. Through these stories of Genesis, New Testament teaching about family, and stories of contemporary families changed and used by God, this study shows us how God can use our own imperfect families to bring blessing in a hurting and broken world? The Participant Book contains five daily readings per week, each including Scripture, reflective teaching material with questions and space for recording responses, prayer suggestions, and ideas for practical application.

Set Apart - A Passionate Devotion to Jesus Christ (Leader's Guide): A Foundational Study in Christ-Centered Living for Women of All Ages

Book Description

Do you desire to know Jesus Christ deeply and intimately, as your dearest, closest, most trusted friend? Do you long to not just talk about Him, sing about Him, and learn about Him, but to truly walk in daily, passionate relationship with Him? Are you tired of just reading about God's promises in the Bible and ready to actually experience the unmatched joy, peace that passes understanding, and soul-level satisfaction that is promised to those who follow Him? If that describes you, this Set Apart study is for you. This message won't tickle your ears, but it will stir and awaken your soul! In her engaging, practical, and straightforward style, Leslie's message will draw you into greater depths of intimacy with Christ and challenge you towards greater heights of spiritual triumph. Filled with inspiring examples of Christ-centered women from history, powerful modern-day stories, a wealth of Scripture, and practical action steps, these poignant lessons will equip you to personally discover the unmatched fulfillment and joy that comes from a Christ-centered life. This resource was designed to enhance the accompanying video lessons taught by Leslie Ludy and a participant's workbook is also available for individuals (or groups) going through these powerful truths!

First Corinthians - Women's Bible Study Participant Book

Book Description

Relationships are messy. We're all different and imperfect, and we can struggle to get along--especially with those who disagree with us. Often we find ourselves divided--even as Christians. How can we work out our differences and disagreements with humility and grace, always showing the love of Christ, while still remaining true to what we believe? The Apostle Paul wrote to the Christians living in Corinth about this very thing. The cultural backdrop of Corinth was even more overtly sinful than our culture today, yet Paul boldly encouraged the Corinthian Christians not to ridicule one another or outsiders but to work together to show the love of Christ. In this six-week study we will explore Paul's first letter to the Corinthians to learn how we as Christians are to deal with differences and divisions--whether in the workplace, neighborhood, school, home, social media community, or church. We'll discover that the answer is living and sharing the radical love of Jesus Christ, and we'll unpack what this means and how we can live it out day by day. The Participant Book includes five days of lessons for each week, combining study of Scripture with personal reflection, application, and prayer. Other components for the Bible study, available separately, include a Leader Guide, DVD with six 25-30 minute sessions, and boxed Leader Kit (an all-inclusive box containing one copy of each of the Bible study’s components).

The Christ-Centered Woman - Women's Bible Study Leader Guide

Book Description

This leader guide contains six session plans and helps for facilitating a group to accompany Ms. Reisman's six-week Bible study of the same name. This in-depth guide provides the key to finding balance at every age and stage of life. readers are led to a biblical answer to stress and imbalance, that is, living a Spirit-filled, Christ-centered life. In practical terms, the participant will discover how placing Christ at the center of our lives leads to the wholeness and balance that God desires for us --from page 4 of Cover.

Beautiful Already - Women's Bible Study Participant Book

Book Description

“I’m so fat.” “I don’t like my nose.” “I wish I was taller.” Our dissatisfaction with what we see in the mirror is what Barb Roose calls our ugly struggle with beauty. It’s a struggle that negatively affects not only our self-image and self-esteem but also our relationships with God and others. What is the answer? We desperately need to regain God's perspective on beauty. During this six-week Bible study, women will unpack the beliefs or experiences that are holding them hostage. Together they will explore God's truth about beauty throughout the Scriptures, digging into passages in both the Old and New Testaments and applying the truths in their lives. They will move away from over-focusing on unrealistic expectations and perceived flaws toward God’s viewpoint of their hearts, minds, bodies and souls. As women make this journey, they will: Be set free from the trap of comparison and self-ridicule Become comfortable in their own skin Reach beyond themselves to encourage and support other women By learning to see the goodness, blessing, and purpose for their bodies no matter their size, shape, or style, women will overcome discontent and comparison and learn to live fully as the beautifully unique creations God designed them to be. The participant workbook includes five days of lessons for each week, combining study of Scripture with personal reflection, application, and prayer. Other components for the Bible study, available separately, include a Leader Guide, DVD with six 19-28 minute sessions, and boxed Leader Kit (an all-inclusive box containing one copy of each of the Bible study’s components).