7 Angels

Book Description

The Seven Angels of Peace

Book Description

The 7 Angels of Peace is a living, breathing teaching from the heart. This book lifts the veil on the world of the Essenes and their angels, and the gifts of peace they have to offer us. A complete peace which embraces the seven aspects of our lives; our body and mind, relationships, work, beliefs, the Earth and our Divinity. Sarah Anne Barker brings to life this ancient teaching from the fresh perspective of the angels. As a spiritual teaching which is relevant for the modern world. This teaching is two thousand years old, that of the ancient Essenes and their angels. There have often been teachers of peace, but few have spoken of angels of peace, as the Essenes did. It offers a new vista to the eyes and hearts of those who read it. One of peace, joy and hope for new beginnings. One which empowers us to know we can each make a positive contribution to peace, with the angels. Based on the ancient Essene scrolls which were discovered last century, it is a handbook for peace. We are given the seven angel meditations which we can practise to create peace. A simple, daily meditation practice in which we can invite the angels into our lives for the purpose of peace.

Seven Angels

Book Description

The Seven Angels from Heaven: the Awareness

Book Description

My intent is to make your life journey spiritual, inspirational, and motivational with a twist of humor as always. Each journey has a moral to its story: live and learn. Satan tempts us, God test us. Someone once said Delight not in your accomplishments for your mistakes are what have made you wise. I hope the third edition of my four book series continues to lead you in the direction of the Lords light. God has given his angels charge over us, for the Lord is our refuge and strength. Be empowered by God to live your life for the betterment of humankind and the planet we live on. Your obedience to God is your sure path to salvation. Remember what Jesus said to Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed.

The Great Book

Book Description

The Great Book is a fresh, new translation of the Word of God. It reads so smoothly that it doesn't even seem to be a translation, though it is painstakingly accurate according to the best Greek manuscripts. The true meaning that God intended comes through loud and clear - in plain English! Because The Great Book communicates so well, it can be used effectively in many ways: For teaching kids of all ages - especially teenagers. For teaching English to non-native speakers. For those who have never read the Bible before. For prison ministries. For evangelistic outreaches in America. For missionary distribution programs around the world. The Great Book is written at a 5th grade reading level in order to reach the greatest number of people in the world. The original Greek New Testament was Koine (common) Greek. Let's face it, we could all use a little help with the most difficult New Testament books such as Romans, Galatians, Hebrews, and Revelation!

Dictionary of Angels

Book Description

In the midst of the remarkable revival of interest and belief in angels comes this handsomely illustrated reference work--the fruit of 16 years of research in Talmudic, gnostic, cabalistic, apocalyptic, patristic, and legendary texts. "A wacky and wonderful compendium of angelic lore".--Time. Illustrations.

Book Description

The Apocalypse of Enoch and Bhuśunda The Apocalypse of Enoch and Bhuśunda challenges the underlying assumptions of the classical roots of civilization by restoring the original context of creation mythology. In this second volume of A Chronology of the Primeval Gods and the Western Sunrise, ancient myths from multiple geographies are correlated to spikes in cosmic rays over the past 120,000 years – as documented in ice core data. The chronology and content of these myths tell us that the primary forces behind these cataclysms were the most ancient gods - hyper-nova at the Galactic Center associated with Sgr A*(The Dragon), Sgr West (The Beast) and Sgr East (Hiranyâksha and Hiranyakas'ipu), with secondary supernova seen as the birth of new, destructive gods. Ancient myth has documented the cataclysmic destruction of the world on at least twenty occasions with four major geo-polar migrations, which has resulted in a shift of the earth’s equator on at least one occasion. Multiple myths are shown to represent a view of the sky that can only be seen from the Antarctic region. Multiple versions of the myths of Orion are analyzed, showing clear linkages between the Vedic myth of Trisanku, the Book of Genesis, Senmut's Tomb, and the myths of Prajāpati Daksa representing the oldest version of the Orion myth – older than Trishanku and Genesis by 20,000 years! The stunning conclusion explains how the “Watchers” of Enoch were the Vedic descendants of Ila and Iksvaku. These descendants of the seventh Manu had been observing and recording the stars as a source of cataclysm for at least 15,000 years prior to Enoch, thus allowing Enoch to prophesize a ‘new heaven.’ That prophecy became the foundation for St John’s Book of Revelations, which is shown to be a description of a series of cataclysms attributed to Sgr West. The book offers a new theory for explaining geo-polar migration. That theory suggests small shifts in the location of the earth’s center of gravity underlie each migration, but that there are multiple causes for the shifts.


Book Description

No book has ever attempted to deal with the subject of divinity in its entirety. Here at long last is a comprehensive book dealing with divine beings in its complexity. It provides the reader with accurate and insightful knowledge concerning the concept of divinity. The author gives a clear explanation of the Triune nature of God. God is one being, manifest and existing in three distinct identities or persons, which is further discussed as being comparable with the makeup of a human being. God shares his divine nature with spiritual beings in the heavens with angels and on earth with humankind. The divine nature of God resides in all spirits. Therefore, men have Gods nature in their spirits; they can communicate with and receive the things of the spiritual realm. Through sin, humanity has lost the nature of God; for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. The purpose of the Bible is to spiritualize humankind, because we have fallen short of the glory of God. The broad focus of this book is to bring as many believers to a stage of maturity in the knowledge of Christ.

The Apocalypse

Book Description

The year 1998 marked the quincentennial of the publication of Albrecht Durer's illustrated edition of the Apocalypse. Here Robert Smith provides an introduction to and a commentary on the book of Revelation that is keyed to the Durer woodcuts.