Seven Secrets Discover the Torah Code

Book Description

Seven secrets reveals the deepest secrets of the Bible. The Ancients knew the power of Gods names and how Gods names are edited into the deep Torah text. On this subtle secret level, God lives in the book. Seven reveals this ancient teaching for the first time. These Seven Secrets awaken God in the text and enlivens Gods presence in our lives. Access these secrets and connect directly with Gods presence now. Make the connection now! Journey into the depth of the Torah. Discover the Secret Life of God.

Cosmic Codes

Book Description

Torah Codes

Book Description

The Bible Code

Book Description

Contains: Equidistant letter sequences in the book of Genesis / Doron Witztum, Eliyahu Rips, and Yoav Rosenberg.

Breaking the Jewish Code

Book Description

Stone unlocks the amazing secrets to the success of the Jewish people. Their time-honored principles help create wealth, maintain health, raise successful children, and pass on generational blessings.

Guardians: Keepers of God's Secret Code

Book Description

Theories of evolution, origin of the Universe, and deep time, have led many scientists like my former self, to conclude that Creation is just a chance sequence of events that can ultimately be explained by natural laws. I was skeptical and even tried to disprove God's existence, until I found a Secret Code embedded in the Scriptures. This code provides undeniable evidence of God, based upon event sequences in the lives of a Great Cloud of Witnesses like Joseph, Samson, David, Jonah, Elisha, Moses, and Joshua. By unlocking the Earthly Sanctuary pattern given to Moses, I've found that it reveals events of the Exodus from Egypt to the Promised Land which even applies to Spiritual Israel today. The veil to the Holy Place aligns with the Exodus opening of the Red Sea. And the veil to the Holiest Place points to the opening of the Jordan where we now stand, waiting to cross at the End of Time. The code reveals probabilities of the existence of God, far greater than finding an atom in Planet Earth by chance.

The Money Code

Book Description

The Feasts of Israel

Book Description

PassoverFeast of Unleavened BreadFeast of First FruitsFeast of PentecostFeast of TrumpetsDay of AtonementFeast of Tabernacles The Feasts of Israel, set by God, are not only commemorative in a historical context, but are also prophetic. The first three feasts in the 1st month point to the Messiah's First Coming; the last three feasts in the 7th month, to His Second Coming. The middle feast highlights the Church, in more ways than is generally recognized. Dr. Chuck Missler begins to reveal the rich background of these feasts with many surprises for the Biblical believer, and yet only scratches the surface.

God Code

Book Description

The book that inspired the major History Channel special God Code shows there is more to the Bible than meets the eye—messages from God hidden for ages, now revealed by modern computer technology. In God Code, antiquities expert Timothy P. Smith reveals his decades-long quest to understand the complex messages he discovered in an ancient Hebrew manuscript of the Bible. This painstaking search involves adventure and mystery, but instead of consulting ancient maps to find buried treasure, Smith relied on the data calculation power of modern technology. His quest shows how Scripture is more amazing than we ever dreamed—and that it may even reveal the future of generations living today. God Code reveals: • An encrypted code in Genesis, in the oldest known Hebrew text of the Old Testament, that predicted the birth and resurrection of Jesus. • Scientific evidence that this encrypted code was authored by the divine hand of God. • Signs that there are more encrypted codes in this same Hebrew text that will lead to additional messages from God to humanity. • Hidden clues that may lead to the location of long-missing sacred artifacts, such as the Ark of the Covenant. • Insights on why Smith was chosen to uncover this encrypted code. • A dire warning that God wants us to hear—and heed. In the companion History Channel series, the author travels across continents in search of artifacts missing since Bible times—clues to their location revealed in God Code. Previously published as The Chamberlain Key