Sex Education and the Spirit

Book Description

A healthy relationship to gender and sexuality supports our well-being, both as individuals and as a community. The form of sex education that we bring to children and adolescents not only needs to combat the inner disturbances and imbalances created by social media and exposure to pornography--as the most prevalent sources of implicit sex-education in our time--but it also needs to serve them in cultivating useful capacities with which to meet the growing societal changes around this fundamental aspect of being human. Providing a healthy and socially constructive sex education is the responsibility not only of the primary caregivers, parents, and teachers, but also of the individuals in the wider community, who likewise contribute to the collective consciousness. Working to overcome our own biases and imbalances will prepare us to more readily awaken to the spiritual wisdom that can bring health and harmony into the evolving reality of gender and sexuality. "Our bodies are our gardens, to which our wills are gardeners." --Shakespeare, Othello The insights shared in this book are important for everyone who is interested in understanding the various forms of human relationship, and how we might work together to bring about a healthier community life.

Christian Sex Ed

Book Description

According to a survey of two thousand Christians done by Christian Sex Ed. Ministries, 91 percent believe that the community of faith doesn’t talk enough about sexual purity. Christian Sex Ed is the answer to that problem. As you read through these pages, you will learn about sex in an educational, scientific, transparent, and—above all else—a biblical manner. Not only will you be educated about sex, but you will be equipped to walk in sexual purity. After spending twelve years as a slave to sexual sin, Pastor Dane shares the biblical and practical steps that helped him overcome a life of sexual immorality and walk in continuous freedom. Dane Fragger is the founder of Christian Sex Ed. Ministries. Millions of believers around the world who desire to learn about dating, sex, and sexual purity view his content each month. In addition, Dane serves as a pastor in Los Angeles, California, where he lives with his beautiful wife and lovely daughters.

In the Image of God

Book Description

Good Sexual Hygiene & Spiritual Attitude

Book Description

We are free spirits intended to live a life of fulfilled contentment. Discover what's holding you back and embrace your full potential. Good Sexual Hygiene and Spiritual Attitude shows the way. Applying the advice in these pages can prevent and restore broken relationships, dissolve generational barriers, eliminate bullyish mentalities, and melt racial and gender tensions. Shake off the chains that prevent you from living the blessed life you were meant to live.This book has been reviewed by Readers Favorites® reviewers. Four out of five reviewers gave his book a five-star rating. Enjoy it.

The Inner Work Path

Book Description

“Every step an individual takes affects the collective development of humanity. The world we experience now is a result of the inner work of past generations. By consciously working to understand and experience our connection to the higher worlds we are more able to fully realize and contribute to the higher unfolding of humankind.” —Lisa Romero The author provides accessible insights into the activities of the human soul, outlines its relationship to spiritual life, and shows the way toward developing and strengthening our inner capacities through practical exercises, experience, and deep understanding. By building a bridge between the spiritual and the earthly, the development of such soul capacities awakens our consciousness, through which we can engage and transform our outer lives.

Staying in Touch

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Sex and the Supremacy of Christ

Book Description

The Bible has a way of shocking us. If Americans could still blush, we might blush at the words, "Rejoice in the wife of your youth, a lovely deer, a graceful doe. Let her breasts fill you at all times with delight; be intoxicated always in her love" (Proverbs 5:18-19). But, of course, sin always tries to trash God's gifts. So we can't just celebrate sex for what God made it to be; we have to fight what sin turned it into. The contributors to this unique volume encourage you to do both: celebrate and struggle. This book has something for all-men and women, married and single-from contributors like John Piper, C. J. and Carolyn Mahaney, Mark Dever, Al Mohler, Carolyn McCulley, and others.

The Talk

Book Description

When it comes to the matter of teaching kids about sex, Christian parents are often confused about what to say and when to say it. The Talk is a series of 7 studies, all anchored in the Scriptures, that helps parents to talk meaningfully with children about sexuality.The Talk was written for parents to read with children ages 6 to 10 years old. The study supplies elementary-age children with foundational truths about sexuality at a level they can understand.

Sexuality, Love and Partnership

Book Description

Rudolf Steiner presents the human soul dilemma, split into male and female attributes... but offers a path of development which will eventually lead to overcoming these - what Jung called 'individuation', a merging with the true self or true ego of the human being.' - from the IntroductionWe live in a sexualised society, surrounded by sexual imagery and content in almost every area of life. This presents us with many challenges, including an increasing blurring and confusion between love and sex; strife between men and women over their roles in society; and a consistent assault on the innocence of childhood. Despite the sensibilities of his time, Rudolf Steiner made a huge contribution to our understanding of the complex theme of sexuality. In this freshly-compiled anthology, Steiner describes the point in evolution at which human beings split from being androgynous and single-sexed to becoming male or female. He traces the changing roles of the sexes in society, from the matriarchal past to today's patriarchal dominance. The division of the sexes brings suffering, but also the possibility of achieving higher stages of love. In the distant future, humanity can evolve sexuality into a new form, with even the possibility of reproduction being metamorphosed. Refreshingly, Steiner is not judgmental and does not preach asceticism. He recognises the 'all-too-human' frailty people confront in their personal lives, even in the case of great individuals such as Goethe. Sex is a necessary stage of human evolution, and the split nature of the human being is a fact of our age. Its healing will be gradual but, like Amfortas in the Grail story - whose wounded groin was a metaphor for amorous misadventure - we can all be healed through love and compassion.

Sex Education

Book Description

Proves why classroom sex education is always wrong and always harmful; that it destroys modesty; awakens the passions; promotes sexual activity and fosters acceptance of sexual sins. Shows where it comes from; who promotes it; that it is all-pervasive. Gives the Church's position; that sex education is the right and duty of parents only; which may be delegated to others; but never usurped! A must for parents; teachers and priests.