Sex in Christianity and Psychoanalysis

Book Description

Originally published in 1956, this survey of the interpretations of sex by the major figures in Christian thought and in psychoanalysis made an important contribution to the re-thinking of our sexual morality at the time. The author refutes the common belief that the negative attitude toward sex and the body, which had been predominant in western civilization, originated with Christianity. He shows that such a viewpoint was widespread in the early Hellenism Age, nearly three centuries before Christ. He emphasizes the essentially positive view which Biblical religion demands and shows how Christianity’s attitude early became corrupted by the dualism of the Orient. He points to the need for a return to essential naturalism and the Biblical interpretation of sex. The first part of the book consists of a historical treatment in the Christian tradition, touching upon the teaching of Jesus, Paul, Augustine, Aquinas, Luther, Calvin and others. He analyses the classical and contemporary attitudes and ideas in both Catholic and Protestant circles and shows how Christian understanding comes into conflict with psychoanalysis. In the later portions of the book the author discusses sex and psychoanalysis and the major problems in sexual mores. He ends with a synthesis of the religious and psychoanalytic points of view and a critical reconstruction of a Christian interpretation.

Sex for Christians

Book Description

Considered one of the definitive statements on sex and sexuality from a Christian perspective, Sex for Christians offers frank yet compassionate discussion that is at once refreshingly open-minded and strongly biblical. This edition adds discussions of AIDS and talk of "safe sex", cohabitation, homosexuality, and the need to develop Christian strategies regarding sex.

Sexuality and Sex Therapy

Book Description

The field of human sexuality is one of ever-increasing complexity, particularly for Christian therapists and psychologists seeking to be faithful to Scripture, informed by science and sensitive to culture. Mark Yarhouse and Erica Tan offer a survey and appraisal of this field from a Christian perspective, which grounds sex therapy in the biblical affirmation of physicality and the redemptive purposes of human life.

An Introduction to the Study of Sexuality

Book Description

This book examines some of the ways in which sexuality has been described and interpreted in the West. The main models examined are: the Christian view of sex as sinful; the psychoanalytical model, including such notions as the sexual drive, infantile sexuality, the Oedipus complex, and the distinction between male and female sexuality; the 'social construction' model, which proposes that 'sexuality' is a modern concept; and the links between sexuality and spirituality. There is also some consideration of feminist and gay approaches to sexuality, and the complicated subject of male sexuality.

The Meaning of Sex

Book Description

Our culture is not only sex-crazed but also deeply confused about sex and sexual ethics. Unfortunately, Christians seem equally confused, and the church has tended to respond with simplistic answers. The reason for this confusion is that the meaning of sex has been largely lost. Dennis Hollinger argues that there is indeed a God-given meaning to sex. This meaning, found in the Christian worldview, provides a framework for a biblical sexual ethic that adequately addresses the many contemporary moral issues. The Meaning of Sex provides a good balance between accessible theology and engaging discussion of the practical issues Christians are facing, including premarital sex, sex within marriage, homosexuality, reproductive technologies, and faithful living in a sex-obsessed world.

God, Biblical Stories and Psychoanalytic Understanding

Book Description

In every process of reading there is interaction between text and reader. Religious texts speak about God; readers of religious texts have their images of God. Thus, in the process of reading religious texts we have a triangle with text, reader and God at the extreme points. But how are these points connected? The articles in the book discuss this question. They focus on biblical texts, and they make use of different psychoanalytic approaches. The book deals with the biblical subjects of the «bloody bridegroom» in Ex 4, the Oedipus complex in the book of Esther, the Saul-David story from a Kleinian perspective, and the creation of woman. This work also examines the question of interiorization and the images of God. The contributors are scholars from several European countries and from widely differing scholarly and denominational backgrounds, who discussed their papers in the course of a European SOCRATES intensive program.