Shadows of the Illuminati

Book Description

The religious background of the Illuminati varies according to their world views and how history is seen, from which perspective is compiled, and although we may tend to simplify complexities within our mind, by placing collected information in the same box, it isn’t the easiest way to reach conclusions, and much less the truth. Today, the ones claiming to be part of a specific group self-entitled Illuminati can be traced back in history to the Knights Templar, the Pythagorean Brotherhood, the Gnostics, the Luciferian and Pagan traditions, and many, many more. The body of knowledge encompasses a huge amount of scientific truths kept hidden for thousands of years, and found in its entire body in the Vedic scriptures, the Egyptian schools of mysteries and even in the ancient Atlantic beliefs, which for many remain very alive today. Now, although for those in the darkness, the non-illuminated ones, the ignorant masses, it would be easier to divide the world in two parts, and place the illuminated ones in one category alone, I must stress that such would be naive and dangerous. We have to remember that, even though the nazis were, to a great extent, members of a secret society, the Thule Society, which most beliefs were incorporated in what we know today as Nazism, they did persecute many other societies that we still place in the same lineage of concepts known as being related to the Illuminati, namely, Freemasonry, Rosicrucianism, Gnosticism and more. And they did this with full support of the Vatican, which, supposedly, should be following an opposite religious direction. The question we can then ask, if we wish to comprehend why such things happened, is why these societies, sharing the same background, oppose one another. And the answer is as important today as it has always been before. Because, you see, although I’m a member of many religious societies and don’t see a reason to play this game, I can’t truly understand why so many do it, or how to explain to the ones doing why they shouldn’t. I have met many Rosicrucians opposing Freemasonry, many Freemasons fearing Scientology, many Gnostics claiming supremacy over any of those groups, and even Scientologists believing that their belief system is unique and supreme, and this while some of the Christians that I’ve personally encountered dig deep into their bible and find similarities between Christianity and the beliefs of the Egyptian philosophies, and yet refuse to place the body of knowledge under the same light, due to prejudice and the need to have a common enemy. In other words, we’re still very far from realizing that we’re not truly fighting a real battle, but merely opposing one another, fearing our own shadows and delaying our progress as human beings. The truth is that many of the founders and most well-known figures of these societies have tried to create a parallelism between all, and instead of placing themselves at the top of a hierarchy. It is the deceptive few inside these groups that confuse the fundaments and shift the paradigms towards a war scenario between good and evil. In reality, the real illuminated ones, live and always lived beyond this duality, with their eyes in a future that unites us under the same God, the same rules and the same order, not to favor a few but everyone.

They Cast No Shadows

Book Description

In this explosive and compelling book, author Brian Desborough explores the activities of the thirteen interconnected family bloodlines that collectively comprise the secret group known as the Illuminati. His years spent aiding survivors of Satanic ritual abuse and mind control has provided the author with an in-depth knowledge of Illuminati history and their future plans for the human race. The culmination of three decades of intensive research, this provocative book is designed to take readers out of their comfort zone and examine the historical and archaeological data, which reveal that: · Israel was created not by illiterate pastoralists, as is claimed by biblical scholars, but by skilled Kenite copper smelters. · The Dead Sea Scrolls were not written at Khirbat Qumran. · The Temple Mount is not the site of the Temples of Solomon and Herod. Applying a synthesis of history, politics, science and covert intelligence sources, the author explores such diverse subjects as mind control, advanced energy systems, terrestrially constructed flying saucers, extraterrestrials, and the planned double-cross of the western Illuminati factions by China and Russia. Oriented toward both the scholar and layperson, this revealing book is a "must read" for those interested in history, politics or high technology.

Confessions of an Illuminati, Volume III

Book Description

Zagami pushes the boundaries once again with this unique and personal journey into the mysteries of the secretive world of the Dark Cabal. In the third book of this acclaimed series, Zagami explores a variety of cryptic topics that are always verified with documentation. This is not a work of fiction, but a tool with which readers can comprehend topics that range from the truth about the mythical Knights Templars to the Jesuits and their Vatican espionage game. Zagami uncovers the most credible candidates of the Grail mystery with proven testimony from an official saint of the Catholic Church. Zagami also upholds what he calls "conspiracy reality," a way to fight back against the system of lies and deceit responsible for the rise of Satanism in the Vatican, showing in the process the magical practices of the Illuminati.

The Bavarian Illuminati

Book Description

• Details the rise and fall of this famous and infamous Order, including its penetration of Bavarian society and its destruction by the Bavarian government • Explains the Bavarian Illuminati’s grades, rituals, ceremonies, and fundamental philosophies and examines the leaders of the Order • Contains the only surviving record of documents that were destroyed during the two World Wars The Bavarian Order of the Illuminati is the most celebrated secret society in the world. Though officially lasting only 11 years, the powerful spell and shadow cast by the Illuminati still looms in the present day, where its influence can be seen in current conspiracy beliefs and actions by powerful individuals working in the shadows. The original Order of the Illuminati was founded by Bavarian professor Adam Weishaupt in 1776. Although the order was banned and brought down by the Bavarian Elector in 1787--when he became aware of the extent to which it had infiltrated the courts, schools, and his own administration--its legend and deep influence lives on to this day. Charting the rise and fall of this infamous order, this book--first published in French in 1915 and never before available in English--remains the definitive history of the Order of the Bavarian Illuminati. It also offers a revealing look at the world that spawned and shaped it: a ceaseless ferment of revolutionary and occult ideas and the ceaseless attempts by crown and church to suppress them. Other secret societies that shared the stage with the Illuminati during these years include the Templar Strict Observance, von Hund’s Templar Freemasonry, and other Masonic lodges the Illuminati targeted to subvert for their own purposes. Many of the documents the author consulted for the writing of this book were destroyed during the two World Wars, making this book the only surviving record of many of the order’s secrets. The author explains the Bavarian Illuminati’s grades, rituals, and ceremonies as well as its fundamental philosophies. He paints vivid portraits of the leaders of the order, including Weishaupt, Baron Knigge, and Xavier von Zwack. He reveals how Weishaupt early on decided to subvert the existing German Freemason Lodge as a shortcut to gain esoteric hegemony over the occult world, all in order to extend Illuminati influence into the society at large and the government. The author also provides extensive detail of the order’s eventual destruction by the Bavarian government. In addition to its revelation of little-known secrets of the Illuminati Order, the author also sheds new light on much of the occult life of this time, including the activities of figures such as Cagliostro and Mirabeau and other active groups such as Freemason chapters, the Rosicrucians, and the Martinists.

The Illuminati

Book Description

Secret societies have both fascinated and frightened people for hundreds of years. Often the infamous Illuminati is mentioned as the core of conspiracies which span the globe. The Illuminati is actually a historical secret society which had goals of revolutions and world domination dating back to the 1770s. Since then, rumors and conspiracy theories involving the Illuminati continue to spread, sometimes finding their way into popular novels like Dan Brown's Angels & Demons and Hollywood movies like Lara Croft: Tomb Raider. Some men have even come forward claiming to be former members, offering details of what they allege are the inner workings of the organization. When you sift through all of the information available on the subject, you may be surprised that the truth is stranger than fiction. In The Illuminati: Facts & Fiction, conspiracy and occult expert Mark Dice separates history from Hollywood and shows why tales of the secret society won't die. - Original Writings and Documents - Purported Texts - Freemasonry's Connections - The Georgia Guidestones - Alleged Victims and Defectors - Aliens and Reptillians - Activists and Eyewitnesses - Fictional books - Fictional films - TV references - The Music Industry - Mainstream Media Manipulation - Documentary Films - Pre Illuminati Organizations - The Luciferian Doctrine - The Federal Reserve - Skull and Bones - The Bilderberg Group - Bohemian Grove - The Council on Foreign Relations - The Franklin Cover-up - Sex Magic - Election Fraud - The Necronomicon - The Church of Satan - The Secret Doctrine - Emerald Tablet - The Book of Thoth - The Book of Dzyan - The Report From Iron Mountain - Protocols of the Elders of Zion - The Holy Grail - MK-ULTRA Documents - The Satanic Bible - The Secret Doctrine - David Rockefeller's Memoirs - Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism - Secret Societies and Subversive Movements - Occult Theocrasy - Externalization of the Hierarchy - None Dare Call It Conspiracy - Magick: In Theory and Practice - Bloodlines of the Illuminati - The Lexicon of Freemasonry - Morals and Dogma - The Secret Teachings of All Ages - Myron Fagan - Edith Miller - Gary Allen - Abbe Barruel - Nesta Webster - Anthony J. Hilder - John Robison - Johnny Gosch - William Morgan - Chris Jones, former Bohemian Grove employee - Ted Gunderson former FBI Agent - John Todd - Bill Schnoebelen - Mike Warnke - Cathy O'Brien - Aleister Crowley - Alice Bailey - Benjamine Creme - William Cooper - Carol Quigley - Zeitgeist's Peter Joseph - Helena Blavatsky - Phil Schneider - Benjamin Fulford - Hal Turner, FBI informant - Manly P. Hall - Fritz Springmeier - Albert Pike - Anton LaVey - David Icke - And More By the author of The New World Order: Facts & Fiction

Confessions of an Illuminati, Volume I

Book Description

In English for the first time, a guide to the true secret structure of the Illuminati and their invisible network made of various power structures, author Leo Lyon Zagami uses their internal documents and reveals confidential and top-secret events. His book contends that the presence of numerous Illuminati brotherhoods and secret societies—just as those inside the most prestigious U.S. universities such as Yale or Harvard—have always been guides to the occult. From the Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO)'s infiltration of Freemasonry to the real Priory of Sion, this book exposes not only the hidden structure of the New World Order and the occult practices but also their connections to the intelligence community and the infamous Ur-Lodges.

The Illuminati

Book Description

WikiLeaks and Anonymous are driven by the same ideals and aims as the Illuminati were 250 years ago, and the next counter culture revolution has already begun online. Throughout history governments, dictators and religious leaders have fought to cling to power by either force or manipulation. To counter these there have always been secret societies and groups working in the shadows for the emancipation of humanity. The Illuminati formed in 1776 among European Freemasons and academics with the intention of liberating humanity from physical, mental and spiritual bondage. This brought them into conflict with the ruling elite and religion, but during their brief incarnation they encapsulated the entire ethos of counter-culture into a single system of organized dissent that is still relevant today. The term Illuminati has since become usurped by the idea of a New World Order, but their principles live on through counter-culture and the connected communities of the internet age. Hacktivits and cultural movements like Anonymous and WikiLeaks currently wage war against corrupt corporations and government agencies that try to oppress and exploit society. This book is a wake up call for all who value their liberty and privacy to join the battle to protect counter-culture before it is too late.

Illuminati Bible of Divine Light

Book Description

The present book entitled the Illuminati Bible of Divine Light is a work of philosophy that deepens both ontological and gnoseological themes, regarding the Existence of God and implicitly ours. I have said many times, so far, that philosophy is the religion of the future.At the base of the Illuminati Bible of Divine Light is the philosophical-religious system called Coaxialism, published in its final form in the book entitled Coaxialism - Final Edition, but also the Collection of Wisdom consisting of 16,777 aphorisms structured according to certain themes, published in its final form in the book entitled, The Wisdom Collection: 16. 777 Philosophical Aphorisms- 2020 Edition. The God of the Illuminati Bible of Divine Light is not a dictatorial God who demands total submission from Man so that Man can benefit from a Paradise after Death, but is a God of Man's rediscovery in his own Self. The God of this World is the Creator Factor and Unique-Incidentally, who is defined through a Meaning that forms a Word. In the Parallel Universes there are an infinity of Creator Factors and Unique-Incidentally where each one in part is a Meaning that in turn determines a Word in the respective Universe, Word from which the respective Universe was formed, as well as our Universe in turn, was formed from the Word of our own Creator Factor and Unique -Incidentally. The totality of the Creator Factors and Unique-Incidentally, that is, the totality of the Meanings which determine, in their turn, each in part, a Word, form the Universal Pure Language, which in its totality determines the Consciousness Unique and Incidentally of the Universal Unique Expression which is the Supreme God, the Supreme Intelligence of all Universes whose number is infinite as is infinite and the number of the Words defined in turn, each in part, by the Creator Factors and Unique -Incidentally. The Unique-Incidentally Consciousness of the Universal Unique Expression always KNOWS where it is and what namely it does, each atom in part, each elementary particle in part, from each Universe which in turn together with all the other Universes makes up the infinity of Universes. I have always said that we are from before us, that is, we are a reflection of what was and from here comes the Destiny that cannot be changed, and the Free Will is an Illusion from the great range of the Illusions of Life. Everything that will Happen in our Future has Happened and has been in our Past before it was Time. Thus, the spiritual Energy of our Soul is allowed to pass through the Happenings that the Illusion of our own Life renders to us as being something new, even though they were, long before us. We are a quantum of energy, which flows through a reflection of the World that was before Time, a World through whose reflection we flow in the so-called Present, with our own spiritual energies of the Soul, having the false sensation of, Time, Past, Present and Future. From this flowing of ours, through the reflection of ​that World in the Mirror of Knowledge, we have the feeling that we are living our own Life even though in reality we are living our own Illusion of Life. In conclusion, we are only a quantum of energy which flows through the reflected images of the World that was somewhere - sometime, from before Time. As those images of the World in whose reflection we have the Illusion that we live cannot be changed, so neither our Destiny cannot be changed, because it flows once with the spiritual energies of our Souls, through the images of that World, which cannot be changed by us, because that World was before us. Thus, precisely the Illusion of Life that gives us the so-called Free Will, he which in reality does not exist, she, the Illusion of Life is the one that can help us to improve or worsen the spiritual energy of our Soul. Hence, results the necessity of the Illusion of Life in this World. Thus, once we travel through this World with Happenings that were long Before we believed that it Happens, accompanied by the Illusion of Life that makes us believe in the existence of Free Will, we go through, all sorts of Trials, that are the spiritual relief forms of this World, which is a reflection of what was, somewhere - sometime and from here comes the ineffable Destiny. Destiny is ineffable because it cannot be changed, because neither the World through whose reflection we pass can never be changed. Thus, the religions that have developed in this World, did not appear Incidentally, but they existed in the Initial World that was reflected in the Mirror of our Knowledge, a World that was, long Before us. In that World was also Jesus Christ, and the other Great Prophets such as the Prophet Muhammad, the Buddha, Moses, etc. What Happened on Earth, that is, in our World, was that some Souls who were so spiritually perfect had the approval of God, to travel through this World in the bodies of these Great Prophets, just as each of us have the acceptance of God, to travel through this World in our own bodies, which are some vehicles that take us from the destination of Birth to the destination of Death. These vehicles which are our bodies, they too, are, in turn, a reflection of a World that was long Before us. Due to these things, every Man is born under the specter of a certain Religion which has been left so by God through Destiny to Happen. The appearance of the Great Prophets was due to the Destiny. Jesus Christ, did not appear from Nothingness, Incidentally in our World, but was left namely to Happen in this way, by God, because God is the one who let the Mirror of Knowledge through which we to can become Aware of this World. That's exactly why every Man is good to follow the Religion existing in the area where he was born and to respect the Religions of other People born in other areas where there are other kinds of Religions, until these will be replaced or not, by other Religions, or philosophical and religious systems, with the Will of God, that is, on the understanding of some, in a natural way and not forced by anyone. Even Atheism is in itself a Religion, precisely through the fact that it is based on a certain Faith, where God is represented through the Laws of the Universe. It has been speculated about me that in the book The Evil I do not make a clear distinction between the Evil necessary for the existence of Good, and the Devil. Evil is necessary for the existence of Good just as Good is necessary for the existence of Evil. Evil can often be a far greater Good than Good and vice versa, Good can sometimes be a far greater Evil than Evil. Instead with what I do not agree and can really be considered an Evil that can be Devilish, is for example Wickedness. About wickedness, I have developed an entire chapter in the book entitled The Far Future of Mankind, Philosophical Aphorisms, the Chapter of Wickedness, aphorisms 1-227, a book which in turn is part of The Wisdom Collection : 16,777 Philosophical Aphorisms, which in turn is part from this book entitled The Illuminati Bible of Divine Light. Thus, Wickedness is something demonic which must be combated, because the Evil it brings does not serve the Good than in a much lesser extent, than the Good could serve, the Evil from this Wickedness. If we are to attribute Wickedness to the Devil, then we must certainly avoid him, as much as we can. In conclusion, Evil and Good are the attributes of God when Evil can help the Good and of the Devil when Evil can not help the Good than an even greater Evil. There is all sorts of speculation concerning the fact that I would have stated in Coaxialism that Man thinks only with a tiny percentage of the brain. ​I even said that Man does not think than with 2 percent from his brain. I stated this in the context in which I wanted to express that only a tiny percentage of the cognitive total we use would have any connection with the Absolute Truth through this interweaving of Illusions of the Life through which we travel during our own Life. In reality, I think that, that two percent percentage is very high and in reality it would not be, not even that much. And the brain in turn, is also an Illusion from the arsenal of the Illusions of Life, so the so-called ability of the human brain to process data is an Illusion as great, as our own Illusion of Life is. It is irrelevant whether or not Man uses his entire brain in the thought process once his entire thought process is subjected to the Illusion of Life and due to this fact the Man's thinking is not anchored by even two percent to the Absolute Truth. With the appearance of my first philosophical studies but also of aphorisms, I initially published the book entitled Bible of the Light and then a more complete form of the book Bible of the Light was the book entitled The Illuminati Bible, so that in present to publish the full form of the Bible, which I felt that it will be perfected with the help of God, and which I decided to call the Illuminati Bible of Divine Light. Some will wonder why I chose this name of The Illuminati Bible starting with that book published in 2014, the content of which is also in this book called the Illuminati Bible of Divine Light which in turn contains many other parts? Simple. Firstly because I wanted to help, in Good, the Karma of this World, because Illuminati and Enlightenment are spoken of in negative terms, and secondly because Illuminati comes from Enlightenment, and true Enlightenment cannot bring the Evil, nor can it be the Evil, vile. True Enlightenment must be based only on Good and never on bringing the Evil as the supreme Wickedness. Therefore, in order to improve the Karma of Mankind, I show that Enlightenment does not consist in Wickedness but in combating Wickedness. The enlightened ones cannot be a hidden group of people who lead humanity out of the shadows committing all sorts of evils and abuses to maintain power.These people are by no means Enlightened but Dark. If there really are some in such a situation then they use the term Illuminati or Enlightened falsely. How, just as Dark are those who dirtyly attack on the true Illuminati or Enlightened only out of obscure interests of a religious nature, for fear that the Enlightened ones might open the souls of the People and show them the Way to the Truth from which some high prelates that are at the head of certain churches flee, who are afraid that, if the Truth would be found, they will lose both their financial and their decision-making power. I believe that the future will belong to those truly Enlightened, the true Illuminati. A thing is to use Evil to bring through it, Good and another is to use Evil to bring through it the Wickedness. The true Enlightened and not Dark are those who understand that the Evil can only be used for Good when he can do it, and the Good only for the Evil less Evil, when the Good itself can lead to destruction, disaster or pain. The real Bad People, the Dark Ones, are the ones who use both Good and Evil to do as much as possible Evil and not Good. Mankind must understand that the Evil and Good, the God and the Devil are an Entity with two distinct characteristics, an Entity that defines our True God, that is, our Creator Factor and Unique-Incidentally. Therefore, in order to improve the Karma of this World, we will have to pray to the Universal Consciousness formed by the Universal Pure Language.That is, to pray to the Divine Light of all the Worlds, the Supreme God of Intelligence, which to inspire our thoughts so that to use in moderation both Good and Evil, for the ultimate purpose of doing and bringing through us as much as possible Good. Why didn't I let in continuation the name of the Illuminati Bible and to this new, much deeper work of the Bible and call it the Illuminati Bible of Divine Light ? Because compared to the other book called the Illuminati Bible, the Illuminati Bible of Divine Light contains in addition to the content of that book many other new chapters that appeared with the new Wisdom Collections or with the final form of the Coaxialism. In the last edition of the Wisdom Collection, I published six other new books of philosophical aphorisms, bringing the Collection of Wisdom to a total of 16,777 philosophical aphorisms. The last books refer to topics such as those related, to Justice, to the World after Death, to the philosophy of Artificial Intelligence, to the far Future of Mankind, etc. All this highlights not only a Bible with concepts like the one I called the Illuminati Bible but also one that fully reflects my thinking and faith as a whole, which is based on my philosophical-religious system called Coaxialism, and therefore, the book could not be called otherwise than the Illuminati Bible of Divine Light. Especially since in this book, entitled the Illuminati Bible of Divine Light, there is also the final form of my philosophical-religious system called Coaxialism, where I refer to Transcendental Coaxiological Mathematics but also to Mathematical Psychology. I am convinced that philosophy, Coaxialism, will become part of the Religion of the Future, a Religion whose churches will be the souls of the People. Yes, I want that the soul of every Man to be a Temple of worship, Enlightened by the Divine Light of Absolute Truth, whose Thought is reflected by the Universal Consciousness of the Universal Pure Language. A Language whose Words are infinite, and of all these Words, one of them is our God, that is, our Creator Factor and Unique-Incidentally, who gave birth to this World. Sorin Cerin July 7, 2021

Shadow Parliament - A Catalyst RPG Campaign

Book Description

(Note: This is a campaign requiring the Catalyst RPG system. Visit http: // for the base game or to purchase a PDF of Shadow Parliament). Secret societies control the fate of humanity. A select few know magic, demons, and unlimited power exist. Some strive to bring forth these demons; others exist to protect our species. ""Shadow Parliament"" follows the players' induction into the Shadows and their clandestine efforts to prevent the cataclysm. This guide aids game masters in directing a Catalyst campaign. ""Shadow Parliament"" takes 3-5 players through a longer, 7-session campaign.

Illuminati Halloween

Book Description

His girlfriend kidnapped and his best friend murdered, amateur private eye Joe Holiday tracks a mysterious Satanist wing of the Illuminati to the end of the conspiracy, Halloween and their ultimate creation.