Shamanic Secrets for Physical Mastery

Book Description

"Learn to heal the planet and the planet will heal you ... The purpose of this book is to allow you to understand the sacred nature of your own physical body and some of the magnificent gifts it offers you. When you work with your physical body in these new ways, you will discover not only its sacredness, but how it is compatible with Mother Earth, the animals, the plants, and even the nearby planets, all of which you now recognize as being sacred in nature. It is important to feel the value of yourself physically before you can have a lasting impact on the world. The less you think of yourself physically, the less likely your physical impact on the world will be sustained by Mother Earth. If a physical energy does not feel good about itself, it will usually be resolved; other physical or spiritual energies will dissolve it because it is unnatural. The better you feel about your physical self when you do the work in the previous book, Shamanic Secrets for Material Mastery (A), as well as in this one and the one to follow, the greater and more lasting the benevolent effect on your life will be on the lives of those around you and, ultimately, on your planet and universe. Clearing techniques and other topics are included."

Shamanic Secrets for Spiritual Mastery

Book Description

"""Spiritual mastery encompasses many different means to assimilate and be assimilated by the wisdom, feelings, flow, warmth, function and application of all beings in your world that you will actually contact in some way. A lot of spiritual mastery has been covered in different bits and pieces throughout all the books we've done. My approach to spiritual mastery, though, will be as grounded as possible in things that people on Earth can use -- but it won't include the broad spectrum of spiritual mastery, like levitation and invisibility. I'll only teach what I think you can actually use. Very few people need levitation. You might find it amusing, but the problem is, eventually you fall asleep, float up into space and suffocate. What good it that? I'm trying to teach you things that you can actually use and benefit from. ""When I talk about my life, those are the lessons in spiritual mastery -- aspects of my life, and the life of any physical person. And I will discuss how I do it, how I've been taught and perhaps even suggestions for how you might do it. My life is basically going to represent your needs, and it gets the secrets that have been held back out in a storylike fashion, so that it is more interesting."" -- Speaks of Many Truths (through Robert Shapiro) ""The nature of spiritual mastery is not to be completely in control, but is necessarily to not have any control. The whole point of spiritual mastery is to be in concordance, not in control. Whatever develops as you go along, moment-to-moment in your life, you are able to act or react to it on the basis of the natural foundational love that exists between all life forms. Spiritual mastery is the underpinnings of multiple ways of being and multiple ways of understanding, appreciating and interacting in harmony with your world."" -- Isis (through Robert Shapiro)"

Shamanic Secrets for Material Mastery

Book Description

"This book explores the heart and soul connection between humans and Mother Earth. Through that intimacy, miracles of healing and expanded awareness can flourish. To heal the planet and be healed as well, we can lovingly extend our energy selves out to the mountains and rivers and intimately bond with the Earth. Gestures and vision can activate our hearts to return us to a healthy, caring relationship with the land we live on. The character and essence of some of Earth's most powerful features is explored and understood, with exercises given to connect us to those places. As we project our love and healing energy there, we help the Earth to heal from man's destruction of the planet and its atmosphere. Dozens of photographs, maps and drawings assist the process in 25 chapters that cover the Earth's more critical locations."

Shamanic Secrets for Spiritual Mastery

Book Description


Shamanic Secrets: Lost Wisdom Regained

Book Description

Due to wars, natural disasters, a shaman not being able to train a successor, and many other reasons, Isis (through Robert) says that 95 percent of the accumulated shamanic wisdom has been lost. Now it is important to regain this wisdom as young people who are able to learn and use these processes are being born now. Beings who lived as shamans and healers on Earth at various times now speak through Robert Shapiro and bring these lost teachings and techniques to a humanity waking up and discovering it has the talents and abilities to use this wisdom for the benefit of all. “This is a time on Earth when people are being rent asunder by dramas in their lives and are overwhelmed by dramas in the lives of others or are sometimes attached to the dramatic events of the day. In times gone by, there were people who provided knowledge, wisdom, and comfort to ease life for their people. “This book is entirely about finding comfort and ease through life. You don’t have to struggle. You don’t have to find substitutes for things you don’t have. You don’t have to get along without things you need. You need food, comfortable shelter, good health, and time to enjoy life. This book does not provide all the answers to all your questions. Rather, it is the beginning of much more to come. “Some of you are interested in how others lived their lives in the past, but most of you — especially those who need something, want something, or are desperately trying to acquire something — are interested in how people from the past acquired those things. Some of the suggestions will seem fantastic or impossible to you. Don’t assume that. Some of you will find you can produce, in some way, a portion of what those shamans from the past were able to do. This might be easier for those of you already on your spiritual path. Even if you are not on any particular spiritual path, don’t assume you cannot do these things.” — Speaks of Many Truths

Shaman Wisdom, Shaman Healing

Book Description

Praise for Michael Samuels and Mary Rockwood Lane "Filled with the truth about how spirit can heal us. I was very moved by this powerful book." -Christiane Northrup, M.D. (on Spirit Body Healing) "Dr. Michael Samuels provides us with new tools and ways of thinking about our capacity to heal. He has been a wonderful teacher for me and can be for you. . . . His work is inspiring." -Bernie Siegel, M.D. "Healing is a creative process. These heartfelt stories and beautiful visualizations inspire the reader to see all life as a healing journey." -David Simon, M.D. (on Spirit Body Healing) "Dr. Michael Samuels is one of the leading pioneers in exploring creativity as an important part of every person’s healing journey." -Dean Ornish, M.D. Ancient spiritual wisdom-practical results Long before there were medical doctors, surgical procedures, and prescription drugs, shaman healers learned to combat illness and restore physical health using the tools and skills of the body, mind, and spirit. Shaman Wisdom, Shaman Healing shows you how to harness the power of these ancient shamanic traditions to expand your ability as a healer. This practical, prescriptive guide offers a step-by-step program that shows you how to focus the power of your mind, open yourself to your visionary life, and allow the healing spirit to flow through you. You’ll learn how to heal yourself and others using proven techniques drawn from both Native American and Asian traditions, including: Heeding the call, Creating a sacred space, Inviting spirit through prayer, Using guided imagery and moving healing energy, Invoking spirit animals and the spirits of ancient ones, Using a medicine wheel and cultivating visions

Shamanic Secrets for Physical Mastery

Book Description

The fourth installment of the series tells of the incredible vehicle traveling with the Hale-Bopp Comet--four times the size of Earth and filled with lightbeings. The book also covers the Montauk project, the HAARP project, and the uncreation of Hitler.


Book Description

Due to wars, natural disasters, a shaman not being able to train a successor, and many other reasons, Isis (through Robert) says that 95 percent of the accumulated shamanic wisdom has been lost. Now it is important to regain this wisdom as young people who are able to learn and use these processes are being born now. Beings who lived as shamans and healers on Earth at various times now speak through Robert Shapiro and bring these lost teachings and techniques to a humanity waking up and discovering it has the talents and abilities to use this wisdom for the benefit of all. This is a time on Earth when people are being rent asunder by dramas in their lives and are overwhelmed by dramas in the lives of others or are sometimes attached to the dramatic events of the day. In times gone by, there were people who provided knowledge, wisdom, and comfort to ease life for their people. This book is entirely about finding comfort and ease through life. You don t have to struggle. You don t have to find substitutes for things you don t have. You don t have to get along without things you need. You need food, comfortable shelter, good health, and time to enjoy life. This book does not provide all the answers to all your questions. Rather, it is the beginning of much more to come. Some of you are interested in how others lived their lives in the past, but most of you especially those who need something, want something, or are desperately trying to acquire something are interested in how people from the past acquired those things. Some of the suggestions will seem fantastic or impossible to you. Don t assume that. Some of you will find you can produce, in some way, a portion of what those shamans from the past were able to do. This might be easier for those of you already on your spiritual path. Even if you are not on any particular spiritual path, don t assume you cannot do these things. Speaks of Many Truths Chapters Include Bring Life Back to Your Drinking Water Look to Plants and Animals for Health and Wellness Clues Share Your Healing Wisdom with Others Work as a Group for the Benefit of All Collect Healing Energy from the Stars Use Lightning Energy to Free Spirits from Earth Accept and Maintain Your Physical Body Focus on the Positive to Bring It About Help Each Other to Help Earth Tap into Benevolent Energy Move with the Earth Connect with Otherplanetary Shamans Remember Your Dream Soul Journeys "

In the Shadow of the Shaman

Book Description

In the Shadow of the Shaman is about the importance of connection to the deepest power of Nature. It tells you how to use natural objects from the shamanic worlds -- Plant, Mineral, Animal, and Human -- to help make this personal connection with Earth energies. In doing this, you are able to reconnect with the center of your own power. Because the shamanic path is such a personal one, often not able to be shared, this book has been designed so that it has the experiential quality of the shamanic journey traditions. The author is also careful to present the information in a clear, organized manner. In doing so, she blends the deeply personal wisdom of a shamanic path with the shared, community wisdom of a medicine path. This represents an ideal for Aquarian shamanism. But this book is not simply about shamanism -- it shows, through techniques, exercises, meditations, and rituals, how anyone can become a shaman. You will learn how to attune yourself with the shamanic worlds of Nature, and with the Higher Self, for self-healing and self-empowerment. You will learn to develop shamanic balance, to become the living tree, and you will do this by using such tools as stones, crystals, feathers, masks, drums, and incense. Book jacket.

Bushman Shaman

Book Description

The author’s journey to becoming a Bushman shaman and healer and how this tradition relates to shamanic practices around the world • Explores the Bushmen’s ecstatic shaking and dancing practices • Written by the first non-Bushman to become fully initiated into their healing and spiritual ways In Bushman Shaman, Bradford Keeney details his initiation into the shamanic tradition of the Kalahari Bushmen, regarded by some scholars as the oldest living culture on earth. Keeney sought out the Bushmen while in South Africa as a visiting professor of psychotherapy. He had known of the Kalahari “trance dance,” wherein the dancers’ bodies shake uncontrollably as part of the healing ceremony. Keeney was drawn to this tradition in the hope that it might explain and provide a forum for his own ecstatic “shaking,” which he had first experienced at the age of 19 and had tried to suppress and hide throughout his adult life. For more than a dozen years Keeney danced with Bushmen shamans in communities throughout Botswana and Namibia, until finally becoming fully initiated into their doctoring and spiritual ways. Through his rediscovery of the “rope to God” in a Bushman shaman dream, he offers readers accounts of his shamanic world travels and the secrets of the soul he learned along the way. In Bushman Shaman Keeney also reveals his work with shamans from Japan, Tibet, Bali, Thailand, Australia, and North and South America, providing new understandings of other forms of shamanic spiritual expression and integrating the practices of all these traditions into a sacred circle of one truth.