Discrimination and Classification

Book Description

Distribution-free methods; Parameterized distributions; Linear discriminant functions; Discrete variables; Variable selection; Cluster analysis; Miscellaneous topics.

Probability and Random Processes for Electrical and Computer Engineers

Book Description

The theory of probability is a powerful tool that helps electrical and computer engineers to explain, model, analyze, and design the technology they develop. The text begins at the advanced undergraduate level, assuming only a modest knowledge of probability, and progresses through more complex topics mastered at graduate level. The first five chapters cover the basics of probability and both discrete and continuous random variables. The later chapters have a more specialized coverage, including random vectors, Gaussian random vectors, random processes, Markov Chains, and convergence. Describing tools and results that are used extensively in the field, this is more than a textbook; it is also a reference for researchers working in communications, signal processing, and computer network traffic analysis. With over 300 worked examples, some 800 homework problems, and sections for exam preparation, this is an essential companion for advanced undergraduate and graduate students. Further resources for this title, including solutions (for Instructors only), are available online at www.cambridge.org/9780521864701.

Shape Classification and Analysis

Book Description

Because the properties of objects are largely determined by their geometric features, shape analysis and classification are essential to almost every applied scientific and technological area. A detailed understanding of the geometrical features of real-world entities (e.g., molecules, organs, materials and components) can provide important clues about their origin and function. When properly and carefully applied, shape analysis offers an exceedingly rich potential to yield useful applications in diverse areas ranging from material sciences to biology and neuroscience. Get Access to the Authors’ Own Cutting-Edge Open-Source Software Projects—and Then Actually Contribute to Them Yourself! The authors of Shape Analysis and Classification: Theory and Practice, Second Edition have improved the bestselling first edition by updating the tremendous progress in the field. This exceptionally accessible book presents the most advanced imaging techniques used for analyzing general biological shapes, such as those of cells, tissues, organs, and organisms. It implements numerous corrections and improvements—many of which were suggested by readers of the first edition—to optimize understanding and create what can truly be called an interactive learning experience. New Material in This Second Edition Addresses Graph and complex networks Dimensionality reduction Structural pattern recognition Shape representation using graphs Graphically reformulated, this edition updates equations, figures, and references, as well as slides that will be useful in related courses and general discussion. Like the popular first edition, this text is applicable to many fields and certain to become a favored addition to any library. Visit http://www.vision.ime.usp.br/~cesar/shape/ for Useful Software, Databases, and Videos

Discriminant Analysis and Applications

Book Description

Discriminant Analysis and Applications comprises the proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute on Discriminant Analysis and Applications held in Kifissia, Athens, Greece in June 1972. The book presents the theory and applications of Discriminant analysis, one of the most important areas of multivariate statistical analysis. This volume contains chapters that cover the historical development of discriminant analysis methods; logistic and quasi-linear discrimination; and distance functions. Medical and biological applications, and computer graphical analysis and graphical techniques for multidimensional data are likewise discussed. Statisticians, mathematicians, and biomathematicians will find the book very interesting.

Contributions to linear discriminant analysis with applications to growth curves

Book Description

This thesis concerns contributions to linear discriminant analysis with applications to growth curves. Firstly, we present the linear discriminant function coefficients in a stochastic representation using random variables from the standard univariate distributions. We apply the characterized distribution in the classification function to approximate the classification error rate. The results are then extended to large dimension asymptotics under assumption that the dimension p of the parameter space increases together with the sample size n to infinity such that the ratio converges to a positive constant c (0, 1). Secondly, the thesis treats repeated measures data which correspond to multiple measurements that are taken on the same subject at different time points. We develop a linear classification function to classify an individual into one out of two populations on the basis of the repeated measures data that when the means follow a growth curve structure. The growth curve structure we first consider assumes that all treatments (groups) follows the same growth profile. However, this is not necessarily true in general and the problem is extended to linear classification where the means follow an extended growth curve structure, i.e., the treatments under the experimental design follow different growth profiles. At last, a function of the inverse Wishart matrix and a normal distribution finds its application in portfolio theory where the vector of optimal portfolio weights is proportional to the product of the inverse sample covariance matrix and a sample mean vector. Analytical expressions for higher order moments and non-central moments of the portfolio weights are derived when the returns are assumed to be independently multivariate normally distributed. Moreover, the expressions for the mean, variance, skewness and kurtosis of specific estimated weights are obtained. The results are complemented using a Monte Carlo simulation study, where data from the multivariate normal and t-distributions are discussed. Den här avhandlingen studerar diskriminantanalys, klassificering av tillväxtkurvor och portföljteori. Diskriminantanalys och klassificering är flerdimensionella tekniker som används för att separera olika mängder av objekt och för att tilldela nya objekt till redan definierade grupper (så kallade klasser). En klassisk metod är att använda Fishers linjära diskriminantfunktion och när alla parametrar är kända så kan man enkelt beräkna sannolikheterna för felklassificering. Tyvärr är så sällan fallet, utan parametrarna måste skattas från data, och då blir Fishers linjära diskriminantfunktion en funktion av en Wishartmatris och multivariat normalfördelade vektorer. I den här avhandlingen studerar vi hur man kan approximativt beräkna sannolikheten för felklassificering under antagande att dimensionen på parameterrummet ökar tillsammans med antalet observationer genom att använda en särskild stokastisk representation av diskriminantfunktionen. Upprepade mätningar över tiden på samma individ eller objekt går att modellera med så kallade tillväxtkurvor. Vid klassificering av tillväxtkurvor, eller rättare sagt av upprepade mätningar för en ny individ, bör man ta tillvara på både den spatiala- och temporala informationen som finns hos dessa observationer. Vi vidareutvecklar Fishers linjära diskriminantfunktion att passa för upprepade mätningar och beräknar asymptotiska sannolikheter för felklassificering. Till sist kan man notera att snarlika funktioner av Wishartmatriser och multivariat normalfördelade vektorer dyker upp när man vill beräkna de optimala vikterna i portföljteori. Genom en stokastisk representation studerar vi egenskaperna hos portföljvikterna och gör dessutom en simuleringsstudie för att förstå vad som händer när antagandet om normalfördelning inte är uppfyllt.

Image Analysis and Recognition

Book Description

This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition, ICIAR 2013, held in Póvoa do Varzim, Portugal, in June 2013, The 92 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 177 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on biometrics: behavioral; biometrics: physiological; classification and regression; object recognition; image processing and analysis: representations and models, compression, enhancement , feature detection and segmentation; 3D image analysis; tracking; medical imaging: image segmentation, image registration, image analysis, coronary image analysis, retinal image analysis, computer aided diagnosis, brain image analysis; cell image analysis; RGB-D camera applications; methods of moments; applications.

Kernel Methods for Remote Sensing Data Analysis

Book Description

Kernel methods have long been established as effective techniques in the framework of machine learning and pattern recognition, and have now become the standard approach to many remote sensing applications. With algorithms that combine statistics and geometry, kernel methods have proven successful across many different domains related to the analysis of images of the Earth acquired from airborne and satellite sensors, including natural resource control, detection and monitoring of anthropic infrastructures (e.g. urban areas), agriculture inventorying, disaster prevention and damage assessment, and anomaly and target detection. Presenting the theoretical foundations of kernel methods (KMs) relevant to the remote sensing domain, this book serves as a practical guide to the design and implementation of these methods. Five distinct parts present state-of-the-art research related to remote sensing based on the recent advances in kernel methods, analysing the related methodological and practical challenges: Part I introduces the key concepts of machine learning for remote sensing, and the theoretical and practical foundations of kernel methods. Part II explores supervised image classification including Super Vector Machines (SVMs), kernel discriminant analysis, multi-temporal image classification, target detection with kernels, and Support Vector Data Description (SVDD) algorithms for anomaly detection. Part III looks at semi-supervised classification with transductive SVM approaches for hyperspectral image classification and kernel mean data classification. Part IV examines regression and model inversion, including the concept of a kernel unmixing algorithm for hyperspectral imagery, the theory and methods for quantitative remote sensing inverse problems with kernel-based equations, kernel-based BRDF (Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function), and temperature retrieval KMs. Part V deals with kernel-based feature extraction and provides a review of the principles of several multivariate analysis methods and their kernel extensions. This book is aimed at engineers, scientists and researchers involved in remote sensing data processing, and also those working within machine learning and pattern recognition.

Statistical Pattern Recognition

Book Description

"This book provides an introduction to statistical pattern recognition theory and techniques. Most of the material presented in this book is concerned with discrimination and classification and has been drawn from a wide range of literature including that of engineering, statistics, computer science and the social sciences. This book is an attempt to provide a concise volume containing descriptions of many of the most useful of today's pattern processing techniques including many of the recent advances in nonparametric approaches to discrimination developed in the statistics literature and elsewhere. The techniques are illustrated with examples of real-world applications studies. Pointers are also provided to the diverse literature base where further details on applications, comparative studies and theoretical developments may be obtained"--Page [xv].