Shaping the Accountancy Profession (RLE Accounting)

Book Description

The emergence of an accountancy profession in Scotland is described in the context of three leading Chartered Accountants, whose careers spanned the second half of the nineteenth century and early part of the twentieth century: George Auldjo Jamieson (21828-1900), Alexander Sloan (1843-1927) and Richard Brown (1856-1918). Each biography reveals the man involved in the professionalisation events, and is described within a broader personal context associated with Victorian Scotland.

The Australian Accounting Standards Review Board (RLE Accounting)

Book Description

This study provides a neutral and comprehensive explanation about the activities which precede the formulation of accounting regulatory policies. The knowledge gained from it can be applied to understand the formulation of regulatory policies in other areas and to predict or explain the behaviour of interest groups in the preparation of accounting standards and regulations.

The Routledge Handbook of Accounting for the Sustainable Development Goals

Book Description

The introduction of Agenda 2030 and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) has traced a path for private and public entities interested in pursuing sustainable development. This handbook identifies the recent challenges in accounting research and the SDGs by exploring the evolutionary pathways and future direction of sustainability reporting. It explores the role of businesses as contributors to Agenda 2030 by assuming a multidisciplinary approach and provides a measure of organisations' contributions to the SDGs through the understanding of business strategies and policies on Agenda 2030 integration. The book represents a substantial and multi-faceted contribution to the debate on SDGs accounting by assembling international scholars and practitioners to effectively explore the practice and theory revolving around the current state of the art and highlight future research pathways. By providing a comprehensive evaluation of accounting for the Sustainable Development Goals, this volume will appeal to a wide variety of readers, from students, scholars, researchers, practitioners and policymakers interested in increasing their awareness of Agenda 2030 and offers a significant contribution to the evolution of accounting practices.

Papers on Accounting History (RLE Accounting)

Book Description

Written over a period of twenty years the papers included here reflect the changing circumstances around the study of accounting history.

Accounting From the Outside (RLE Accounting)

Book Description

The 43 papers in this collection, originally published from 1972 to 1987 delve into accounting, observing and exploring its functioning. They construct a basis for interrogating it in use and indeed they attempt to account for accounting. The author seeks to understand accounting, to appreciate what it is, what it does and how it does it, examining it from without rather than from within.

Accounting in France (RLE Accounting)

Book Description

This volume illustrates the research not only of French accountants (Colasse, Durand, Jouanique, Lemarchand, Nikitin, Richard, Tessier) but also the work of Belgian authors writing in French (Stevelinck, Haulotte) and of French non-accountants (de Swarte, Durdilly, Sauvy). The work of British and North American academics, writing in English on French accounting history is also illustrated from the 1930s (Howard, Edwards), through to the 1960s (Parker) and the more recent research of Standish, Fortin and Bhimani. The contributions to this volume have been arranged both chronologically and thematically as follows: the earliest business accounting records; the first French accounting authors; Colbert, Savbary and the Ordonnance de Commerce; the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries; cost accounting; the national accounting plan; national income accounting; government accounting and accounting theory. An abstract of each contribution is given in both English and French.

The Routledge Handbook of Accounting Information Systems

Book Description

The Routledge Handbook of Accounting Information Systems is a prestige reference work offering a comprehensive overview of the state of current knowledge and emerging scholarship in the discipline of AIS. The pace of technological-driven change is rapid, and this revised edition provides a deeper focus on the technical underpinnings and organisational consequences of accounting information systems. It has been updated to capture the changes in technology since the previous edition. It now includes chapters and scholarly thought on artificial intelligence, predictive analytics and data visualisation, among others. Contributions from an international cast of authors provide a balanced overview of established and developing themes, identifying issues and discussing relevant debates. The chapters are analytical and engaging. Many chapters include cases or examples, and some provide additional resources for readers. The chapters also provide a reflection on where the research agenda is likely to advance in the future. This is a complete and indispensable guide for students and researchers in accounting and accounting information systems, academics and students seeking convenient access to an unfamiliar area, as well as established researchers seeking a single repository on the current debates and literature in the field.

The Role of the Management Accountant

Book Description

There is considerable national variation in the professionalization and status of the management accountant. Although researchers from different countries have contributed to our knowledge about tasks and roles, we have limited insights into the development, education, and socio-cultural influences in different countries and surprisingly little is known about the local and national contexts in which these roles are learned and performed. This book bridges this research gap using two complementary perspectives. The first part explores management accountants in a range of different national contexts, providing information about country-specific historical developments and educational standards as well as specific roles and tasks. The second part focusses on important global developments that will increasingly impact management accountants in the future, such as sustainability, the financial crisis, technology and changing roles. By combining local context with a global overview, this insightful volume provides an agenda for future research which will be of great interest to scholars and advanced students in management accounting throughout the world.


Book Description

Dieses Buch befasst sich mit einem topaktuellen und gleichzeitig umstrittenen Thema: die Praktiken von Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaften und der Ruf nach umfassenden Reformen. Die ganze Brisanz dieses Themas wird am Beispiel des Prozesses gegen Arthur Anderson im Fall Enron nur zu deutlich, und die Situation für Wirtschaftsprüfer und ihre Klienten wird zunehmend brenzliger. Anhand von Interviews mit über 100 Hauptakteuren der Prüfungsbranche geht Autor Mike Brewster auf wichtige Gesprächsrunden und Ereignisse ein, die die Weiterentwicklung der Rolle des Wirtschaftsprüfers - weg von der reinen Prüfungspraxis und hin zu Consulting- und Researchaktivitäten bis zu Anlagetipps - deutlich belegen. "Unaccountable" zeichnet die faszinierende Verwandlung des Wirtschaftsprüfers nach, der einst als unabhängige Stimme im Auftrag der Aktionäre handelte und sich mittlerweile in einen Finanzberater für seine Unternehmensklientel verwandelt hat. Mike Brewster hat Kontakt zu einigen der stärksten Befürworter von Reformen sowie zu Brancheninsidern, wie z.B. Arthur Levitt, Harvey Pitt, Sandy Weill und den Vertretern der Großen 5 Wirtschaftsprüfungsunternehmen in den USA. Er stellt unbequeme Fragen und enthüllt dabei den großen Einflussbereich von Prüfern in Vorstandsetage, Wirtschaft und Politik. Denn Prüfer gehen heute lieber ihren Consultingaktivitäten nach als der Rechnungsprüfung; und die Großen 5 sind mehr damit beschäftigt, Prozesse zu führen als an der Verbesserung ihrer Prüfungen zu arbeiten. "Unaccountable" - Dieses Buch diskutiert die wirklich wichtigen Themen, beschreibt Möglichkeiten der Reform und erläutert die Auswirkungen, die diese auf Investoren und die Öffentlichkeit haben werden.

EASYUNI Ultimate University Guide 2013

Book Description

Taking a decision about your future is not very simple, it requires intensive research and some strong decision making skills. Am I choosing the right course, will I get a job after I graduate, should I do what I love doing, will I be able to manage my budgets? These questions are always relevant to students who are planning to pursue their higher education and easyuni's guidebook is an attempt to answer a few of these questions. This guidebook is another step forward to improve the entire experience of university selection and application. The guidebook is an attempt to answer questions of millions of students who are eligible for enrollment in higher education institutes in 2013-2014. The guidebook consists of 80 pages of educational content, including articles on studying abroad, choosing and applying for universities, what to study, and scholarships & loans among others. The articles also focus heavily on the seven most popular subjects, namely Engineering, Medicine, Information Technology, Science, Arts and Creative Design, and Business and Accounting.