Sharing Your Faith with Friends and Family

Book Description

Practical guidance on how Christians can share their faith with friends and loved ones.

How to Share Your Faith

Book Description

One of America's premier evangelists provides a practical, step-by-step guide to help Christians share Christ with their friends and neighbors.

Sharing Your Faith

Book Description

Easy Ways to Introduce Others to Christ Have you ever been nervous or unsure about sharing the goodness and blessing you've found in Christ Jesus? Sometimes, even though God has been wonderful to us, sharing this peace with others can seem challenging. Kate McVeigh, seasoned minister and soul-winner, will show you how important it is to share your faith and how easy it can be. By teaching you how to start small -- like simply giving a tract away -- you will grow in boldness and learn how to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit on greater levels Whether talking about your faith or knowing what to say when asked a question about God, Kate reveals the importance of being prepared before hand and being ready when the Spirit of God prompts.Be inspired and encouraged to go forth with boldness realizing that one of the greatest joys any believer can ever experience is leading another to Christ.

Get Real

Book Description

Instead of an awkward experience, sharing your faith can be a simple, everyday part of life. As you grow in your love for Jesus, sharing him with others will overflow into every conversation. Casual interactions will turn into significant moments that bring the gospel into all your relationships.

Sharing Your Faith With A Muslim

Book Description

This is the book for you if you are serious about communicating the truth of the Gospel to Muslims.It is thorough.It is authoritative.It is written by a third-world Christian whose father was a convert from Islam.It is the contention of the author that an effective evangelistic approach to the adherents of Islam must be based upon a study of Christ as He is found in both Scripture and the Koran. Christ, then, becomes the bridge between the two faiths. Such a search is, to Abdul-Haqq, the natural means of introducing the Savior. Having seen Christ on the pages of the Bible, he moves on to a presentation of the great issues of sin, salvation, and the nature of God as the final pressing points to raise in efforts to win Muslim friends and neighbors to Jesus.

Share Jesus Without Fear

Book Description

This inspirational tool encourages and enables Christians to share their faith with confidence and God-given assurance.

Conquer Your Fear, Share Your Faith

Book Description

The co - hosts of The Way of the Master TV series and radio program, Kirk Cameron and Ray Comfort; offer this simple and flexible curriculum for churches and small groups who want to obey the Bible's command to tell others about Jesus. Kirk and Ray guide participants step by step through their straightforward method of evangelism, made popular through their award winning show. Those who complete the course will have every tool they need to overcome their fear and talk about their faith with friends, neighbors, coworkers and even strangers! Four complete lessons can be presented in a one - day crash course or offered in four weekly sessions.

Tell Someone

Book Description

Understand, this book is not written to make you feel bad or condemn you if you have not engaged others with the gospel message. This book is written to encourage and inspire you. Even though pastor and author Greg Laurie is a “gospel-presenting professional,” in this book he tells stories of his own failure and success. The most important things you will find here are biblical principles that you can apply yourself. Taken from the life and witness of Jesus, and tested over Greg’s forty years of ministry, in both one-on-one experiences and large-scale evangelistic arena and stadium events, these ideas are intended to mobilize every person in the church to “Tell Someone” about Jesus Christ.

Following Jesus

Book Description

How do we Follow Jesus and fulfill His purpose for our lives here on earth? This book focuses on drawing from the Bible the seven essentials to following Jesus. You'll not only learn essential information about Jesus, but you'll be stirred to seek and know Him personally; discovering Jesus' heart for you and His purpose for your life. This book is great for all those who are committed to Following Jesus. Whether you're new to your relationship with God or you've been following Him for years, this book will encourage and strengthen your faith and it will equip and empower you to share your faith and disciple the people in your world! For more resources to go along with the book, visit FOLLOWINGJESUSBOOK.COM

The Insanity of God

Book Description

An amazing story of a missionary couple's journey into the toughest places on earth is combined with stories about remarkable people of faith they encountered to challenge and inspire those curious about the sufficiency of God.