Book Description

Tara Mehta, an unsuspecting young woman in the futuristic Asian city, Sitapur, is the Devi. She has no idea that she is about to become the centerpiece of a divine battle between the Gods of Light and the demon Lord Bala. Devi is a powerhouse of a story about a young woman battling for survival in a landscape of ancient legends, duty and fate. She walks the line between tradition, destiny and free will. Where will she fall? Between the Divine and the Diabolical, there is Devi.


Book Description

Dive into the world of Devi with this free sampler comic! Created by acclaimed filmmaker Shekhar Kapur (Elizabeth, Four Feathers, Bandit Queen). Tara Mehta, an unsuspecting young woman in the futuristic Asian city, Sitapur is the Devi. She has no idea that she is about to become the centerpiece of a divine battle between the Gods of Light and the demon Lord Bala. Devi is a powerhouse of a story about a young woman battling for survival in a landscape of ancient legends, duty and fate. She walks the line between tradition, destiny and free will. Where will she fall? Between the Divine and the Diabolical there is Devi.


Book Description

Created by acclaimed filmmaker Shekhar Kapur (Elizabeth, Four Feathers, Bandit Queen). Tara Mehta, an unsuspecting young woman in the futuristic Asian city, Sitapur is the Devi. She has no idea that she is about to become the centerpiece of a divine battle between the Gods of Light and the demon Lord Bala. Devi is a powerhouse of a story about a young woman battling for survival in a landscape of ancient legends, duty and fate. She walks the line between tradition, destiny and free will. Where will she fall? Between the Divine and the Diabolical there is Devi. Try out the first issue for free!


Book Description

Created by acclaimed filmmaker Shekhar Kapur (Elizabeth, Four Feathers, Bandit Queen). The gods unite to bless Tara and send her hurtling irrevocably towards divintiy. Meanwhile, with murder on their minds, the warriors of the light and dark assemble at a ruined temple where the Devi-to-be lies in a deep trance. Only two people want Tara to live - a failed policeman, and a lapsed priest. Can they save her in spite of the overwhelming odds?

Shekhar Kapur's Devi

Book Description


Book Description

Created by acclaimed filmmaker Shekhar Kapur (Elizabeth, Four Feathers, Bandit Queen). As the Devi's power grows, Tara's emerging feelings for Rahul open her eyes to issues far more real than divine politics. Yet it is this connection to humanity that weakens her, as she discovers to horrible effect when Kratha tracks down Rahul. Meanwhile, the Durapasya prepare for their attack on the Darinde stronghold, intending to divert Bala's forces and give Amara a chance to steal the source.


Book Description

Tara Mehta felt trapped in her aimless life, always suspecting she was destined for greater things. But being the avatar of the celestial warrior Devi, an entire pantheon's champion destined to fight the renegade god Bala, was a bit out of her league. Nevertheless, the Goddess and the Human in her joined forces and prevailed over Bala. Now Tara's mind must maintain its sanity as the divine and the human coexist. Will she be able to live up to her promise of being not just a champion for the gods, but also the harbinger of hope for the entirety mankind? Ancient and primal apocalyptic forces awaken from their eon-old slumber and head straight for the city of Sitapur, with only Devi standing in their way. Writer Saurav Mohapatra (India Authentic) and artist Saumin Patel join forces for Devi's deadliest test, "Karmageddon."


Book Description

When the dread dark lord, Bala, threatened humanity, the gods sacrificed a part of divine power, a Devi. Centuries later, when Bala rose again, Devi was incarnated in the form of a young woman, Tara Mehta. But the latest Devi incarnate is more than a Goddess, she is also human. After defeating Bala, Devi defies the Gods and chooses to stay in the earthly realm to protect Sitapur. As she comes to terms with her new role, she must deal with Apsara assassin, Kratha, determined to kill her, the shady underworld dons making their move on Sitapur and a mysterious super-powered being who hunts the Devi for purposes unknown.


Book Description

Created by acclaimed filmmaker Shekhar Kapur (Elizabeth, Four Feathers, Bandit Queen). The hour of judgment is at hand as a goddess dies, a human falls, and a new hero arises. Tara Mehta, the Devi incarnate, has been pushed to the brink of madness by her own demons, and battered and bruised by an unrelenting enemy. Now, she is reborn in a new primal avatar!


Book Description

Created by acclaimed filmmaker Shekhar Kapur (Elizabeth, Four Feathers, Bandit Queen). Her past was Tara Mehta, powerless young woman in the big, bad city of Sitapur. Her present is DEVI, super-powered reincarnation of an ancient celestial warrior fighting to make the world a better place. It is her future that is uncertain, as she encounters a darkness within herself that threatens to consume her, a loved one who returns from the dead possessed by a spirit of apocalypse, and a hated enemy who becomes an uneasy ally. Tara has sworn to make Sitapur a safer place and starts using her powers to take on the Sitapur underworld. But the strain is taking its toll on her. Nothing makes sense in Tara's life anymore as the lines between DEVI and Tara start to blur. Meanwhile, Kratha, the razor-clawed assassin, returns to make good on her contract to kill DEVI.