Shiloh: The Peace Fathers Provide

Book Description

Often, fathers do not receive the accolades they deserve. This book recognizes a father's work securing firm foundations and giving support to families. Our fathers, grandfathers, bonus dads, uncles, and friends show up when we need them.

Shiloh's Well

Book Description

When a woman from Samaria comes to draw water at Jacobs well, Jesus, known prophetically as Shiloh, Prince of Peace, offers her an incredible giftliving water. All she has to do is ask, which, by the way, still applies today. Jesus explains that everyone who drinks from His well, even those of questionable character like her, will never be thirsty again, and the water will become a spring welling up to eternal life (NIV). In Shilohs Well you can read all about an overflowing, abundant life that is available to all those who drink of this miraculous living water. My prayer is that these pages will proclaim a clear, unequivocal message of eternal hope and spiritual truth pointing to the God who has sustained and blessed me my entire life. May Shilohs Well make you smile, touch your heart, lead you humbly to the feet of Christ, enlighten your spiritual understanding, and challenge your commitment to Christian service!

Until Shiloh Comes

Book Description

It is incredible that the first promise of a coming Messiah came not to our first parents, Adam and Eve, but to the serpent who had so deceitfully engineered their downfall. Genesis 3:15 records that God's promised Seed of the woman was destined to defeat the seed of the serpent, which anticipated the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. This is known as the "first good news," or proto evangel um, whose blessed promise became the focal point of the entire Old Testament. Threading its way through Abraham and his descendants, this promise came to rest on his great grandson, Judah, and remained there for all succeeding generations, finding fruition in the first coming of the Messiah, indicated by the words of Genesis 49:10, "until Shiloh comes." Throughout history, Bible scholars have largely agreed that Shiloh, which means peace, references the first coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace, the Lion of the tribe of Judah. The Old Testament is the foundational document for all that follows in the New Testament and should never be relegated to inferior status. These older scriptures were given for our admonition and should be esteemed and appreciated in the same manner as the New Testament writings until Shiloh comes, the second time.

NIV Busy Dad's Bible

Book Description

Got a Minute Only a minute? This Bible is designed just for you. Many things can get in the way of reading God's Word, but the responsibilities of being a dad shouldn't. Packed with '1-minute thought starters'---each providing a single memorable word to focus on as well as options to go deeper as time allows---The Busy Dad's Bible is the perfect support for the time-starved dad who longs to connect with God to find wisdom and encouragement. 'It fits right into my schedule.' My life is full. Between work, the kids' school activities, and responsibilities at church, there's not a lot of unused time during the day. But the Busy Dad's Bible fits right into my schedule. Whenever I have a few minutes of downtime, I can turn to the Bible and be inspired by the thoughts in these short devotions. It helps to keep me connected, no matter how full my calendar is.' ---Mark, age 42

A Dad After God's Own Heart

Book Description

Dad, Be #1 for Your Kids What does it take to become a great dad? The question alone might overwhelm you, but the answer is simpler than you might think. It all starts with having a heart for God, and a heart for your kids. In A Dad After God’s Own Heart, bestselling author Jim George shares the basics for how to be the best dad for your kids, including . . . letting your children know you love and care for them learning the keys to positive and effective communication knowing the qualities kids need most in a dad ways to encourage your children in their spiritual growth how to build healthy relationships that will last for a lifetime As you commit to learning how to become the dad your kids need in their lives, you’ll not only draw closer to your children, but you’ll find incredible blessing in fatherhood.

Targum Onkelos

Book Description

Targum Onkelos (or Unkelus) is the official eastern (Babylonian) targum (Aramaic translation) to the Torah. However, its early origins may have been western, in Israel. Its authorship is attributed to Onkelos, a famous convert to Judaism in Tannaic times (c. 35-120 CE). According to Jewish tradition, the content of Targum Onkelos was originally conveyed by God to Moses at Mount Sinai. However, it was later forgotten by the masses, and rerecorded by Onkelos. Some identify this translation as the work of Aquila of Sinope in an Aramaic translation (Zvi Hirsch Chajes), or believe that the name "Onkelos" originally referred to Aquila but was applied in error to the Aramaic instead of the Greek translation. The translator is unique in that he avoids any type of personification. Samuel D. Luzzatto suggests that the translation was originally meant for the "simple people." This view was strongly rebutted by Nathan Marcus Adler in his introduction to Netinah La-Ger. In Talmudic times, and to this day in Yemenite Jewish communities, Targum Onkelos was recited by heart as a verse-by-verse translation alternately with the Hebrew verses of the Torah in the synagogue. The Talmud states that "a person should complete his portions of scripture along with the community, reading the scripture twice and the targum once (Shnayim mikra ve-echad targum)." This passage is taken by many to refer to Targum Onkelos.