Short Story Press Presents One Shot Romance

Book Description

Short Story Press Presents One Shot Romance by Cody Weinmann Dean Petro has gotten out of a long, hard break with his long-time band, The Golden Kings. After trying to come to terms with a new record deal, he literally runs into his future girlfriend and muse as she leaves a restaurant near the Hollywood Bowl. The Golden Kings, a group of musicians thought to be the greatest since Coldplay, has a distinct reputation for practically disowning their bass player on stage. Dean, following Tony's short bass tenure for the group, has gotten tired of being taken advantage of. After almost going crazy over his decision and literally falling over his new love, he tells new producer Mr. Wisely that he will stop his contract with the old group and form a duo with his girlfriend Destiny and share a life of romance and music together. Destiny responds by giving Dean hugs and kisses and a great breakfast to get his day off to a great start. He then accepts Mr. Wisely's contract as the songs for his long-awaited first album flow through him non-stop. His efforts, combined with that of his larger-than-life, angel-singing girlfriend, make the first real love dialogue music album since John and Yoko's Double Fantasy release. Short Story Press publishes short stories written by everyday writers.

Short Story Press Presents Love's Silver Lining

Book Description

Short Story Press Presents Love's Silver Lining by Jordan Lane Sometimes it is so easy to fall into a routine that you never notice when you are becoming a part of the woodwork. When that change does come, we can either embrace it or discard it. However if we are brave enough to embrace it, we might discover that there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Or in Delancy Smith’s case, she discovered that to every dark cloud, there is a Silver Lining. The story is characterized by: • Imagination • Laughter • Sincerity • Wonder and • Hope This short story will surely bring warmth to your heart and a smile to your face. It also reminds us that dreaming is not only for dreamers, and that anything is possible if you are willing to believe it Short Story Press publishes short stories written by everyday writers.

Short Story Press Presents A Sworded Love Affair

Book Description

Short Story Press Presents A Sworded Love Affair by Christine Tanner A Sworded Love Affair, is the story of a young woman who is looking for a good guy and a new hobby. She takes up the sport of fencing and finds that her coach and instructor is the man who she's been hoping to find for years. He is nice, good looking, smart and witty. Their first lesson lasts for hours instead of just an hour. He cooks her a meal and they chat, even meet up the next day for a second lesson. It is that day where she takes a chance on love and asks him out. Read and meet Sierra and see how she finds John, her instructor for fencing and how their love affair seems so simple to find. It is really a wonderful adventure in finding love in the oddest places. With a lovely ending that will make you warm and fuzzy inside. Short Story Press publishes short stories written by everyday writers.

Short Story Press Presents Soap Opera Love

Book Description

Short Story Press Presents Soap Opera Love by Dominique LeSane Felice Middleton is a soap opera addict. She has loved watching As The Wind Blows with her grandmother as a child, and as an adult, she still never misses an episode. When Felice finds out her favorite As The Wind Blows soap star Derrick David Scott is in her hometown of Baltimore, Maryland for a book signing, Felice knows she must attend. Derrick has penned the new book Love & Romance: A Man’s Guide to Dating and it seems that he is the romance guru, until Felice finds out that he is not as savvy at dating as he would like to be. Through a chance encounter with Derrick, Felice is challenged to write her own book to talk about what women want in romance and love. Her interest is piqued and she’s up for the challenge, and with Derrick being her writing partner, could love be in the cards for Derrick and Felice? Short Story Press publishes short stories written by everyday writers.

Short Story Press Presents Masque Of Deceit

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Short Story Press Presents Masque Of Deceit by Jordan Lane KATHERINE CRENSHAW, whose real name was FENTON, was raised by foster parents. Although she knew she was adopted she accepted the fact that her true family would not return for her. As the days went by Katherine lived a tranquil life until one phone call changed everything. When her uncle came to retrieve her at her foster parent’s home, and invited her to FENTON MANOR, Katherine found more that she bargained for in the way of a family who resented her presence and old jealousies with evil intent, hidden beneath a veneer of civility. Short Story Press publishes short stories written by everyday writers.

Short Story Press Presents Washed Ashore Bride

Book Description

Short Story Press Presents Washed Ashore Bride by Lannae Wilson Thomas Alexander was a proud man. He loved his high school sweetheart with all his heart and wanted to give her everything her heart desired. Being from a wealthy family, he knew he could do that but his pride wouldn’t let him support her with his family money. He had to make his own fortune before he could make her his wife. He started learning all he could about the oil business and invested in a few oil wells. It took two years of hard work. These two years were spent away from Angela, his Angel as he called her. It was a long time for her to wait on him but he was sure that it would all be worth it. At last, he did it. His oil wells hit and he was now wealthier than his own family. He had enough money to live 10 lives in luxury. He could now offer her marriage and give her everything he wanted and he was proud that he could do it on his own, without relying on his family money. Thomas was sure it would all be worth it. However, as the story unfolds, it reveals that things weren’t going to work out the way that Thomas had dreamed they would. • Thomas is jilted at the altar by Angela and later learns that she ran off with his little brother and was about to have his brothers child. • To make up to Thomas and ease his own guilt, Michael, Thomas’ brother tries to get Thomas a mail-order-bride • Thomas, because of his recent wealth, is now the center of the paparazzi and once the press learns of him being jilted at the altar and that his fiancé was carrying his brother’s baby, they can’t seem to get enough. • Thomas feels that the whole world thinks he is a pity case. He has to get away for awhile. • He buys an island and decides to live his life in solitude while he licks his wounds. • He finds a young woman washed up on his beach wearing a wedding dress and later learns that she ran away from her own fiancé and wedding. The young woman brings all the pain he was trying to put behind him to the surface all over again. Could he ever get past this hurt? Why did she have to wash up on his beach, he wondered and why did he feel an attraction to her? Short Story Press publishes short stories written by everyday writers.

Short Story Press Presents Agent Romanov

Book Description

Short Story Press Presents Agent Romanov by Natashiah Jansen Brigitte had a rough start in life. It all began when her village was bombed when she was just a child. After being sent to the USA by a refugee agency, she drifted from one foster home to another for some time. In her pursuit to find the sense of family she is recruited by the Russian mob, where she meets up with an old friend. The mob offered them everything except freedom. She wanted more. She changes her name and makes a new life for herself. She meets Martin who makes her an offer that was hard to refuse. Everything went well until she falls in love. In an effort to get information she makes a deal with a devil called Olga, the wife of the Russian mob boss. Her past comes to haunt her and almost takes the life of her lover. In an effort to protect her love she betrays Martin. Just when she thought everything was going her way, Olga surprises her with a special request to prove her loyalty. At first she hesitates but keeping her love alive was more important. Everything was perfect until she receives a phone call that would change her whole life. Short Story Press publishes short stories written by everyday writers.

Short Story Press Presents Unable To Breathe

Book Description

Short Story Press Presents Unable To Breathe by Jasmine Bowen • A grungy, edgy Rockstar famous since he was 12 and a young model, innocent in her ways and just coming into her own. • They didn’t have much in common; except for fame…and the inability to properly breathe. • While Olympia’s father does everything to keep her cystic fibrosis under control, his healthy ways won’t give her immortality. Meanwhile, Michael has chosen to live life like a fast burning torch; since he’ll be dead soon either way. • Will Michael’s flamethrower ways destroy Olympia, or will her slow burning candle save him before it’s too late? • Olympia’s family disapproves of the troublesome Rockstar, and his band mates dislike the innocent almost-child that is always around. • Their tender romance is found in breathless moments of understanding; of silent gazes and knowing looks. • About finding beauty even in pain; even when your partner looks their worst. • When Michael receives bad news, it tests their romance at new heights. • “Unable to Breathe” is a story about love despite the difficulties; about the little things that bring you together even if you are worlds apart. About transcending lifestyle, religion, professions; all differences; to be with the one you love. • Is it truly till death do us part, or is there something after that can be shared? Short Story Press publishes short stories written by everyday writers.

Short Story Press Presents One Winter Moment

Book Description

Short Story Press Presents One Winter Moment by Alicia Danielle Voss-Guillén "One Winter Moment," is an intriguingly original coming-of-age story, a delicate romance that delves beneath the surface to explore our various family dynamics and the ways in which they shape us, influence us, and make us who we are. Romance, passion, family, and cultures collide when twenty-year-old college student Giorgio Meducci finds himself faced with the decision of a lifetime. Torn between beautiful Meghan Elliot, the girl of his dreams, and his fear of disappointing the close-knit Italian family he adores, Giorgio has an age-old dilemma all of us have grappled with at one time or another: is it more important to follow his family or to follow his heart? If he follows his family and leaves Meghan for the "ideal Italian girl," whomever that may be, he knows he will regret the decision for the rest of his life. If, however, he follows his heart and stays with Meghan, he will inevitably be forced to confront the reality of having ashamed his family and once again being upstaged by his older brother and younger sister, both of whom can do no wrong in the eyes of their parents. To complicate the matter, Meghan is growing weary of Giorgio's secrecy where their relationship is concerned. She demands that Giorgio make up his mind, one way or the other, by New Year's Day. January first is fast approaching, and Giorgio is in a panic. It does not help matters that his brother Claudio, Claudio's perfect Italian wife, and their two beautiful little girls are staying with the Meduccis over the holidays, or that Claudio delights in teasing Giorgio about his own future Italian wife. Giorgio is tired of his lies, his deceit, his sneaking around. He wants to date Meghan openly, while at the same time he deeply desires to be a source of pride for his mother and father. It appears at this time that he cannot have both, and the reality of it breaks his heart. How he live with only half of a heart? Moreover, more importantly, what will he decide when the clock strikes twelve on New Year's Day? Inspired by a real-life teenage romance of her own in which she found herself in a less dramatic variation of Meghan Elliot's situation, Voss-Guillén has decided to write from the opposite point of view, imagining the dilemma that an individual such as Giorgio Meducci is forced to confront. Although Giorgio's situation may be unique to his character, the feelings with which he grapples are familiar to us all. Writing "One Winter Moment" was a learning experience for the author, enabling her to sympathize with both of the viewpoints between which Giorgio oscillates, and to gain appreciation for the strong cultural pride of a family such as the Meduccis. In addition to "One Winter Moment," Voss-Guillén is the author of the three-book middle-reader Tori Series (Just Tori, Tori and the New Girl, and Tori's Wish), published by Price World Publishing and available online through a variety of booksellers, as well as numerous other short stories and novellas for young adults and children. Voss-Guillén is a freelance writer/editor and ghostwriter living in Wheaton, Illinois. Short Story Press publishes short stories written by everyday writers.

Short Story Press Presents Friends In Greece

Book Description

Short Story Press Presents Friends In Greece by Skyler Gerard ‘Friends in Greece’ is a romantic short story based on the Greek island of Samos. Richard, a writer, and Jennifer, a stockbroker meet en route to the island. He wants to complete his book at Samos, while she simply wants to enjoy a holiday at a villa. The story tells how the two help each other out and become friends and soon, how love blossoms between them in the idyllic environs of Pythagorio on Samos, an exotic island in the Aegean Sea. Brilliantly conceived and written, the story is all about beauty, positive feeling, finding and knowing love, dilemma and sacrifice. Short Story Press publishes short stories written by everyday writers.