Shoto's Traditional Karate Kai

Book Description

THE SHOTO'S TRADITIONAL KARATE KAI In this book I wanted to pass on my experience and Standards of excellence, which I have carried over from my years of service I spent in the Grenadier Guards, and of the teaching standards of N.V.Q.'s in Combat sports withi the Martial Art. Of communication and the teaching abilities, on how to get the best possible standard of technique, and practices of your students. To pass on the research of diet and of my own standard of fitness and advice on the ability that I have achieved throughout my life.

Shoto's Traditional Karate Kai

Book Description

THE SHOTO'S TRADITIONAL KARATE KAI In this book I wanted to pass on my experience and Standards of excellence, which I have carried over from my years of service I spent in the Grenadier Guards, and of the teaching standards of N.V.Q.'s in Combat sports withi the Martial Art. Of communication and the teaching abilities, on how to get the best possible standard of technique, and practices of your students. To pass on the research of diet and of my own standard of fitness and advice on the ability that I have achieved throughout my life.

The Life of a Morris Minor Named Moggy

Book Description

This is the story of a Morris Minor 1000 Saloon. The date of its first registration was April 24, 1964, and its engine cylinder capacity is 1,098. It is now classed as a historical vehicle. The first owner was a Mr. Ernest Griffiths or Ernie as he was called, who was my dads brother. Sadly, Ernie died on March 28, 1982, and Moggy was left in his will to his son, John Griffiths. Sadly, John Griffiths died on October 19, 2005, and his wife, Teresa Griffiths, left it in my care, giving it to me after Johns funeral. This was on a promise that I would look after it and keep it in the family. John and his family nicknamed it Moggy, and from 1982 till 2005, John and his wife used this car constantly. Johns two girls, Ellen and Leanne, cherished this car, knowing it was their father and grandfathers car. Because of this, I really felt that I had a strong responsibility to look after it. I will say no more as Moggy wishes to tell the story of his life himself.

The Autobiography of an Ex-Grenadier Guardsman

Book Description

The record of military service of Gerald Glyn Griffiths, who served with the Grenadier Guards from August 1, 1961, until July 31, 1970 (discharged on July 31, 1973; service number, 23862933; rank, lance/corporal). For Crown and Country

Shoto-Kan Karate

Book Description

This martial arts guide is an introduction to Shoto-Kan Karate, a unique Japanese style of karate. Shoto-Kan Karate is the popular ancient art of 'empty-hand' self-defense. This karate book explains and illustrates two of the major kata, or forms, in which all karate techniques are contained. The first few chapters are devoted to warm up exercises, stances, and blocking and kicking techniques that prepare the student for the study and practice of the two kata — Bassai No. 1 and Tekki No. 1. The presentation of the two kata is ideal for the home practitioner: the sequence of the movements appears on one page and their application against an opponent is shown on the facing page. Thus, the student can see at a glance the proper execution and application of each technique. Shoto-Kan Karate is designed to lead the student up to the rank of black belt.

Traditional Shotokan Karate-Do

Book Description

Don A. DeWitt holds the rank of second degree black belt (Nidan) in traditional Shotokan karate-do, including one year studying the Chinese martial art Tai-Chi Chuan, Push Hands, for a combined total of nineteen years experience in the martial arts. In a 1983 tournament he took second place sparring (Kumite). From 1994 to 2002 he was a member of the Zen-Do Kai Martial Arts Association International; and then in 2002 he became a member with the Japan Karate Federation Rengo-Kai, under Shihan Fumio Demura.

Jutsu: the hidden art in karate

Book Description

Idealized by sensei Vinicio Antony, all Jutsu material - The Hidden Art in Karate aims to be a new vehicle for sharing the knowledge he has acquired throughout his long career as an athlete and master of Karate. "My intention is that this work can reach a greater number of people who (like me!) Have chosen the way to guide other paths.

Black Belt

Book Description

The oldest and most respected martial arts title in the industry, this popular monthly magazine addresses the needs of martial artists of all levels by providing them with information about every style of self-defense in the world - including techniques and strategies. In addition, Black Belt produces and markets over 75 martial arts-oriented books and videos including many about the works of Bruce Lee, the best-known marital arts figure in the world.

Black Belt

Book Description

The oldest and most respected martial arts title in the industry, this popular monthly magazine addresses the needs of martial artists of all levels by providing them with information about every style of self-defense in the world - including techniques and strategies. In addition, Black Belt produces and markets over 75 martial arts-oriented books and videos including many about the works of Bruce Lee, the best-known marital arts figure in the world.

Black Belt

Book Description

The oldest and most respected martial arts title in the industry, this popular monthly magazine addresses the needs of martial artists of all levels by providing them with information about every style of self-defense in the world - including techniques and strategies. In addition, Black Belt produces and markets over 75 martial arts-oriented books and videos including many about the works of Bruce Lee, the best-known marital arts figure in the world.