Sic Itur Ad Astra

Book Description

Die Festschrift vereinigt 29 Beitrage, die folgende Sachgebiete betreffen: arabische und mittelalterlich-europaische Mathematik, Uberlieferungsgeschichte der indisch-arabischen Ziffern, die arabisch-islamische Astronomie, die volkstumliche arabische Himmelskunde, das Astrolab und seine Nomenklatur, antike und spatgriechische astronome Traditionen, weitere Fragen bzw. Texte zur Uberlieferung der Wissenschaften im griechisch-syrisch-arabisch-lateinischen Traditionsraum. Alle Arbeiten sind originell und beruhen auf einschlagigen Originalquellen. Mehrere griechische, syrische, arabische und lateinische Texte bzw. Auszuge daraus sind auch ediert. Die Sammlung enthalt somit wichtige, neue Bausteine fur unser Gesamtbild von den arabischen Wissenschaften, ihrem Nachleben in Europa und weiteren Ausstrahlungen auf die europaische Geistesgeschichte.

Sic Itur Ad Astra

Book Description

Sic itur ad astra

Book Description

Sic Itur Ad Astra

Book Description


Book Description

TO THE PRE-PUBLICATION SUBSCRIBERS TO SIC ITUR AD ASTRA WHO DEFENDED ITS AUTHOR AGAINST HIS ENEMIES, AND TO ALL WHO COME LATER WHO WILL MAKE HIS THEORIES THE LIGHT OF THEIR LIVES AND THE WORLD.--I PUT the following work into your hands. It contains my account of how freedom became an attainable reality through the theories of Andrew J. Galambos, and how in spite of the crimes committed against him, he succeeded in propelling his theories into their permanent book form which he called orbit.The most formidable tool man will ever have for his survival and happiness is the knowledge contained in this book. There can be no other, and I hope to see its victorious application and the new concept of the majority established before I die.

"Sic Itur Ad Astra"

Book Description

Fingers and Sunshine: Sic Itur Ad Astra

Book Description

Follows fifteen years of travel and music making of a three man acoustic guitar band from dirt-hippiedom to heavy-ish regional radio airplay, including a six week period when they left one car in Rhode Island and another in California while following the Grateful Dead spring tour of 1987.

French Ceremonial Entries in the Sixteenth Century

Book Description

The articles in this volume use a variety of disciplinary approaches to examine texts and archival documents recording sixteenth-century French ceremonial entries. By their very nature, ceremonial entries require such an approach: they bring together a number of artistic media, including music, architecture, and literature, and a range of political concerns, like international diplomacy and the relations between urban and royal power. Few cultural constructs offer such rich and varied terrain to the student of sixteenth-century France. The primary purpose of this collection is, therefore, to reflect upon salient aspects of ceremonial entries that may help us to understand how this ritual performed its complex and multidimensional cultural, intellectual, historical, and political work in order to cast a new light on French society in the early modern period.