Sickness, Disability and Work: Breaking the Barriers: Sweden Will the Recent Reforms Make It?

Book Description

Sickness and disability is a key economic policy concern for many OECD countries. Medical conditions, or problems labelled as such by societies and policy systems, are proving an increasing obstacle to raising labour force participation and keeping ...

Sickness, Disability and Work: Breaking the Barriers A Synthesis of Findings across OECD Countries

Book Description

Too many workers leave the labour market permanently due to health problems or disability, and too few people with reduced work capacity manage to remain in employment. This is a social and economic tragedy common to virtually all OECD countries. It ...

Sickness, Disability and Work: Breaking the Barriers A Synthesis of Findings across OECD Countries

Book Description

Too many workers leave the labour market permanently due to health problems or disability, and too few people with reduced work capacity manage to remain in employment. This is a social and economic tragedy common to virtually all OECD countries. It ...

Sickness, Disability and Work: Breaking the Barriers A Synthesis of Findings across OECD Countries

Book Description

Too many workers leave the labour market permanently due to health problems or disability, and too few people with reduced work capacity manage to remain in employment. This is a social and economic tragedy common to virtually all OECD countries. It ...

OECD Territorial Reviews: Sweden 2010

Book Description

This review of regional policy in Sweden explores the potential for enhanced innovation and entrepreneurship and provides recommendations to strengthen Sweden’s regional development strategies through improved governance mechanisms, both regionally and across levels of government.

Digitalization, Immigration and the Welfare State

Book Description

The Swedish welfare state finds itself in the middle of two major upheavals: The impact of technology and immigration. Having taken in more refugees per capita than most other countries, the pillars of the welfare state are being shaken. Digital technologies are set to strengthen already existing trends towards job and wage polarization. This book explores how these trends are more pronounced due to the rigidity of the labor market and the comprehensiveness of tax-financed welfare services.

Mental Health and Work: United Kingdom

Book Description

This report on the United Kingdom looks at how the broader education, health, social and labour market policy challenges are being tackled.

Nordic Economic Policy Review

Book Description

The Nordic Economic Policy Review is published by the Nordic Council of Ministers. This year’s issue is part of the Danish presidency programme for the Nordic Council of Ministers in 2015. The review addresses policy issues in a way that is useful for in-formed non-specialists as well as for professional economists. All articles are commissioned from leading professional economists and are subject to peer review prior to publication. The review appears once a year. It is published electronically on the website of the Nordic Council of Ministers: On that website, you can also order paper copies of the Review (enter the name of the Review in the search field, and you will find all the information you need).