Sickness, Disability and Work: Breaking the Barriers A Synthesis of Findings across OECD Countries

Book Description

Too many workers leave the labour market permanently due to health problems or disability, and too few people with reduced work capacity manage to remain in employment. This is a social and economic tragedy common to virtually all OECD countries. It ...

Sickness, Disability and Work: Breaking the Barriers A Synthesis of Findings across OECD Countries

Book Description

Too many workers leave the labour market permanently due to health problems or disability, and too few people with reduced work capacity manage to remain in employment. This is a social and economic tragedy common to virtually all OECD countries. It ...

Denmark, Finland, Ireland and the Netherlands

Book Description

Too many workers leave the labour market permanently due to health problems, and yet too many people with a disabling condition are denied the opportunity to work. This second report in the OECD series Sickness, Disability and Work explores the possible factors behind this paradox. It looks specifically at the cases of Australia, Luxembourg, Spain and the United Kingdom, and highlights the roles of institutions and policies. A range of reform recommendations is put forward to deal with specific challenges facing the four countries.

Sickness, Disability and Work: Breaking the Barriers A Synthesis of Findings across OECD Countries

Book Description

Too many workers leave the labour market permanently due to health problems or disability, and too few people with reduced work capacity manage to remain in employment. This is a social and economic tragedy common to virtually all OECD countries. It ...

Sickness, Disability and Work: Breaking the Barriers: Sweden Will the Recent Reforms Make It?

Book Description

Sickness and disability is a key economic policy concern for many OECD countries. Medical conditions, or problems labelled as such by societies and policy systems, are proving an increasing obstacle to raising labour force participation and keeping ...