Structural Chemistry of Silicates

Book Description

As natural minerals, silica and silicates constitute by far the largest part of the earth's crust and mantle. They are equally important as raw materials and as mass produced items. For this reason they have been the subject of scientific research by geoscientists as well as by applied scientists in cement, ceramic, glass, and other industries. Moreover, intensive fun damental research on silicates has been carried out for many years because silicates are, due to their enormous variability, ideally suited for the study of general chemical and crystallographic principles. Several excellent books on mineralogy and cement, ceramics, glass, etc. give brief, usually descriptive synopses of the structure of silicates, but do not contain detailed discussions of their structural chemistry. A number of monographs on special groups of silicates, such as the micas and clay min erals, amphiboles, feldspars, and zeolites have been published which con tain more crystal chemical information. However, no modern text has been published which is devoted to the structural chemistry of silicates as a whole. Within the last 2 decades experimental and theoretical methods have been so much improved to the extent that not only have a large number of silicate structures been accurately determined, but also a better under standing has been obtained of the correlation between the chemical composition of a silicate and its structure. Therefore, the time has been reached when a modern review of the structural chemistry of silicates has become necessary.

Differential Thermal Analysis

Book Description

At first glance it may seem presumptuous to want to add yet another to the numerous books on Differential Thermal Analysis (DT A). Thermoanalytical methods have been in use for some time, as shown by the more than five thousand publications containing DT A or TG curves listed by SMOTHERS and CHIANG in the bibliography to their handbook and abstracted in the several volumes of Thermal Analysis Abstracts (TAA), edited by J. P. REDFERN for the International Con federation for Thermal Analysis (ICT A). Every three years the proceed ings of ICT A meetings are published, bringing the latest results of thermoanalytic research. There is also the Scifax DT A Data Index, edited by R. C. MACKENZIE (1962) and modeled on the ASTM pattern card index (used for X-ray investigations), a compilation of the DT A data for several hundred minerals, and inorganic and organic materials. The theoretical foundations of thermogravimetry and DT A have been described in detail by LEHMANN, DAS and PAETSCH (1953), R. C. MACKENZIE (1957, 1970), DUVAL (1963), WENDLANDT (1964), GARN (1965), F. PAULIK et al. (1966), SMOTHERS and CHIANG (1966), and KEATTCH (1969). Thermoanalytical results are strongly influenced by various factors relative to preparation and equipment (see 1-2. 4 of this study). This is the reason why we frequently find, in these books as well as in the Scifax-Card catalog, contradictory data on the same substance.

High-Temperature Chemistry of Silicates and Other Oxide Systems / Vysokotemperaturnaya Khimiya Silikatnykh I Drugikh Okisnykh Sistem / Bьicoкotemпepatуphaя Xиmия Cиликathьix И Дpугиx Oкиchьix | Cиctem

Book Description

The ever-increasing importance of chemical reactions at high and superhigh temperatures in crystalline, amorphous, and semicrystalline SOlids, as well as the reactions of these solids with gases, prompted the authors of this book to examine critically the literature available in this field and to present a general review of the subject. In this monograph we discuss those chemical and physicochemical points which we consider to be most important for solving a series of problems in the preparation and use of new inorganic materials. We hope that this book will be of interest to the many specialists working on inorganic materials. N. A. Toropov PREFACE Modem technology demands ever more materials with high mechanical strength, heat and chemical re sistance, fire resistance, special electrical properties, particular behavior toward active radiations, etc. The search for such materials requires the study of various chemical compounds, metallic alloys, and other fused in organic systems, especially oxide systems. Materials based on oxides begin to assume increasing importance in many fields of the new technology. In this connection the investigation of oxides and systems consisting of two and more oxides is expanding greatly.

A Handbook of Silicate Rock Analysis

Book Description

without an appreciation of what happens in between. The techniques available for the chemical analysis of silicate rocks have undergone a revolution over the last 30 years. However, to use an analytical technique most effectively, No longer is the analytical balance the only instrument used it is essential to understand its analytical characteristics, in for quantitative measurement, as it was in the days of classi particular the excitation mechanism and the response of the cal gravimetric procedures. A wide variety of instrumental signal detection system. In this book, these characteristics techniques is now commonly used for silicate rock analysis, have been described within a framework of practical ana lytical aplications, especially for the routine multi-element including some that incorporate excitation sources and detec tion systems that have been developed only in the last few analysis of silicate rocks. All analytical techniques available years. These instrumental developments now permit a wide for routine silicate rock analysis are discussed, including range of trace elements to be determined on a routine basis. some more specialized procedures. Sufficient detail is In parallel with these exciting advances, users have tended included to provide practitioners of geochemistry with a firm to become more remote from the data production process. base from which to assess current performance, and in some This is, in part, an inevitable result of the widespread intro cases, future developments.

Silicate Glasses and Melts

Book Description

Silicate Glasses and Melts, Second Edition describes the structure-property-composition relationships for silicate glasses and melts from a geological and industrial perspective. Updated sections include (i) characterization of silicate melt and COHN fluid structure (with and without dissolved silicate components) with pressure, temperature, and redox conditions and responses of structural variables to chemical composition, (ii) determination of solubility and solution mechanisms of COHN volatiles in silicate melts and minerals and of solubility and solution mechanisms of silicate components in COHN fluids, and (iii) effects of very high pressure on structure and properties of melts and glasses. This new book is an essential resource for researchers in a number of fields, including geology, geophysics, geoscience, volcanology, material science, glass science, petrology and mineralogy. Brings together multidisciplinary research scattered across the scientific literature into one reference, with a focus on silicate melts and their application to natural systems Emphasizes linking melt properties to melt structure Includes a discussion of the pros and cons of the use of glass as a proxy for melt structure and properties Written by highly regarded experts in the field who, among other honors, were the 2006 recipients of the prestigious G.W. Morey award of the American Ceramic Society

Environmental Silicate Nano-Biocomposites

Book Description

Environmental Silicate Nano-Biocomposites focuses on nano-biocomposites, which are obtained by the association of silicates such as bioclays with biopolymers. By highlighting recent developments and findings, green and biodegradable nano-composites from both renewable and biodegradable polymers are explored. This includes coverage of potential markets such as packaging, agricultures, leisure and the fast food industry. The knowledge and experience of more than twenty international experts in diverse fields, from chemical and biochemical engineering to applications, is brought together in four different sections covering: Biodegradable polymers and Silicates, Clay/Polyesters Nano-biocomposites, Clay/Agropolymers Nano-biocomposites, and Applications and biodegradation of Nano-biocomposites. By exploring the relationships between the biopolymer structures, the processes, and the final properties Environmental Silicate Nano-Biocomposites explains how to design nano-materials to develop new, valuable, environmentally friendly properties and uses. The combination of fundamental and applied science makes this an ideal reference for a range of readers from students and lecturers to material and polymer scientists and even industrial engineers who are interested in bringing new environmental nano-materials to the current market.

Physical Geology

Book Description

This is a discount Black and white version. Some images may be unclear, please see BCCampus website for the digital version.This book was born out of a 2014 meeting of earth science educators representing most of the universities and colleges in British Columbia, and nurtured by a widely shared frustration that many students are not thriving in courses because textbooks have become too expensive for them to buy. But the real inspiration comes from a fascination for the spectacular geology of western Canada and the many decades that the author spent exploring this region along with colleagues, students, family, and friends. My goal has been to provide an accessible and comprehensive guide to the important topics of geology, richly illustrated with examples from western Canada. Although this text is intended to complement a typical first-year course in physical geology, its contents could be applied to numerous other related courses.

Silicate Structures and dispersion system

Book Description

Silicate Science, Volume VI: Silicate Structures and Dispersoid Systems reviews the advances made in silicate research from 1960 through 1970, with emphasis on X-ray diffraction methods, their theory, and the refinements of special silicate structures, particularly of natural silicate minerals or of synthetic products. The Zolati systematics of silicate crystal structures are used in this treatise, along with the principle of a systematics after the "sharing coefficients." Comprised of three sections, this volume begins with an overview of the progress made in infrared and Raman spectroscopy as well as the Mössbauer nuclear paramagnetic resonance method. Advances in experimental techniques applicable to crystal structure problems and crystal chemistry are highlighted, together with research in isomorphism, isotypism, polymorphism, and the epitaxis phenomena. The next section deals with clay minerals and considers the refined physical-chemical methods used for their identification, chiefly by infrared spectroscopy. Structures, adsorption, and base exchange reactions of clay minerals with inorganic and organic compounds are analyzed. The final section is devoted to silica and silicate dispersoid systems and the many advances made in electron microscopy, especially in the Castaing electron microprobe method. This book will be of interest to mineralogists, chemists, and crystallographers.