Silicon Nitride, Silicon Dioxide, and Emerging Dielectrics 9

Book Description

This issue of ECS Transactions contains the papers presented in the symposium on Silicon Nitride, Silicon Dioxide Thin Insulating Films, and Emerging Dielectics held May 6-11, 2007 in Chicago. Papers were presented on deposition, characterization and applications of the dielectrics including high- and low-k dielectrics, as well as interface states, device characterization, reliabiliy and modeling.

Silicon Nitride for Microelectronic Applications

Book Description

The large amount of literature on the technology of thin film silicon nitride indi cates the interest of the Department of Defense, NASA and the semiconductor industry in the development and full utilization of the material. This survey is concerned only with the thin film characteristics and properties of silicon nitride as currently utilized by the semiconductor or microelectronics industry. It also includes the various methods of preparation. Applications in microelectronic devices and circuits are to be provided in Part 2 of the survey. Some bulk silicon nitride property data is included for basic reference and comparison purposes. The survey specifically excludes references and information not within the public domain. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This survey was generated under U.S. Air Force Contract F33615-70-C-1348, with Mr. B.R. Emrich (MAAM) Air Force Materials Laboratory, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio acting as Project Engineer. The author would like to acknowledge the assis tance of Dr. Judd Q. Bartling, Litton Systems, Inc., Guidance and Control Systems Division, Woodland Hills, California and Dr. Thomas C. Hall, Hughes Aircraft Company, Culver City, California in reviewing the survey. v CONTENTS Preface. i Introduction 1 Literature Review. 1 Bulk Characteristics 1 Technology Overview. 2 References 4 Methods of Preparation • 5 Introduction • 5 Direct Nitridation Method 8 Evaporation Method • 9 Glow Discharge Method. 10 Ion Beam Method. 13 Sputtering Methods 13 Pyrolytic Methods. 15 Silane and Ammonia Reaction 15 Silicon Tetrachloride and Tetrafluoride Reaction. 24 Silane and Hydrazine Reaction 27 Production Operations. 28 Equipment.

Fabrication of Heat-Resistant and Plastic-Formable Silicon Nitride

Book Description

In this book, improvements in the heat resistance of silicon nitride (Si3N4) ceramics using grain boundary control and in plasticity at high temperatures using grain size control in order to reduce the cost of shaping Si3N4 are described. The heat resistance of Si3N4 is improved by mixing a slight amount of sintering additive as an impurity into the original material powder. The author presents his findings on the high heat resistance of Si3N4. The author also develops a new fabrication method for Si3N4 nano-ceramics that produces high plastic formability. The method developed offers two improved points in grinding and sintering processes. The author found that the plastic formability of Si3N4 nanoceramics is dependent on load stress; the results of his research are detailed in this book.