Book Description
My name is Isatou Ceesay and I am the author of Simple steps of five daily prayers in ENGLISH. The reason why I came about this book is because my children struggled to read and comprehend the Arabic language. This is heart breaking for me simply because I am responsible as a parent to teach them my religion until they become adults. I will be asked about it on the Day of Judgment and I must answer. The lessons of Simple steps of five daily prayers in ENGLISH are simplified for the English speakers. I am grateful for the fact that my children can read Qu’ran verses during the five daily prayers, memorize them and can freely practice their religion. I will continue to encourage them to read them in the Arabic language as well. This book is ideal for newly converts and any English speaker, struggling to read in Arabic. This book is not published to discourage anyone from reading the Qu’ran in Arabic. I have already sought forgiveness from Allah, Subhanah Wata-allah, for my mistakes in this book, that I do not intent.