Simulating the hydrology of small coastal ecosystems in conditions of limited data

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The impacts of water resources and irrigation development need to be quantified in order to understand the environmental costs of such development activities. Complex data-intensive simulation methods are normally used for this purpose in the developed world. However, lack of reliable data prohibits the use of such models in developing countries where it is more practical to apply models with less data requirements. The report illustrates three applications of simple and pragmatic simulation models to small coastal water bodies in Sri Lanka and South Africa.

An assessment of small-scale users' inclusion in large-scale water user associations of South Africa

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The management of water resources is being transformed in South Africa. All water users, especially the small-scale ones, are now invited to participate in this movement. This report reviews the process of inclusion of small-scale users in the new large-scale Water User Associations (WUA).Considering the difficulties encountered in this process, this report also recommend external monitoring after the transformation of an Irrigation Board into a WUA. This method may also facilitate assessment of the inclusion of small-scale users into catchment management agencies, and water resource management organizations.

The Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate

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The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is the leading international body for assessing the science related to climate change. It provides policymakers with regular assessments of the scientific basis of human-induced climate change, its impacts and future risks, and options for adaptation and mitigation. This IPCC Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate is the most comprehensive and up-to-date assessment of the observed and projected changes to the ocean and cryosphere and their associated impacts and risks, with a focus on resilience, risk management response options, and adaptation measures, considering both their potential and limitations. It brings together knowledge on physical and biogeochemical changes, the interplay with ecosystem changes, and the implications for human communities. It serves policymakers, decision makers, stakeholders, and all interested parties with unbiased, up-to-date, policy-relevant information. This title is also available as Open Access on Cambridge Core.

The Use of Remote Sensing Data for Drought Assessment and Monitoring in Southwest Asia

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This report describes the development of the near real-time drought monitoring and reporting system for the region, which currently includes Afghanistan, Pakistan and western parts of India. The system is based on drought-related indices derived from high-resolution remote-sensing data (MODIS). The unique feature of the study is the development of regression relationships between drought-related indices obtained from MODIS and AVHRR data, which have different pixel-resolution and optical characteristics. The goal is to make the system available, via Internet, to all stakeholders in the region.

Planning for environmental water allocations: An example of hydrology-based assessment in the East Rapti River, Nepal

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Although the protection of the aquatic environment is high on the world water resources agenda, most developing countries still lack the technical and institutional capacity to establish environmental water allocation practices and policies. The existing methods of assessment of environmental water allocations are either complex and resource-intensive or not tailor-made for the specific conditions of a particular country or region. To promote emerging concepts of environmental flow assessment and management, it is important to change the dominant perception that environmental demand is the least important and create awareness among responsible authorities about existing methodologies and processes that should be followed. This report presents some of these approaches and illustrates their applicability in the specific context of the East Rapti River basin, which features one of the main tourist attractions of Nepal, the Chitwan National Park.

Inadequacies in the water reforms in the Kyrgyz Republic: An institutional analysis

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This report analyzes the evolving water-management institutions and their performance of five core water management functions, in the context of the ongoing economic and agrarian reform in the Kyrgyz Republic. These core water-management functions are, operation of water systems, maintenance, resource mobilization, conflict resolution and organizational management. The report also identifies key issues and challenges that constrain effective stakeholder participation in water-resources management.

"Bright spots" in Uzbekistan, reversing land and water degradation while improving livelihoods: Key developments and sustaining ingredients for transition economies of the former Soviet Union

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Following the dissolution of the former Soviet Union and the collapse of existing trade arrangements, the newly independent states of Central Asia were left with the task of developing their own independent market economies. The region has undergone tremendous economic and social changes including significant agricultural reform mainly targeted at privatizing large collective farms that were established during the Soviet era. These reforms include the establishment of smaller private and cooperative farms in order to improve the efficiency and equity of existing production systems. Within Uzbekistan, this move to privatize farms has, in the majority of cases, led to declining productivity and net incomes. However, there have been instances where privatized farms and smaller collectives have been able to capitalize on these changes and perform at levels exceeding the norm. This Report identifies the key attributes of these successful farms that have been termed ''bright'' spots.

Economics and politics of water resources development: Uda Walawe Irrigation Project, Sri Lanka

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The Uda Walawe Irrigation and Resettlement Project (UWIRP) located in the Southern dry zone of Sri Lanka was initiated in the early 1950s. The original plan for the UWIRP was a highly ambitious social, economic and physical engineering project aimed at creating a modern, profitable agriculture sector. This report examines the history of water resources development and investment decisions for the UWIRP over a period of 50 years and uncovers underlying processes that shaped the evolution of the project and highlights the limitation of viewing development as a mere set of technical and social engineering endeavors.

Spatial Variation in Water Supply and Demand Across River Basins of India

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India is a large country with regional differences in per-capita water supply and demand. Attempts to describe the water situation in India at a national level are often misleading due to the tremendous diversity in the water situation across the country. This Report analyzes the spatial variation of water supply and demand across river basins in India. The study identifies basins that are water-scarce because of inadequate water availability to meet the effective demand. It also identifies issues that are important for estimating the future water demand and for the formation of policy for future water-resources development and management.

Working wetlands: classifying wetland potential for agriculture

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This paper reports on a form of multi-criteria analysis that provides a formal approach for evaluating the suitability of a wetland for specific agricultural uses, and ensures that explicit consideration is given to the possible consequences of such utilization. The method is based on a hybrid of ideas taken from concepts and methodologies related to: environmental flow assessments, land suitability classification and the hazard evaluation procedures used in the design of dams. The approach, which elaborates the idea of working wetlands, is generic, though the examples presented are for case studies from southern Africa.