Simulation and Optimization of Natual Gas Transportation in Pipeline Networks Using a Linearized Model

Book Description

When pipelines are used to transport gas through long distances, compression stations are coupled to the system in order to regain energy that is lost during fluid flow. In order for the compression stations to work, they consume part of the fluid being transported, making of it a source of fuel. An elegant optimization problem arises from the determination of network characteristics that will minimize fuel consumption at the compression stations. This minimization problem is given by highly non-linear objective function and constraints. Furthermore, an important part of the determination of compression performance is based on the calculation of efficiency in compressors. While some authors have assumed this efficiency to be constant, others have expanded the efficiency calculations by using polynomial curves. This study introduces three methods that allow for the simulation and optimization of natural gas transportation networks: first, it is demonstrated how fuel consumption can be accounted for in a system; second, it is introduced a method for the calculation of compressor efficiency; third, a domain-constrained search procedure is implemented in order to determine how compression stations should be adjusted in order to achieve minimum fuel consumption in a given transportation network. In order to account for possible convergence difficulties, all the procedures implemented in the three methods rely on the use of the Linear-Pressure Analog model, a technique that allows for the linearization of the gas flow equations. This is concluded to be one of the main reasons why system efficiency and minimum fuel consumption can be estimated, given the fact that the Linear Analog procedure facilitates convergence and effectiveness of the methods implemented in a reliable and effective manner.

Optimization of Natural Gas Distribution in Pipeline Networks

Book Description

In natural gas pipeline transportation systems, network operators play a crucial role. Through compression power and pipeline geometry, they master the physics of the systems, allowing them to control the flow of gas between two points. Their decisions impact the entire production chain, from the suppliers to the consumers. Consequently, the management of pipeline systems requires an in-depth analysis of the influence of each decision. Each pressure change in the system may seriously impact the flow of natural gas, deeply modifying the revenue of the entire production and how it is divided between the different actors of the market. It is fundamental to understand how to master the system in order to control the money generated.From an economic point of view, natural gas pipeline production, transportation and sale creates wealth divided between the different actors in the sector: the profit of the producer, the consumer welfare and a combination of both for the network operator. This social wealth, should be maximized in order to generate the most benefit from the network for society. In order to do so, it is necessary to understand how much gas is flowing through each pipeline. If pressure values are fixed on an arbitrary basis, the dispatch of natural gas in the network will not be optimized. The loss of social wealth generated can be considerable given the important volumes transported through pipeline those days. In the market of natural gas transportation, if the pressure at the nodes is wrongly chosen, it could be disastrous for a company. How could any producing/transporting company avoid wasting this significant amount of money? What are the solutions available for the natural gas pipeline engineers to dispatch natural gas in order to maximize the social wealth generated?This issue can be stated in the corresponding two situations: For the construction of a new pipeline network, how should the geometry of the different pipes be chosen in order to transport natural gas in an optimal way? For an existing pipeline network, how should the pressure drops be chosen to maximize the social wealth of the producing/transporting company?The goal of this study is to provide network operators with the parameters to answer those situations. By fixing the pressure values at the nodes of the system, it is possible to maximize the economic value generated by the natural gas transportation and sales. Additionally, running the simulation on different natural gas network configurations = inform the company on how to choose the ideal geometry factors of each branch of pipeline.Midthun et al. (2009) suggested two different methods to address this problem. The first one, the Independent Static Flow (ISF) method is a straightforward way to find a solution. Neglecting the physics of natural gas, this method assumes that every pipe of the system is running at maximum capacity. The method is very easy to use and implement. Nevertheless, the solution provided is unrealistic: as the physics of natural gas is not respected, it is impossible to practically apply the method on a real network. Hence, this method can only be used to give an idea of how to regulate the flows, and an operator could only try to guess the pressure values at the nodes that could help to get closer this ideal situation on his network. The loss of economic value of natural gas from the arbitrary choices of the operator is a concern. Additionally, the solution arbitrary applied by the operator will generate far less social wealth than the ideal solution given through ISF Method due to the application of the physics of natural gas transportation.To address this issue, the second method proposed by Midthun et al. (2009), the Taylor Development Method, relies on an approximation of the underlying physics to solve for the optimal solution. In order to improve the relevance of the results to the constraints of the pipeline network, Midthun et al. decided to modify the nonlinear constraints of the system, .However, the accuracy of this approach has a price: the more accurate the solution, the more computationally difficult the optimization becomes. Figure 1: The fragile optimum for the Taylor Development MethodFigure 1 illustrates this complex choice. Thus, the user remains struggled in a compromise to find the right equilibrium between quality of the result and time (and so money) of computation. The situation is even worse for large network, as the number of constraining equations greatly increases for each additional pipeline on a network.This compromise between size of network/quality of results on one hand and computational feasibility on the other hand cannot be satisfying. Today, natural gas companies have to deal with networks of several hundred of pipes. An accurate solution would be too hard to solve for, and decreasing the accuracy expectations may cause a large waste of social wealth. In order to avoid this loss, this paper is suggesting another method, based on Ayala et. al.'s (2013) Linear-Pressure Analog Method. Instead of adding extra constraining equations to take account for the nonlinearities of natural gas physics, it is possible to simplify the system. Assuming a linear relationship between natural gas flow rate with respect to pressure drop, the system become smaller and easier to solve. In other words, physics of natural gas is assumed to be similar to the one of laminar liquid flows. From here, a correction is applied to the solution found, taking account for the nonlinearities inherent in real natural gas behavior. The process is iterated until convergence is reached. This method is both feasible and accurate with limited computational demands. Consequently, with any standard computer, a production/transportation company can obtain the ideal and realistic dispatch of natural gas in its network, and optimize the economic value generated by its natural gas transportation.

Gas Pipeline Hydraulics

Book Description

This book is concerned with the steady state hydraulics of natural gas and other compressible fluids being transported through pipelines. Our main approach is to determine the flow rate possible and compressor station horsepower required within the limitations of pipe strength, based on the pipe materials and grade. It addresses the scenarios where one or more compressors may be required depending on the gas flow rate and if discharge cooling is needed to limit the gas temperatures. The book is the result of over 38 years of the authors' experience on pipelines in North and South America while working for major energy companies such as ARCO, El Paso Energy, etc.

Evaluating Gas Network Capacities

Book Description

"This book deals with a simple sounding question whether a certain amount of gas can be transported by a given pipeline network. While well studied for a single pipeline, this question gets extremely difficult if we consider a meshed nation wide gas transportation network, taking into account all the technical details and discrete decisions, as well as regulations, contracts, and varying demand. This book describes several mathematical models to answer these questions, discusses their merits and disadvantages, explains the necessary technical and regulatory background, and shows how to solve this question using sophisticated mathematical optimization algorithms."--

Modeling and Monitoring of Pipelines and Networks

Book Description

This book focuses on the analysis and design of advanced techniques for on-line automatic computational monitoring of pipelines and pipe networks. It discusses how to improve the systems’ security considering mathematical models of the flow, historical flow rate and pressure data, with the main goal of reducing the number of sensors installed along a pipeline. The techniques presented in the book have been implemented in digital systems to enhance the abilities of the pipeline network’s operators in recognizing anomalies. A real leak scenario in a Mexican water pipeline is used to illustrate the benefits of these techniques in locating the position of a leak. Intended for an interdisciplinary audience, the book addresses researchers and professionals in the areas of mechanical, civil and control engineering. It covers topics on fluid mechanics, instrumentation, automatic control, signal processing, computing, construction and diagnostic technologies.

Transmission Pipeline Calculations and Simulations Manual

Book Description

Transmission Pipeline Calculations and Simulations Manual is a valuable time- and money-saving tool to quickly pinpoint the essential formulae, equations, and calculations needed for transmission pipeline routing and construction decisions. The manual’s three-part treatment starts with gas and petroleum data tables, followed by self-contained chapters concerning applications. Case studies at the end of each chapter provide practical experience for problem solving. Topics in this book include pressure and temperature profile of natural gas pipelines, how to size pipelines for specified flow rate and pressure limitations, and calculating the locations and HP of compressor stations and pumping stations on long distance pipelines. Case studies are based on the author’s personal field experiences Component to system level coverage Save time and money designing pipe routes well Design and verify piping systems before going to the field Increase design accuracy and systems effectiveness

Modeling and Optimization of Natural Gas Processing and Production Networks

Book Description

Natural gas is a nonrenewable energy source, so it is important to use it and utilize it in a sustainable manner. Globally, about 25% of energy consumption is supplied and fulfilled by natural gas and this percentage will stay true for the foreseeable future. Today, the fluctuations in commodities prices and demands all necessitate the proper planning and coordination in natural gas industries. Moreover, the strict environmental regulations, continuous advancement in technologies and different customer requirements and specifications, all mandate seeking many pathway options and continuous evaluation of the technologies. Thus, the overall objective of this research is to provide a framework for the design, synthesis, analysis, and planning of a natural gas processing and production networks. The overall framework helps the decision maker in the natural gas industry to evaluate and select optimally the production pathways and utilization options by using the mathematical modeling and optimization techniques in order to maximize the value of natural gas resource. Toward this objective, a novel natural gas network has been synthesized for analysis and optimization. The developed network converts natural gas to LNG, condensate, LPG, gasoline, diesel, wax, and methanol as main products. The contributions of this dissertation fall mainly into three milestones; namely (1) simulation of natural gas network (2) mathematical formulation and optimization of the network and (3) sustainability assessment of the network. The first milestone addresses the rigorous steady state simulation of natural gas network. The simulation of key processing units helped in calculating accurately material and energy balances. Furthermore, the sensitivity analysis or what-if analysis was performed to determine the effect of different operating-parameters on products yield. The second milestone is the comprehensive mathematical formulation and optimization represented by both linear programming (LP) and mixed integer linear programming (MILP) models. Firstly, a deterministic operational LP model has been formulated and implemented on natural gas processing and production networks. Based on the yields obtained from the simulation, LP model was able to tackle different scenarios, such as, variations and fluctuations in natural gas flow rate, natural gas price, products price, and so on. Secondly, a comprehensive MILP model for the optimal design and operation of natural gas processing network was proposed. The MILP model addresses the different technologies and configurations available for the selection of key processing units. Also, it considers the different operating modes practiced in industry in terms of low, moderate, and severe restrictions to the specifications level. Thirdly, another MILP model for the optimal design and operation of natural gas production network has been developed. We were able to address the different routes for natural gas utilization. Finally, the third milestone is the sustainability assessment. The sustainability metrics or indicators were evaluated to investigate the sustainability dimensions and to address the economic, environmental, and societal aspects of the synthesized processing and production networks. The sustainability metrics proved to be useful in selecting pathways that are both economic and environmental friendly.