Feedback Thought in Social Science and Systems Theory

Book Description

This is a study of a method of thinking in the social sciences known as the loop concept. This concept underlies the notions of feedback and circular causality. The author attempts to illuminate the significance of classical and contemporary feedback thinking in social science and social policy.

Integrated Simulation

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Simulation-based Optimization of Energy Efficiency in Production

Book Description

The importance of the energy and commodity markets has steadily increased since the first oil crisis. The sustained use of energy and other resources has become a basic requirement for a company to competitively perform on the market. The modeling, analysis and assessment of dynamic production processes is often performed using simulation software. While existing approaches mainly focus on the consideration of resource consumption variables based on metrologically collected data on operating states, the aim of this work is to depict the energy consumption of production plants through the utilization of a continuous simulation approach in combination with a discrete approach for the modeling of material flows and supporting logistic processes. The complex interactions between the material flow and the energy usage in production can thus be simulated closer to reality, especially the depiction of energy consumption peaks becomes possible. An essential step towards reducing energy consumption in production is the optimization of the energy use of non-value-adding production phases.

Simulation-Based Optimization

Book Description

Simulation-Based Optimization: Parametric Optimization Techniques and Reinforcement Learning introduce the evolving area of static and dynamic simulation-based optimization. Covered in detail are model-free optimization techniques – especially designed for those discrete-event, stochastic systems which can be simulated but whose analytical models are difficult to find in closed mathematical forms. Key features of this revised and improved Second Edition include: · Extensive coverage, via step-by-step recipes, of powerful new algorithms for static simulation optimization, including simultaneous perturbation, backtracking adaptive search and nested partitions, in addition to traditional methods, such as response surfaces, Nelder-Mead search and meta-heuristics (simulated annealing, tabu search, and genetic algorithms) · Detailed coverage of the Bellman equation framework for Markov Decision Processes (MDPs), along with dynamic programming (value and policy iteration) for discounted, average, and total reward performance metrics · An in-depth consideration of dynamic simulation optimization via temporal differences and Reinforcement Learning: Q-Learning, SARSA, and R-SMART algorithms, and policy search, via API, Q-P-Learning, actor-critics, and learning automata · A special examination of neural-network-based function approximation for Reinforcement Learning, semi-Markov decision processes (SMDPs), finite-horizon problems, two time scales, case studies for industrial tasks, computer codes (placed online) and convergence proofs, via Banach fixed point theory and Ordinary Differential Equations Themed around three areas in separate sets of chapters – Static Simulation Optimization, Reinforcement Learning and Convergence Analysis – this book is written for researchers and students in the fields of engineering (industrial, systems, electrical and computer), operations research, computer science and applied mathematics.

Simulation in the Textile Industry

Book Description

The work being introduced is aimed at supporting the crucial activity of deciding what is to be done, and when, within an industrial, applied, real-world situation. More specifically, matching assorted tasks to applicable production units, and deciding the priority every job is to be given. The problem, common to many different industries, arises when a considerable amount of different articles must be produced on a relatively small number of reconfigurable units. Similar issues have a strong impact on an essential concern, eminently in the textile industrial domain: satisfying the always-in-a-rush customers, while keeping accessory production costs (set-up costs, machinery cleaning costs, ...) under control, keeping at a minimum the losses related to wasteful resource-management practices, due to under pressure decision making. Given the real-world situation, where human planners tend to be the only ones considered able to tackle such a problem, the innovation hereby suggested consists of an automated, artificial intelligence based, system capable of objectively driving the search and implementation of good solutions, without being influenced by pre-existing knowledge, mimicking a powerful lateral-thinking approach, so difficult to accomplish when management pressure impedes and daunting tasks bound the human rationality. Ranking the effectiveness of a candidate solution, where pathdependency and unexpected complex effects may bias the final outcome, is not a matter trivially manageable by traditional operational research-style systems where no dynamics (recursive phenomena, feedbacks, non-linearity) appear. In order to overcome the limitations that an analytical specification of the problem imposes, the Agent-Based Modelling paradigm had to be taken into consideration. Thanks to ABM we're provided with the opportunity of in-silico experimenting every imaginable scenario, by executing the planning in a virtual lab, where the production events happen instead of simplistically being computed. In this way, we avoid following a reductionist approach, clumsily based on the usage of a static representation of the enterprise world, squashed into a cumbersome system of equations. The model has been built resorting to the Swarm toolkit (see [Bur94], [JLS99], [MBLA96]); the underlying programming language (Objective-C) made the procedure of mapping the agents involved in the process onto software objects a plain and consistent task. The problem presented belongs to the shop problems family in general, although many peculiarities make it an unconventional and distinguished one. When referring to production planning, the authors have in mind the scheduling problem rather than ERP/MRP issues. In fact, the stage of the production on which the work is focused gives the availability of raw and semi-finished materials for granted. The up- and down-streams of the supply chain are normally performed by significantly oversized equipment, in the textile industry. On the other side, core processes, spinning and weaving in particular, require peak exploitation of the available production units.

Production Planning by Mixed Integer Programming

Book Description

This textbook provides a comprehensive modeling, reformulation and optimization approach for solving production planning and supply chain planning problems, covering topics from a basic introduction to planning systems, mixed integer programming (MIP) models and algorithms through the advanced description of mathematical results in polyhedral combinatorics required to solve these problems. Based on twenty years worth of research in which the authors have played a significant role, the book addresses real life industrial production planning problems (involving complex production structures with multiple production stages) using MIP modeling and reformulation approach. The book provides an introduction to MIP modeling and to planning systems, a unique collection of reformulation results, and an easy to use problem-solving library. This approach is demonstrated through a series of real life case studies, exercises and detailed illustrations. Review by Jakub Marecek (Computer Journal) The emphasis put on mixed integer rounding and mixing sets, heuristics in-built in general purpose integer programming solvers, as well as on decompositions and heuristics using integer programming should be praised... There is no doubt that this volume offers the present best introduction to integer programming formulations of lotsizing problems, encountered in production planning. (2007)