Sing Ho Saves a Lion

Book Description

Sing Ho was innocently walking down the street minding his own business. Then he noticed a FedEx Truck driving down the street. There was nothing unusual about today. There was nothing unusual about the Fedex Truck. The normal amount of people were milling about. The normal number of cars and trucks were on the road. There was the normal number of buildings. Then, for a single second, Sing Ho and that FedEx Truck were the only two objects in the world. Then there was only one, and Sing Ho's world went completely dark. Normalcy had just taken a left turn on the road to nowhere. Rating G; Reading Level Very Easy 4th Grade; Longest Word: Transportation


Book Description

A western sci-fi - William has just been dumped again. This time by Diana. She's looking someone who has more Psi ability. William has none. Unknown to Diana, William understands several languages, including Rally Girl. That may not be a good thing in this case because she just introduced her new boyfriend and dissed William. Diana also doesn't know that William works for the top spy agency. And William is about to find out that aliens from outer space have just made contact and threatened the Earth. They have given the people of Earth 7 days to evacuate the planet or they'll destroy it. So, there's the Sci-Fi part - First Contact and Psi Ability. For the Western part, you'll just have to read the story.

Sing Ho Saves a Lion

Book Description

Sing Ho was innocently walking down the street minding his own business. Then he noticed a FedEx Truck driving down the street. There was nothing unusual about today. There was nothing unusual about the Fedex Truck. The normal amount of people were milling about. The normal number of cars and trucks were on the road. There was the normal number of buildings. But for a second, Sing Ho and that FedEx Truck were the only two objects in the world. Then there was only one, and Sing Ho's world went completely dark. Normalcy had just taken a left turn on the road to nowhere.


Book Description

Superheroine Red has a flying machine. She uses it to rescue other superheroes. Her husband Zuper Zero wants his own flying machine. How hard can they be to fly? Surely, there must be several flying machines where Red grew up. If only he and his son can figure out where that is, he'll find a flying machine. But, they have to be sneaky about it. Red would surely discourage them from this pursuit.

Saving the Earth One Beard at a Time

Book Description

You've seen those "10 things to do to save the Earth" lists. They usually mention many of the same things. Well, here's something different you can do to save the Earth. Shave Consciously. Every little bit we do to save the Earth helps. And this is one of those things you can do your own way. How much you shave, how long you shave, and what you use to shave with are all covered in this book, plus different styles of beards. I start this book with a very funny story from my childhood of how I learned to shave. And, if you can't grow a beard, this book may still have some helpful hints for shaving other parts of your body or for giving to someone how can grow a beard.

Expressive Websites

Book Description

Is your website blah or bleh? Does it reflect who you or are company truly is? On second thought maybe you just want it to project a certain persona. How can you achieve this? More importantly, how can you achieve this easily? My book Expressive Websites, tells you several ways that you can make your website more expressive. Maybe you want colors or emojis. What about forms and graphs? Simple graphics? Tired of that same old font? Change it or add another. I only use HTML, CSS, and simple cut-and-paste executions of Javascript functions. In this book I tell you how to easily use my Javascript Library to enhance your website. Some people say that all you have to do to make your website less boring is add a video. I think there's a whole lot more to it.

Zuper Zero

Book Description

Your children will love this super her story. You'll probably like it too. Derek has no super powers. So, how did he become a super hero? He just happened to be near Electrion when they were rescued by the Elken Folk. He was kind of Electrion's older brother. But, Derek is the only one who thinks he has zero super powers. Everybody else really likes his super power. And that's why they call him Zuper Zero. Can you guess what his super power is? This story isn't just about Zuper Zero. It's also about Electrion, Red, and Green - and all the other Super Heroes and Heroines. This is also a story between a Dad and his young son who's wondering what his super power will be. Mom would have been in the story more. But, she's Red. And at the beginning of the story, she's off doing Super Hero stuff.

Ribo Quadrilobe: The Healer is Judged

Book Description

Ribo is all law and order. This Inspector Robot is nothing but serious. Hannah (whom he's after), on the other hand is serious about one thing - Healing. The law says that since she's a Doctor, she can't use spiritual powers to heal. But, she belongs to a group which believes that spiritual powers can heal. Ribo suspects she's playing lose with the law, since many of her patients are healed. What happens when this duo meets? Will anything change Ribo's almost already made up mind?

Generation Q

Book Description

Strange things started to take place in the year 2000. Earth split in two - though few noticed. There was now our Earth and the Parallel Earth. On that other Earth, Babies were being born - nothing abnormal about that. However, a few of these babies had pointed ears. Those babies were also slightly longer than normal. That was not so different. But, each baby was quickly whisked into hiding by its parent(s) and an unlikely protector. Twenty-one years later, those children would start to come out of hiding. Now that they were adults and very different from others, how would others react to them? Would these children help us save or world? Or, would they destroy it? This book contains several 1-page novels.

Packing Petite

Book Description

Let me introduce you to the four principals of Packing Petite:•Visualize What Fits Where •Minimize What You Take •Pack in Compartmentalized, Expandable Bags •Make Things Fit into Smaller Spaces You can remember this by the acronym VMPF (ViMPiFy). Visualize, Minimize, Pack, Fit. Or not. If you can’t perform any of those principles at this point, don’t fret. That’s why you are reading this book. This book tells you how I pack petite using those four principles. Rating G; Reading Level 4th Grade Very Easy; Longest Word: Compartmentalized