Singular Phenomena and Scaling in Mathematical Models

Book Description

The book integrates theoretical analysis, numerical simulation and modeling approaches for the treatment of singular phenomena. The projects covered focus on actual applied problems, and develop qualitatively new and mathematically challenging methods for various problems from the natural sciences. Ranging from stochastic and geometric analysis over nonlinear analysis and modelling to numerical analysis and scientific computation, the book is divided into the three sections: A) Scaling limits of diffusion processes and singular spaces, B) Multiple scales in mathematical models of materials science and biology and C) Numerics for multiscale models and singular phenomena. Each section addresses the key aspects of multiple scales and model hierarchies, singularities and degeneracies, and scaling laws and self-similarity.

Singularities: Formation, Structure, and Propagation

Book Description

Many key phenomena in physics and engineering are described as singularities in the solutions to the differential equations describing them. Examples covered thoroughly in this book include the formation of drops and bubbles, the propagation of a crack and the formation of a shock in a gas. Aimed at a broad audience, this book provides the mathematical tools for understanding singularities and explains the many common features in their mathematical structure. Part I introduces the main concepts and techniques, using the most elementary mathematics possible so that it can be followed by readers with only a general background in differential equations. Parts II and III require more specialised methods of partial differential equations, complex analysis and asymptotic techniques. The book may be used for advanced fluid mechanics courses and as a complement to a general course on applied partial differential equations.

Extended Abstracts Spring 2018

Book Description

This volume contains extended abstracts outlining selected presentations delivered by participants of the joint international multidisciplinary workshop MURPHYS-HSFS-2018 (MUltiRate Processes and HYSteresis; Hysteresis and Slow-Fast Systems), dedicated to the mathematical theory and applications of the multiple scale systems, the systems with hysteresis and general trends in the dynamical systems theory. The workshop was jointly organized by the Centre de Recerca Matemàtica (CRM), Barcelona, and the Collaborative Research Center 910, Berlin, and held at the Centre de Recerca Matemàtica in Bellaterra, Barcelona, from May 28th to June 1st, 2018. This was the ninth workshop continuing a series of biennial meetings started in Ireland in 2002, and the second workshop of this series held at the CRM. Earlier editions of the workshops in this series were held in Cork, Pechs, Suceava, Lutherstadt and Berlin. The collection includes brief research articles reporting new results, descriptions of preliminary work, open problems, and the outcome of work in groups initiated during the workshop. Topics include analysis of hysteresis phenomena, multiple scale systems, self-organizing nonlinear systems, singular perturbations and critical phenomena, as well as applications of the hysteresis and the theory of singularly perturbed systems to fluid dynamics, chemical kinetics, cancer modeling, population modeling, mathematical economics, and control. The book is intended for established researchers, as well as for PhD and postdoctoral students who want to learn more about the latest advances in these highly active research areas.

Finite-Size Scaling

Book Description

Over the past few years, finite-size scaling has become an increasingly important tool in studies of critical systems. This is partly due to an increased understanding of finite-size effects by analytical means, and partly due to our ability to treat larger systems with large computers. The aim of this volume was to collect those papers which have been important for this progress and which illustrate novel applications of the method. The emphasis has been placed on relatively recent developments, including the use of the &egr;-expansion and of conformal methods.

Conformal Invariance and Critical Phenomena

Book Description

Critical phenomena arise in a wide variety of physical systems. Classi cal examples are the liquid-vapour critical point or the paramagnetic ferromagnetic transition. Further examples include multicomponent fluids and alloys, superfluids, superconductors, polymers and fully developed tur bulence and may even extend to the quark-gluon plasma and the early uni verse as a whole. Early theoretical investigators tried to reduce the problem to a very small number of degrees of freedom, such as the van der Waals equation and mean field approximations, culminating in Landau's general theory of critical phenomena. Nowadays, it is understood that the common ground for all these phenomena lies in the presence of strong fluctuations of infinitely many coupled variables. This was made explicit first through the exact solution of the two-dimensional Ising model by Onsager. Systematic subsequent developments have been leading to the scaling theories of critical phenomena and the renormalization group which allow a precise description of the close neighborhood of the critical point, often in good agreement with experiments. In contrast to the general understanding a century ago, the presence of fluctuations on all length scales at a critical point is emphasized today. This can be briefly summarized by saying that at a critical point a system is scale invariant. In addition, conformal invaTiance permits also a non-uniform, local rescal ing, provided only that angles remain unchanged.

Multiscale Problems in Science and Technology

Book Description

The International conference on Multiscale problems in science and technol ogy; Challenges to mathematical analysis and applications brought together mathematicians working on multiscale techniques (homogenisation, singular perturbation) and specialists from applied sciences who use these techniques. Our idea was that mathematicians could contribute to solving problems in the emerging applied disciplines usually overlooked by them and that specialists from applied sciences could pose new challenges for multiscale problems. Numerous problems in natural sciences contain multiple scales: flows in complex heterogeneous media, many particles systems, composite media, etc. Mathematically, we are led to study of singular homogenisation limits and the procedure is called upscaling or homogenisation. The processes to be up scaled are usually described by differential equations. For simple cases, when the differential equation is linear and the heterogeneities are periodic some progress has been made. However, most natural phenomena are described by nonlinear differential equations in a random nonhomogeneous medium and, despite an intensive development in recent years, there are many open problems. The objective of the conference was to bring together leading special ists from Europe and the United States and to discuss new challenges in this quickly developing field. Topics of the conference were Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations and Applied Analysis, with direct applications to the modeling in Material Sciences, Petroleum Engineering and Hydrodynamics.

Scaling, Self-similarity, and Intermediate Asymptotics

Book Description

Scaling (power-type) laws reveal the fundamental property of the phenomena--self similarity. Self-similar (scaling) phenomena repeat themselves in time and/or space. The property of self-similarity simplifies substantially the mathematical modeling of phenomena and its analysis--experimental, analytical and computational. The book begins from a non-traditional exposition of dimensional analysis, physical similarity theory and general theory of scaling phenomena. Classical examples of scaling phenomena are presented. It is demonstrated that scaling comes on a stage when the influence of fine details of initial and/or boundary conditions disappeared but the system is still far from ultimate equilibrium state (intermediate asymptotics). It is explained why the dimensional analysis as a rule is insufficient for establishing self-similarity and constructing scaling variables. Important examples of scaling phenomena for which the dimensional analysis is insufficient (self-similarities of the second kind) are presented and discussed. A close connection of intermediate asymptotics and self-similarities of the second kind with a fundamental concept of theoretical physics, the renormalization group, is explained and discussed. Numerous examples from various fields--from theoretical biology to fracture mechanics, turbulence, flame propagation, flow in porous strata, atmospheric and oceanic phenomena are presented for which the ideas of scaling, intermediate asymptotics, self-similarity and renormalization group were of decisive value in modeling.

Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations

Book Description

The book is focused on physical interpretation and visualization of the obtained invariant solutions for nonlinear mathematical modeling of atmospheric and ocean waves. This volume represents a unique blend of analytical and numerical methods complemented by the author's developments in ocean and atmospheric sciences and it is meant for researchers and graduate students interested in applied mathematics and mathematical modeling.

Introduction to Conformal Invariance and Its Applications to Critical Phenomena

Book Description

The history of critical phenomena goes back to the year 1869 when Andrews discovered the critical point of carbon dioxide, located at about 31°C and 73 atmospheres pressure. In the neighborhood ofthis point the carbon dioxide was observed to become opalescent, that is, light is strongly scattered. This is nowadays interpreted as comingfrom the strong fluctuations of the system close to the critical point. Subsequently, a wide varietyofphysicalsystems were realized to display critical points as well. Ofparticular importance was the observation of a critical point in ferromagnetic iron by Curie. Further examples include multicomponent fluids and alloys, superfluids, superconductors, polymers and may even extend to the quark-gluon plasmaand the early universe as a whole. Early theoretical investigationstried to reduce the problem to a very small number of degrees of freedom, such as the van der Waals equation and mean field approximations and culminating in Landau's general theory of critical phenomena. In a dramatic development, Onsager's exact solutionofthe two-dimensional Ising model made clear the important role of the critical fluctuations. Their role was taken into account in the subsequent developments leading to the scaling theories of critical phenomena and the renormalization group. These developements have achieved a precise description of the close neighborhood of the critical point and results are often in good agreement with experiments. In contrast to the general understanding a century ago, the presence of fluctuations on all length scales at a critical point is today emphasized.


Book Description

Starting from dimensional analysis and physical similarity, G. Barenblatt describes the art of discovering scaling laws. He demonstrates the concepts of intermediate asymptotics and the renormalization group as natural consequences of self-similarity and shows how and when these tools can tackle the task at hand, and when they cannot. Based on courses taught to undergraduate and graduate students, the book can also be used independently by biologists, chemists, astronomers, engineers and geoscientists.