Singularities of integrals

Book Description

Bringing together two fundamental texts from Frédéric Pham’s research on singular integrals, the first part of this book focuses on topological and geometrical aspects while the second explains the analytic approach. Using notions developed by J. Leray in the calculus of residues in several variables and R. Thom’s isotopy theorems, Frédéric Pham’s foundational study of the singularities of integrals lies at the interface between analysis and algebraic geometry, culminating in the Picard-Lefschetz formulae. These mathematical structures, enriched by the work of Nilsson, are then approached using methods from the theory of differential equations and generalized from the point of view of hyperfunction theory and microlocal analysis. Providing a ‘must-have’ introduction to the singularities of integrals, a number of supplementary references also offer a convenient guide to the subjects covered. This book will appeal to both mathematicians and physicists with an interest in the area of singularities of integrals. Frédéric Pham, now retired, was Professor at the University of Nice. He has published several educational and research texts. His recent work concerns semi-classical analysis and resurgent functions.

Singularities of integrals

Book Description

Bringing together two fundamental texts from Frédéric Pham’s research on singular integrals, the first part of this book focuses on topological and geometrical aspects while the second explains the analytic approach. Using notions developed by J. Leray in the calculus of residues in several variables and R. Thom’s isotopy theorems, Frédéric Pham’s foundational study of the singularities of integrals lies at the interface between analysis and algebraic geometry, culminating in the Picard-Lefschetz formulae. These mathematical structures, enriched by the work of Nilsson, are then approached using methods from the theory of differential equations and generalized from the point of view of hyperfunction theory and microlocal analysis. Providing a ‘must-have’ introduction to the singularities of integrals, a number of supplementary references also offer a convenient guide to the subjects covered. This book will appeal to both mathematicians and physicists with an interest in the area of singularities of integrals. Frédéric Pham, now retired, was Professor at the University of Nice. He has published several educational and research texts. His recent work concerns semi-classical analysis and resurgent functions.

Singularities of integrals

Book Description

Bringing together two fundamental texts from Frédéric Pham’s research on singular integrals, the first part of this book focuses on topological and geometrical aspects while the second explains the analytic approach. Using notions developed by J. Leray in the calculus of residues in several variables and R. Thom’s isotopy theorems, Frédéric Pham’s foundational study of the singularities of integrals lies at the interface between analysis and algebraic geometry, culminating in the Picard-Lefschetz formulae. These mathematical structures, enriched by the work of Nilsson, are then approached using methods from the theory of differential equations and generalized from the point of view of hyperfunction theory and microlocal analysis. Providing a ‘must-have’ introduction to the singularities of integrals, a number of supplementary references also offer a convenient guide to the subjects covered. This book will appeal to both mathematicians and physicists with an interest in the area of singularities of integrals. Frédéric Pham, now retired, was Professor at the University of Nice. He has published several educational and research texts. His recent work concerns semi-classical analysis and resurgent functions.

Singularities of Differentiable Maps, Volume 2

Book Description

​​The present volume is the second in a two-volume set entitled Singularities of Differentiable Maps. While the first volume, subtitled Classification of Critical Points and originally published as Volume 82 in the Monographs in Mathematics series, contained the zoology of differentiable maps, that is, it was devoted to a description of what, where, and how singularities could be encountered, this second volume concentrates on elements of the anatomy and physiology of singularities of differentiable functions. The questions considered are about the structure of singularities and how they function.

Singular Integrals and Differentiability Properties of Functions (PMS-30), Volume 30

Book Description

Singular integrals are among the most interesting and important objects of study in analysis, one of the three main branches of mathematics. They deal with real and complex numbers and their functions. In this book, Princeton professor Elias Stein, a leading mathematical innovator as well as a gifted expositor, produced what has been called the most influential mathematics text in the last thirty-five years. One reason for its success as a text is its almost legendary presentation: Stein takes arcane material, previously understood only by specialists, and makes it accessible even to beginning graduate students. Readers have reflected that when you read this book, not only do you see that the greats of the past have done exciting work, but you also feel inspired that you can master the subject and contribute to it yourself. Singular integrals were known to only a few specialists when Stein's book was first published. Over time, however, the book has inspired a whole generation of researchers to apply its methods to a broad range of problems in many disciplines, including engineering, biology, and finance. Stein has received numerous awards for his research, including the Wolf Prize of Israel, the Steele Prize, and the National Medal of Science. He has published eight books with Princeton, including Real Analysis in 2005.

Boundary Integral and Singularity Methods for Linearized Viscous Flow

Book Description

In addition to theory, this study focuses on practical application and computer implementation in a coherent introduction to boundary integrals, boundary element and singularity methods for steady and unsteady flow at zero Reynolds numbers.

Ramified Integrals, Singularities and Lacunas

Book Description

Solutions to many problems of these theories are treated. Subjects include the proof of multidimensional analogues of Newton's theorem on the nonintegrability of ovals; extension of the proofs for the theorems of Newton, Ivory, Arnold and Givental on potentials of algebraic surfaces. Also, it is discovered for which d and n the potentials of degree d hyperbolic surfaces in [actual symbol not reproducible] are algebraic outside the surfaces; the equivalence of local regularity (the so-called sharpness), of fundamental solutions of hyperbolic PDEs and the topological Petrovskii-Atiyah-Bott-Garding condition is proved, and the geometrical characterization of domains of sharpness close to simple singularities of wave fronts is considered; a 'stratified' version of the Picard-Lefschetz formula is proved, and an algorithm enumerating topologically distinct Morsifications of real function singularities is given.

Singular Integrals in Boundary Element Methods

Book Description

A text in singular integrals in boundary element methods. Topics covered include: treatment in crack problems; regularization of boundary integral equations by the derivative transfer method; regularization and evaluation of singular domain integrals in boundary element methods and others.

Methods of Analysis and Solutions of Crack Problems

Book Description

It is weH known that the traditional failure criteria cannot adequately explain failures which occur at a nominal stress level considerably lower than the ultimate strength of the material. The current procedure for predicting the safe loads or safe useful life of a structural member has been evolved around the discipline oflinear fracture mechanics. This approach introduces the concept of a crack extension force which can be used to rank materials in some order of fracture resistance. The idea is to determine the largest crack that a material will tolerate without failure. Laboratory methods for characterizing the fracture toughness of many engineering materials are now available. While these test data are useful for providing some rough guidance in the choice of materials, it is not clear how they could be used in the design of a structure. The understanding of the relationship between laboratory tests and fracture design of structures is, to say the least, deficient. Fracture mechanics is presently at astandstill until the basic problems of scaling from laboratory models to fuH size structures and mixed mode crack propagation are resolved. The answers to these questions require some basic understanding ofthe theory and will not be found by testing more specimens. The current theory of fracture is inadequate for many reasons. First of aH it can only treat idealized problems where the applied load must be directed normal to the crack plane.

Singular Integrals and Related Topics

Book Description

This book introduces some important progress in the theory of Calderon-Zygmund singular integrals, oscillatory singular integrals, and Littlewood-Paley theory over the last decade. It includes some important research results by the authors and their cooperators, such as singular integrals with rough kernels on Block spaces and Hardy spaces, the criterion on boundedness of oscillatory singular integrals, and boundedness of the rough Marcinkiewicz integrals. These results have frequently been cited in many published papers.