Sins of the Press: The Untold Story of The Boston Globe's Reporting on Sex Abuse in the Catholic Church

Book Description

SINS OF THE PRESS blows the lid off the Boston Globe's 2002 Pulitzer Prize-winning reporting about sex abuse and the Catholic Church. While the Globe would want you believe that its paper's reporting was a carefully impartial chronicle of abuse and cover-ups by Church officials, this fast-paced, eye-opening, and meticulously researched book uncovers something entirely different. Using actual images of headlines, photos, and editorial cartoons from the Globe archives, Sins of the Press exposes: * How the Globe has routinely celebrated child molesters in its pages over the years; * How the Globe frequently promoted an author who supported incest between fathers and daughters; * Extensive and undeniable proof that the Globe's reporting was the culmination of a relentless, decades-long attack against the Catholic Church; * How the Globe has deliberately dismissed and mitigated vile abuse and cover-ups in other institutions; * How the Globe flagrantly misled its readers about the Church's response to abuse complaints; * How the Globe was flat-out erroneous in its reporting; * How the Globe facilitated the foundation of the notorious pedophile group NAMBLA; and much more. Sins of the Press will obliterate everything you thought about the Boston Globe and its reporting about Catholic sex abuse.

Betrayal: The Crisis in the Catholic Church

Book Description

With this exposé, the Boston Globe presents the single most comprehensive account of the cover-ups, hush money and manipulation used by the Catholic Church to keep its history of sexual abuse secret.

The Whole Truth

Book Description

This book exposes the breadth of the media's bias against the Catholic Church, using the child sexual abuse dilemma in society as the launching point. An amazing and liberating story told by the most credible and unprejudiced source... an attorney who has successfully sued the Church for the last 20 years. Joseph Klest sheds light on the overwhelming reform that has transformed the Catholic Church into a blueprint for prevention and intervention of abuse. The steps you can take to protect your children from abuse and the legal recourse available if your child has been abused. THE SPOTLIGHT INVESTIGATION OF THE BOSTON GLOBE The "Boston Globe" wants us all to celebrate its "breaking" of the "Catholic" Abuse Scandal. In fact, Hollywood has helped us all relive the well publicized Catholic Scandal with the production of the major motion picture, "Spotlight." The fact of the matter is that the "Globe," the "New York Times" and other major media outlets have long been headlining abuse reports involving the Catholic Church proudly on page one, while instances in other religions and organizations received more moderate and standard coverage or no coverage at all. In fact, the full breadth of the problem has been little discussed. Why? Because to expose the truth would undermine the most favored story line of mainstream media - the Catholic Church and its many evils.


Book Description

A team of reporters writing for "The Boston Globe" has amassed evidence that points to a long history of cover ups, hush money, and emotional blackmail used by the Catholic Church to hide sexual abuse within its ranks. Their investigation is the subject of this book.

Mortal Sins: Sex, Crime, and the Era of Catholic Scandal

Book Description

An explosive, sweeping account of the pedophile scandal that has sent the Catholic church into a tailspin and the fight to bring it to justice.

Perversion of Power

Book Description

Since 2002, the Roman Catholic Church has been in crisis over the sexual abuse of minors by priests and the cover-up of those crimes by bishops. Over 11,000 alleged victims have reported their experiences to the Church, and more than 4,700 priests since 1950 have been credibly accused of sexually victimizing minors. The Church has paid over one billion dollars to adults who claim to have been sexually abused by priests and there is no end in sight to these lawsuits. Celibacy, homosexuality in the priesthood, the infiltration into the priesthood of secular moral relativism, too much liberalism in the Church since Vatican II, damaging rollback of Vatican II reforms by conservative prelates--all have been suggested as causes for the crisis. This book, however, begins with the premise that, because the pattern of abuse and cover-up was so similar across the world, there is something fundamentally awry with Church traditions and power structures in relationship to sexuality and sexual abuse. Specifically, in chapters on suffering and sadomasochism, bodies and gender, desire and sexuality, celibacy and homosexuality, the author concludes that aspects of the Catholic theology of sexuality set the stage for the abuse of minors and its cover-up. Frawley-O'Dea also analyzes the American bishops' lack of pastoral care and tendency towards clerical narcissism--the belief that the needs of the hierarchy represent the needs of the wider Church--as central factors in the scandal. She balances this criticism with a discussion of the backgrounds of the bishops presiding over the crisis and the challenges they faced in their relationships with the Pope and Vatican officials. Drawing on twenty years of clinical experience, she imagines the dynamics of sexual abuse both from the victim's point of view and from the priest's, and she probes why the Church hierarchy, fellow priests, and lay people were silent for so long. Finally, Frawley-O'Dea examines factors internal to the Church and outside of it that drew this scandal into the public square and kept it there.

Catholic Priests Falsely Accused

Book Description

We must continue to demand justice and compassion for victims of Catholic clergy abuse. This is not optional. Time and time again in recent years, Catholics and non-Catholics alike have been horrified by hideous stories of wretched abuse and betrayal. However, there is a side of the Catholic Church abuse narrative that is not getting the attention it warrants. Countless priests in the United States have been falsely accused of committing horrendous child abuse. Topics in this book include: ... how the most recent figures indicate that one third of accused priests have been accused falsely; ... the stunning court declaration with the opinion from a retired FBI investigator that "one half" of all accusations are "entirely false" or "greatly exaggerated"; ... the American cardinal who has been the target of two bogus abuse charges; ... how accusers have retained huge monetary settlements even though their allegations later proved to be false; ... the father of an accuser who appeared at the funeral of an accused priest and apologized for the false allegation that his son leveled; ... the Catholic archbishop who tells of being spat upon by a member of SNAP (Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests); ... the monsignor who waited five years to be exonerated of abuse charges even though his alleged victims denied that they were molested; plus much more.

The Truth about Clergy Sexual Abuse

Book Description

This work unpacks the history and root causes of the clergy sex abuse scandals in the United States. Building on decades of data and research, author Bill Donohue, who holds a doctorate in sociology, tells the story from a fresh angle and calls us to rethink our assumptions about the Church''s handling of these horrific abuses. The Truth about Clergy Sexual Abuse challenges many myths about the scandals, demonstrating that the abuse of minors is a problem that haunts virtually every institution—religious and secular—where adults interact with young people. The work also provides compelling evidence of the great progress that the Church has made in preventing abuse, contrary to public perceptions. Indeed, the media, Hollywood, and activist lawyers have poisoned the public mind with tales of old cases, giving the impression that nothing has changed. Donohue investigates at length the central role that homosexuality played in the scandal. While homosexuality does not cause sexual abuse, the prevalence of emotional and sexual immaturity among homosexual clergy explains why they committed most of the molestation. Indeed, all of the educational institutions of the Catholic Church, including the seminaries, have been affected by the sexual revolution that began in the 1960s, and this book explores the pernicious effects of dissent from Catholic sexual morality.

Double Standard

Book Description

Yes, Catholic priests terribly abused minors, and bishops failed to stop the unspeakable harm. That is an undeniable truth. Nothing justifies such an evil. However, major media outlets are unfairly attacking the Catholic Church, and this fast-paced, compelling book has the shocking evidence to prove it. This book addresses numerous topics, including: ... appalling cases of abuse and cover-ups happening today - but they're not happening in the Catholic Church ... proof that Catholic clergy do not offend more than teachers or those of other religious denominations ... data that shows that the Catholic clergy scandal is not about "pedophilia" ... affirmation that the Catholic Church may be the safest environment for children today ... research that uncovers the shady relationships between SNAP (Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests), lawyers, and the media ... the alarming roots of SNAP's attacks on the Church ... the surprising truth about "repressed memories" ... unheard, agonized priests who deny the accusations against them ... evidence of how the "documentary" Deliver Us From Evil deceived moviegoers plus much more. Double Standard covers topics that the major media won't. There is no other book about the Catholic Church abuse narrative like this one.

Holding Bishops Accountable

Book Description

The prevalence of the sexual abuse of children by Catholic clergy and its shocking cover-up by church officials have obscured the largely untold story of the tort system's remarkable success in bringing the scandal to light. The lessons of clergy sexual abuse litigation give us reason to reconsider the case for tort reform and to look more closely at how tort litigation can enhance the performance of public and private policymaking institutions.