Sir John Fisher's Naval Revolution

Book Description

This volume explores the intrigue and negotiations between the Admiralty and domestic politicians and social reformers before World War I. It also explains how Britain's naval leaders responded to non-military, cultural challenges under the direction of Adimiral Sir John Fisher.

The Papers of Admiral Sir John Fisher

Book Description

This collection of documents is restricted to official papers written by (or at the instigation of) Admiral Sir John Fisher, first Baron Fisher (1841-1920) in his capacity as First Sea Lord 1904-1910. Fisher was convinced of the inevitability of war with Germany. All his volcanic energy was directed to reforming the Royal Navy and preparing it for that war. The Edwardian Royal Navy which he inherited in 1904 was, for all its swank and circumstance, a moribund organization with an administrative apathy that stretched from the Admiralty downwards. His arrival came like a thunderclap upon both the Admiralty and the Navy and his shock tactics rocked the Service to its foundations. The scale and pace of his reforming achievements were astonishing. ''But the Navy was not a pleasant place while this was going on'' (Churchill). Fisher''s reforms were achieved at a cost. Predictably, these changes were anathema for many of the Old Guard. But many modern, thinking officers were alienated by Fisher''s absolute intolerance of contrary views. Fisher made no attempt to accommodate other opinions. Men who questioned his views were enemies to be crushed. Individual critics were ''damnable skunks'' or ''pestilent pimps''. The Admiralty had never seen the like. The cost was deep dissention throughout the officer corps of the Royal Navy. However, Winston Churchill, who recalled Fisher in 1914 for what proved a fatal experience for both men, judged Fisher as ''a man truly great despite his idiosyncrasies and truly good despite his violence''. Fisher forced through four great reforms. His early target was the many obsolete warships that showed the flag around remote parts of the Empire. Their officers and men rusted for lack of training with the modern fleet. Most of the warships were brought home and scrapped and the personnel thus saved were allocated to the nucleus crew system for the Reserve Fleet. Fighting ships in reserve were to be manned with two fifths of their normal complement to facilitate their mobilization to reinforce the active fleet in home waters at short notice. The growing realization of the threat posed by Germany, led the Admiralty slowly and steadily to concentrate the cream of the fleet in home waters. Pre-eminent among Fisher''s achievements in the realm of materiel was the introduction of the all-big-gun, turbine-propelled battleship, HMS Dreadnought in 1906 and the first battle-cruiser, HMS Invincible, in 1908. The revolution in naval warfare which these ships precipitated does not require rehearsing here. The Selborne Scheme for the common entry and training of all officers was well-established by 1904. Its main purpose to close the social gap between Executive and Engineer officers took time to gain acceptance. The only amendment was the removal of Royal Marines officers from common training in 1906 because of their very distinct military training requirements. were alienated by Fisher''s absolute intolerance of contrary views. Fisher made no attempt to accommodate other opinions. Men who questioned his views were enemies to be crushed. Individual critics were ''damnable skunks'' or ''pestilent pimps''. The Admiralty had never seen the like. The cost was deep dissention throughout the officer corps of the Royal Navy. However, Winston Churchill, who recalled Fisher in 1914 for what proved a fatal experience for both men, judged Fisher as ''a man truly great despite his idiosyncrasies and truly good despite his violence''. Fisher forced through four great reforms. His early target was the many obsolete warships that showed the flag around remote parts of the Empire. Their officers and men rusted for lack of training with the modern fleet. Most of the warships were brought home and scrapped and the personnel thus saved were allocated to the nucleus crew system for the Reserve Fleet. Fighting ships in reserve were to be manned with two fifths of their normal complement to facilitate their mobilization to reinforce the active fleet in home waters at short notice. The growing realization of the threat posed by Germany, led the Admiralty slowly and steadily to concentrate the cream of the fleet in home waters. Pre-eminent among Fisher''s achievements in the realm of materiel was the introduction of the all-big-gun, turbine-propelled battleship, HMS Dreadnought in 1906 and the first battle-cruiser, HMS Invincible, in 1908. The revolution in naval warfare which these ships precipitated does not require rehearsing here. The Selborne Scheme for the common entry and training of all officers was well-established by 1904. Its main purpose to close the social gap between Executive and Engineer officers took time to gain acceptance. The only amendment was the removal of Royal Marines officers from common training in 1906 because of their very distinct military training requirements. al complement to facilitate their mobilization to reinforce the active fleet in home waters at short notice. The growing realization of the threat posed by Germany, led the Admiralty slowly and steadily to concentrate the cream of the fleet in home waters. Pre-eminent among Fisher''s achievements in the realm of materiel was the introduction of the all-big-gun, turbine-propelled battleship, HMS Dreadnought in 1906 and the first battle-cruiser, HMS Invincible, in 1908. The revolution in naval warfare which these ships precipitated does not require rehearsing here. The Selborne Scheme for the common entry and training of all officers was well-established by 1904. Its main purpose to close the social gap between Executive and Engineer officers took time to gain acceptance. The only amendment was the removal of Royal Marines officers from common training in 1906 because of their very distinct military training requirements.

Planning Armageddon

Book Description

Before the First World War, the British Admiralty conceived a plan to win rapid victory in the event of war with Germany-economic warfare on an unprecedented scale.This secret strategy called for the state to exploit Britain's effective monopolies in banking, communications, and shipping-the essential infrastructure underpinning global trade-to create a controlled implosion of the world economic system. In this revisionist account, Nicholas Lambert shows in lively detail how naval planners persuaded the British political leadership that systematic disruption of the global economy could bring about German military paralysis. After the outbreak of hostilities, the government shied away from full implementation upon realizing the extent of likely collateral damage-political, social, economic, and diplomatic-to both Britain and neutral countries. Woodrow Wilson in particular bristled at British restrictions on trade. A new, less disruptive approach to economic coercion was hastily improvised. The result was the blockade, ostensibly intended to starve Germany. It proved largely ineffective because of the massive political influence of economic interests on national ambitions and the continued interdependencies of all countries upon the smooth functioning of the global trading system. Lambert's interpretation entirely overturns the conventional understanding of British strategy in the early part of the First World War and underscores the importance in any analysis of strategic policy of understanding Clausewitz's "political conditions of war."

T.E. Lawrence and the Red Sea Patrol

Book Description

Although many books have been written about T E Lawrence and the Arab Revolt, none before has fully explored the pivotal role of the Royal Navy in the Red Sea at the time. This is the first book to be written about the Navy's role in the success of the Arab Revolt in the creation of the legendary figure of Lawrence of Arabia. Following extensive and detailed research into the activities of the ships of the Red Sea Patrol by the author, a maritime historian and former Merchant Navy officer, it has become evident that, without the work of those ships, the Arab revolt would have failed and T E Lawrence would have remained an obscure officer in the military bureaucracy of Cairo.Lawrence was very aware of the importance and relevance of the Royal Navy in their operations in the Red Sea and commented on it on many occasions, notably in 1918, saying 'The naval side of the operations, when the time comes to tell of it, will provide a most interesting case of the value of command of the sea..'. Until now, nobody has investigated this angle in any detail. By doing this so comprehensively, this book gives a fresh dimension to the Lawrence of Arabia legend.

Churchill and Fisher

Book Description

A vivid study of the politics and stress of high command, this book describes the decisive roles of young Winston Churchill as political head of the Admiralty during the First World War. Churchill was locked together in a perilous destiny with the ageing British Admiral 'Jacky' Fisher, the professional master of the British Navy and the creator of the enormous battleships known as Dreadnoughts. Upon these 'Titans at the Admiralty' rested British command of the sea at the moment of its supreme test — the challenge presented by the Kaiser's navy under the dangerous Admiral Alfred von Tirpitz. Churchill and Fisher had vision, genius, and energy, but the war unfolded in unexpected ways. There were no Trafalgars, no Nelsons. Press and Parliament became battlegrounds for a public expecting decisive victory at sea. An ill-fated Dardanelles adventure, 'by ships alone' as Churchill determined, on top of the Zeppelin raids on Britain brought about Fisher's departure from the Admiralty, in turn bringing down Churchill. They spent the balance of the war in the virtual wilderness. This dual biography, based on fresh and thorough appraisal of the Churchill and Fisher papers, is a story for any military history buff. It is about Churchill's and Fisher's war — how each fought it, how they waged it together, and how they fought against each other, face to face or behind the scenes. It reveals a strange and unique pairing of sea lords who found themselves facing Armageddon and seeking to maintain the primacy of the Royal Navy, the guardian of trade, the succour of the British peoples, and the shield of Empire.

Fighting the Great War at Sea

Book Description

While the overriding image of the First World War is of the bloody stalemate on the Western Front, the overall shape of the war arose out of its maritime character. It was essentially a struggle about access to worldwide resources, most clearly seen in Germany’s desperate attempts to counter the American industrial threat, which ultimately drew the United States into the war. This radical new book concentrates on the way in which each side tried to use or deny the sea to the other, and in so doing describes rapid wartime changes not only in ship and weapons technology but also in the way naval warfare was envisaged and fought. Melding strategic, technical, and tactical aspects, Friedman approaches the First World War from a fresh perspective and demonstrates how its perceived lessons dominated the way navies prepared for the Second World War.

Between Empire and Continent

Book Description

Prior to World War I, Britain was at the center of global relations, utilizing tactics of diplomacy as it broke through the old alliances of European states. Historians have regularly interpreted these efforts as a reaction to the aggressive foreign policy of the German Empire. However, as Between Empire and Continent demonstrates, British foreign policy was in fact driven by a nexus of intra-British, continental and imperial motivations. Recreating the often heated public sphere of London at the turn of the twentieth century, this groundbreaking study carefully tracks the alliances, conflicts, and political maneuvering from which British foreign and security policy were born.