Six Steps to Winning Declarer Play

Book Description

HOW OFTEN DO YOU PLAY A DIFFICULT HAND? Too many players have trouble deciding how to set about a contract as declarer. Do they worry about losers or winners? Do they draw trumps or not? Should they be guarding against bad breaks? There are so many things to think about, it's easy to get sidetracked. In this book, you will learn about the right questions to ask yourself as declarer when dummy appears. In each of the 52 example hands, the author goes through the same six questions, and shows you how to arrive at answers that will help you develop the best plan for the hand. The examples range from relatively simple to fairly complex, but gradually you will learn to answer the questions for yourself and then use the information to play the hand to best effect. Everyone who reads this book and applies what they have learned will become a better declarer. JAY APFELBAUM lives in Philadelphia and works as an administrative law judge. He is married with two daughters and two grandchildren. He regularly plays with his wife, April, at local bridge clubs and tournaments. Jay is a Grand Life Master. His first regional victory came in 1973 at a knockout event in Richmond, Virginia. He won the Blue Ribbon Pairs in 1976. Since then he has won many regional events and placed in the top ten of a number of national events.

Improve Your Declarer Play

Book Description

This second title in Audrey Grant's Bookmark Series teaches how to implement the endplay in bridge. In some suit combinations it's better to have the suit led by the opponents into the declarer's strength. Learn how to recognize suits better led by defender, identify the exit card, eliminate defenders' options and play the throw-in. There are explanatory hands plus ten practice deals. Fold-out bookmark flaps reference the essential ideas.

Winning Declarer Play

Book Description

A Bridge to Inspired Declarer Play

Book Description

HELP, what do I do now? Every bridge player learns basic cardplay techniques - finesses, eliminations, endplays, loser-on-loser, and so forth. The trick is to know which technique to use on each particular deal. What features of a bridge hand lead an expert to select the correct line of play from all those available? The carefully chosen examples in this book will help advancing players recognize those features and take action accordingly. DR. JULIAN LADERMAN is a New York math professor who writes a regular bridge column in The Bronx Journal. His first book, A Bridge to Simple Squeezes, was named 2006 Book of the Year by the American Bridge Teachers' Association.

Winning Declarer Play

Book Description

Practical Aspects of Declarer Play

Book Description

Bridge: Winning Ways to Play Your Cards

Book Description

Many bridge books feature magical and inspiring hands but hands that are never seen in day-to-day play at the bridge table. Bridge: Winning Ways to Play Your Cards concentrates on the type of hands that will make a real difference to your scores and which will help you improve your game. Discover how to assess your opponents' strengths and weaknesses - in relation to your own - and win!

Goren's Easy Steps to Winning Bridge

Book Description

The fundamentals of bridge and techniques for winning are presented in a programmed self-tutoring course.

Focus on Declarer Play

Book Description

For most intermediate bridge players, declarer play is both fascinating and challenging, but too often they are left after a hand is over with the sinking feeling that they could have done better. In this book, acclaimed British author Danny Roth takes his readers through the most common causes of errors on play: mishandling communications, making errors involving trumps, failing to take advantage of all possible chances, and many more. He explains how to recognize the danger signals, and how to avoid the pitfalls. The situations he describes are encountered every day; careful study of the examples in this book will make the reader a better card player, and improved scores will certainly follow.

Off-Road Declarer Play

Book Description

In bridge, the 'declarer' is the one who nominates which suit is trumps; his/her partner's hand becomes the 'dummy'. Every intermediate bridge player is familiar with the routine techniques of dummy play. What this book describes are less well-known stratagems that may save the day in non-routine situations.