Carcinogenic Potency Database; Endocrine Disruptors

Book Description

Papers include: supp. to the carcinogenic potency database (CPD): results of animal bioassays published in 1993 to 1994; supplemental plot of the CPD; workshop on characterizing the effects of endocrine disruptors on human health at environmental exposure levels; an approach to the development of quantitative models to assess the effects of exposure to environmentally relevant levels of endocrine disruptors on homeostasis in adults; evaluating the effects of endocrine disruptors on endocrine function during development; and species, interindividual, and tissue specificity in endocrine signaling. Illustrated.

Handbook of Carcinogenic Potency and Genotoxicity Databases

Book Description

This unique new reference contains the Carcinogenic Potency Database (CPDB), which analyzes results of decades of animal cancer tests, including all Technical Reports of the National Toxicology Program (NTP) and the general published literature. A guide to the literature of animal cancer tests, the CPDB includes references to each published experiment and never-before published analyses. For each of 5,000 long-term experiments on 1,300 chemicals, the user-friendly format includes data on the species, strain, and sex of the test animal; features of experimental protocol such as the route of administration, duration of dosing, dose levels, and duration of the experiment; histopathology and tumor incidence; the shape of the dose-response curve; published author's opinion about the carcinogenicity at each site; and reference to the original publication of the test results. In addition, a measure of carcinogenic potency, the TD50, its statistical significance and confidence limits, are given for each tumor site. An overview is provided of earlier publication updates, such as positivity rates, reproducibility, interspecies extrapolation, and ranking possible carcinogenic hazards. The book also includes a summary of the NTP genetic toxicity test results on 1,500 chemicals, which are referenced to the original publications, including the Salmonella (Ames) test, L5178Y mouse lymphoma cell mutation test, chromosome aberration and sister chromatid exchange tests in cultured Chinese hamster ovary cells, and the sex-linked recessive lethal mutation test in Drosophila melanogaster. An index with chemicals listed by CAS number allows cross referencing between the carcinogenicity and genotoxicity databases, making data easy to find.


Book Description

Offers comprehensive coverage of currently available cancer predictors, the most recent research on carcinogenicity, and the design and interpretation of carcinogenicity experiments. Presents mouse, rat, and human carcinogenicity data for the liver, kidney, breast, cervix, prostate, hematopoietic system, colon, skin, urinary bladder, mouth, stomach, thyroid, and pancreas.

Carcinogenic Potency Database And President's Cancer Panel Conference on Avoidable Causes of Cancer

Book Description

Contents: carcinogenic potency database (sixth plot): results of animal bioassays published in the general literature 1989-1990 & by the National Toxicology Program 1990-1993; President's Cancer Panel Conf. on Avoidable Causes of Cancer (tobacco: smoking, passive smoking, smokeless tobacco; alcohol; diet & nutrition; hormones & medications; occupational exposures; general environmental exposures; radiation; infectious agents; gender, ethnicity, & environment; genetic susceptibility & environmental interactions; avoidable cancers based on current knowledge; needs & opportunities for research).

Species Differences in Thyroid, Kidney and Urinary Bladder Carcinogenesis

Book Description

In November 1997, an expert group was convened to discuss available knowledge on the epidemiology, pathology and mechanisms related to certain tumors that are commonly seen in essays for carcinogenicity in rodents in order that their importance in human hazard evaluation might be assessed. The tumors of interest were urinary bladder carcinomas associated with urolithiasis, microcrystalluria and certain urinary precipitates; renal corticol tumors in male rats associated with alpha-2 urinary globulin nephropathy; and thyroid follicular cell tumors associated with imbalances in thyroid stimulating hormone. Included in the book are a series of individually authored papers on these various topics, as well as a Concensus Report including consideration of how such data may be used within the evalation process in the IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic risks to Humans.