Witchcraft and Magic in the Nordic Middle Ages

Book Description

Stephen A. Mitchell here offers the fullest examination available of witchcraft in late medieval Scandinavia. He focuses on those people believed to be able—and who in some instances thought themselves able—to manipulate the world around them through magical practices, and on the responses to these beliefs in the legal, literary, and popular cultures of the Nordic Middle Ages. His sources range from the Icelandic sagas to cultural monuments much less familiar to the nonspecialist, including legal cases, church art, law codes, ecclesiastical records, and runic spells. Mitchell's starting point is the year 1100, by which time Christianity was well established in elite circles throughout Scandinavia, even as some pre-Christian practices and beliefs persisted in various forms. The book's endpoint coincides with the coming of the Reformation and the onset of the early modern Scandinavian witch hunts. The terrain covered is complex, home to the Germanic Scandinavians as well as their non-Indo-European neighbors, the Sámi and Finns, and it encompasses such diverse areas as the important trade cities of Copenhagen, Bergen, and Stockholm, with their large foreign populations; the rural hinterlands; and the insular outposts of Iceland and Greenland. By examining witches, wizards, and seeresses in literature, lore, and law, as well as surviving charm magic directed toward love, prophecy, health, and weather, Mitchell provides a portrait of both the practitioners of medieval Nordic magic and its performance. With an understanding of mythology as a living system of cultural signs (not just ancient sacred narratives), this study also focuses on such powerful evolving myths as those of "the milk-stealing witch," the diabolical pact, and the witches' journey to Blåkulla. Court cases involving witchcraft, charm magic, and apostasy demonstrate that witchcraft ideologies played a key role in conceptualizing gender and were themselves an important means of exercising social control.

Das achtzehnte Jahrhundert 42/2

Book Description

"Das achtzehnte Jahrhundert" wurde 1977 als Mitteilungsblatt der Deutschen Gesellschaft für die Erforschung des achtzehnten Jahrhunderts gegründet und wird seit 1987 zur wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift der deutschen Dixhuitièmisten ausgebaut.

The Nordic Languages

Book Description

The handbook is not tied to a particular methodology but keeps in principle to a pronounced methodological pluralism, encompassing all aspects of actual methodology. Moreover it combines diachronic with synchronic-systematic aspects, longitudinal sections with cross-sections (periods such as Old Norse, transition from Old Norse to Early Modern Nordic, Early Modern Nordic 1550-1800 and so on). The description of Nordic language history is built upon a comprehensive collection of linguistic data; it consists of more than 200 articles written by a multitude of authors from Scandinavian and German and English speaking countries. The organization of the book combines a central part on the detailed chronological developments and some chapters of a more general character: chapters on theory and methodology in the beginning and on overlapping spatio-temporal topics in the end.

Kosmopolitismus und Körperlichkeit im europäischen Theater des 18. Jahrhunderts

Book Description

Wie ist der Zusammenhang von Kosmopolitismus und Körperlichkeit im Drama und Theater des 18. Jahrhunderts beschaffen? Wie werden das zeitgenössische Konzept des Kosmopolitismus und die zeittypische Veränderung der Körperlichkeit auf der Bühne performativ umgesetzt, spielerisch erprobt und gegebenenfalls bestätigt? Antworten auf diese Fragen geben in diesem Band skandinavistische, anglistische, germanistische, romanistische und theaterwissenschaftliche Forscherinnen und Forscher aus Deutschland, Dänemark und Schweden. Die komparatistische Perspektivierung der dänisch-norwegischen, schwedischen, deutschen, englischen und französischen Dramatik des 18. Jahrhunderts erlaubt es, Differenzen ebenso wie Übereinstimmungen zwischen den verschiedenen europäischen Theaterkulturen produktiv zu beleuchten.

The Nordic Languages. Volume 2

Book Description

No detailed description available for "NORDIC LANGUAGES (BANDLE) 2. VOL HSK 22.2 E-BOOK".

Female Voices of the North

Book Description

Semiotik / Semiotics. 1. Teilband

Book Description

This series of HANDBOOKS OF LINGUISTICS AND COMMUNICATION SCIENCE is designed to illuminate a field which not only includes general linguistics and the study of linguistics as applied to specific languages, but also covers those more recent areas which have developed from the increasing body of research into the manifold forms of communicative action and interaction. For "classic" linguistics there appears to be a need for a review of the state of the art which will provide a reference base for the rapid advances in research undertaken from a variety of theoretical standpoints, while in the more recent branches of communication science the handbooks will give researchers both an overview and orientation. To attain these objectives, the series aims for a standard comparable to that of the leading handbooks in other disciplines, and to this end strives for comprehensiveness, theoretical explicitness, reliable documentation of data and findings, and up-to-date methodology. The editors, both of the series and of the individual volumes, and the individual contributors, are committed to this aim. The language of publication is English. The main aim of the series is to provide an appropriate account of the state of the art in the various areas of linguistics and communication science covered by each of the various handbooks; however no inflexible pre-set limits will is imposed on the scope of each volume. The series is open-ended, and can thus take account of further developments in the field. This conception, coupled with the necessity of allowing adequate time for each volume to be prepared with the necessary care, means that there is no set time-table for the publication of the whole series. Each volume is a self-contained work, complete in itself. The order in which the handbooks are published does not imply any rank ordering, but is determined by the way in which the series is organized; the editors of the whole series enlist a competent editor for each individual volume. Once the principal editor for a volume has been found, he or she then has a completely free hand in the choice of co-editors and contributors. The editors plan each volume independently of the others, being governed only by general formal principles. The series editors only intervene where questions of delineation between individual volumes are concerned. It is felt that this (modus operandi) is best suited to achieving the objectives of the series, namely to give a competent account of the present state of knowledge and of the perception of the problems in the area covered by each volume. To discuss your handbook idea or submit a proposal, please contact Birgit Sievert.

Die dänischen Eufemiaviser und die Rezeption höfischer Kultur im spätmittelalterlichen Dänemark – The Eufemiaviser and the Reception of Courtly Culture in Late Medieval Denmark

Book Description

Das Buch präsentiert Texte, die ein einzigartiges Zeugnis kontinentaler höfischer Erzählkunst in der dänischen Literatur zwischen Spätmittelalter und Früher Neuzeit darstellen: die Eufemiaviser (Eufemia-Gedichte), die in der Zeit um 1470–1480 über französische und altschwedische Vorlagen ins Dänische übersetzt wurden. In der skandinavistischen Forschung wurden sie bisher kaum untersucht. This book presents texts which are a unique testimony in Danish literature between the Late Middle Ages and the Early Modern period: the so-called Eufemiaviser (Eufemia poems), courtly verse romances, translated into Danish via Old French and Old Swedish sources in the later part of the 15th century. These texts have hardly been studied in Scandinavian research so far.