
Book Description

The adventures of two young boys befriended by an old black man who is a legendary hunter.


Book Description

Katrina: oblivious, fearful, gutsy Skeeter: vexed, steadfast, indomitable After meeting with the Feds, Skeeter finds out that some of the women that his crew rescued from the human traffickers have started disappearing and only his crew knew where the women were. A traitor in his mists, Skeeter must flush him out and save these women. Katrina suffers from complete amnesia, not knowing her real name or her own age. The only people she knows and trusts are the men who rescued her and the other women. One day one of her rescuers comes to her door and tells her she needs to come with him. Trusting these men, she willing goes only to find herself taken back into a situation she had hoped had ended for good. Determined not to be a victim again, Katrina starts looking for a way to escape, fearing the worst and thinking the Night Howlers have betrayed her. This madman says Katrina belongs to him. What would happen if she tries to escape and he catches her? Skeeter doesn't know who he can trust among his own men and has to find these women in time before they are sold or worse. Who would dare become a traitor to the Night Howlers? Can Skeeter figure out who the traitor is and who he can trust? Can he rescue Katrina and the other women in time? Search Terms: Motorcycle Club, Hot Romance, Sweet Romance, Romance, Motorcycle Romance, Club Romance, MC Series, MC Romance, Biker Romance, Alpha Male Romance


Book Description

Designed to be used by children in their first six months of school PM Starters One and Two


Book Description

"Dealing with a dog, to put it crudely, is like dealing with a person who's a bit dumb. Dealing with a cat is like dealing with a person who's more than a bit crazy." When a stray kitten romps into Lynne's life, she has no idea what she's getting into. As Lynne describes in letters to her friend Angie, Skeeter is all cat -- high-spirited, contrary, and inventive. He's so goofy that he reminds Lynne of her own nuttiest escapades; so irrepressible that even Lynne's neighbor, Mark, gets wound around his paw. And when Angie visits to see Skeeter for herself . . . Well, no one who meets Skeeter will ever be quite the same again. ///////////////////////////////////////////////// ABOUT THE AUTHOR Anne L. Watson, a retired historic preservation architecture consultant, is the author of numerous novels, plus books on such diverse subjects as soapmaking and baking with cookie molds. A former resident of San Pedro, California -- the setting of "Skeeter" -- Anne currently lives in Bellingham, Washington, with her husband and fellow author, Aaron Shepard. ///////////////////////////////////////////////// SAMPLE January 29, 2000 Dear Angie, Skeeter is not entirely happy about the way we live. For example, he doesn't like my going to work. With more justification, he disapproves of some of my attitudes. Most of my experience with animals is with dogs. In a relationship with a pet, I elect myself pack leader. Cats are not pack animals. Skeeter, a democrat, considers us equals and resents my bumptious ways. This is particularly true when it comes to food. I buy various kinds of food for Skeeter so he won't become too set on one type or flavor. I had a friend in high school whose cat, Sparkles, would eat nothing but Kitty Queen Tuna. No other brand would do, even people tuna. Kitty Queen Salmon would not do, either. My friend's family had Kitty Queen Tuna crises, when none could be found. "Did you try the all-night drugstore?" "We went there last time, remember? They don't have it." The cat probably would have starved before it ate anything else. My friend's mother had a strange relationship with the cat. She believed Sparkles to be the reincarnation of her own mother, long deceased. So the cat ruled the household. I am not going down that road with Skeeter. A gauntlet has been thrown, though, regarding turkey. Till last week, he ate it with obvious enjoyment. The two cans I've given him this week have gone untouched. Someone said it might be spoiled, that I should smell it. A longtime vegetarian, I think meat always smells spoiled, but I gave it a whiff. Disgusting, but not rancid. I won't buy it again, though, if he feels that way. This morning he got beef, which he accepted. In fact, he made a pig of himself. After breakfast he returned to the bedroom, belching alarmingly. "Would Monsieur like a potato with the steak next time?" I asked. "Perhaps a small glass of red wine?" Monsieur looked interested. "A salad?" No sale. I think I'll continue being pack leader. Like all despots, I perpetuate Skeeter's servitude by monopolizing the means to freedom: the checkbook, the car keys, the can opener. It's unfair that I should be the leader just because I'm bigger and smarter and have opposable thumbs. But it's going to stay that way as long as I can manage it. If Skeeter is the reincarnation of my mother, she can learn to eat what she's given. Love, Lynne

Skeeter, the Ski Bunny

Book Description

Skeeter, the Ski Bunny is about learning a new activity and sharing it with one's friends and family. While playing a game of Hide and Seek, the curious little bunny stumbles upon a fun activity, and decides to try it himself. Although, at first, he falls down over and over, he does not give up. By practicing and using trial and error techniques, Skeeter teaches himself how to ski. Then he shares the fun with his bunny family so that all can enjoy the snow activity together.

Skeeter and Yancey VS. the Greys

Book Description

Intergalactic aliens or a government conspiracy? Skeeter and Yancey are about to find out when they are abducted and have to save not only themselves, but their friends and neighbors. A secret military base in the smoky mountains, flying saucers, aliens, and rednecks. Let the carnage and comedy begin!

Skeeter Hill Rascals

Book Description

The story of the ""Skeeter Hill Rascals"" tells about a group of boys led by Willie Wince to embark on a journey inspired by their desire to play organized ball together. The boys have never played a single out in organized baseball. Within the story are obstacles the boys must face beginning with devising a plan to get onto a Skeeter Hill baseball team. After devising a plan Willie maps out what the boys must do next, execution. Much can be said about inspiration and pursuing one's dream as the story illustrates. The fabulous five from Skeeter Hill show us with the help of a charismatic coach. Coach Swat volunteers to develop the boys into skilled baseball players. The boys develop into skilled baseball players but need an edge to beat the team that is devious and does not play by the rules. The two team begin the season on a collision course with the leaders on each team bitter rivals off the field.

Skeeter and the Weasels

Book Description

"There sure are a lot of weasels." Everywhere Skeeter looks, he sees weasels -- on the street, in his office, in the park. They sneak, and they slink, and they all wear gray trench coats and purple sunglasses. The problem is, no one else sees them! All that changes when Skeeter meets Special Agent Ratilda from Rodential, the rodent mutual aid society. Together, they set off to track down the weasels and put an end to their nefarious doings. Will Skeeter and Ratilda foil the weasels' Big Plan? Will Most Weasel J.R. Slitherwell finally meet his match? Will Skeeter get his job back and date the cat of his dreams? And what does that big red button really do, anyway? Find out in "Skeeter and the Weasels"! ///////////////////////////////////////////////// Aaron Shepard is the award-winning author of "The Baker's Dozen," "The Legend of Lightning Larry," "The Sea King's Daughter," and many more children's books. His stories have won him honors from the American Library Association, the New York Public Library, the Bank Street College of Education, the National Council for the Social Studies, and the American Folklore Society. Anne L. Watson is the author/illustrator of "Katie Mouse and the Perfect Wedding," "Katie Mouse and the Christmas Door," and "The Secret of Gingerbread Village," as well as the author of numerous craft books and novels for adults. Her illustrations are imaginative collages made from photos of felted animals, miniatures, and real-life objects, along with graphic arts creations and textures from Etsy and elsewhere, all assembled and manipulated in Photoshop. Aaron and Anne are married and now live in Bellingham, Washington. ///////////////////////////////////////////////// SAMPLE Skeeter walked to the park and sat sadly on a bench. There were weasels behind the trees. There were weasels by the picnic tables. There were weasels around the playground. "There sure are a lot of weasels," said Skeeter. "Hold everything!" said a voice above him. "Did you say 'a lot of weasels'?" He looked up, and there on a tree branch was a lady rat in a pink trench coat and purple sunglasses. "Yes," said Skeeter. "A lot of weasels. There sure are." "At last!" said the lady rat. "Someone else sees them, too!" She dropped onto the bench and took off her sunglasses. "Let me introduce myself. I'm Special Agent Ratilda from Rodential, the rodent mutual aid society. You've heard of us, no doubt." "Well, no, I can't say -- " began Skeeter. "Sure, you have. Our motto? 'Get a piece of the cheese.' Right now, I'm on a secret mission. Top secret. Can you keep a secret?" "Um, unless I forget and -- " "Sure, you can. I'm looking into an alarming rise in the number of weasels. They're everywhere. But I don't have to tell you, because you see them, too. So, what's your name, cat?" "I'm Skeeter," said Skeeter. "Skeeter," said Ratilda. "Pretty dumb name, but you're a cat, so it fits. So, Skeeter, how would you like to join me on this perilous and possibly fatal mission." "Oh, I don't think -- " "Sure, you would. Follow me, Deputy Special Agent Skeeter." Ratilda put on her sunglasses, jumped off the bench, and started off. "But I'm a cat!" called Skeeter. "Nobody's perfect!" called Ratilda. "Come on!"

Skeeter Beaters

Book Description

The Adventures of Rocky and Skeeter

Book Description

After Skeeter convinces Rocky to gain the affections of a young girl in a park things go awry. Rocky is loaded into the family station wagon and taken to their home where he lands in a cage that he thinks is jail.. In a jail break gone wrong Skeeter finds himself sharing a cell with his angry friend. Finally the two manage to break out only to be chased by the family's dog that is looking for an afternoon snack. The two streetwise friends jump from tree top to tree top avoiding the sharp teeth of the hungry pet by mear misses.