Skill Development In India (Prabhat Prakashan)

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Skill development in India by Dr. B. Ramaswamy; Dr. R. Sa SI ka LA pushpa; Dr. M.B. Gururaj; books/exam preparation/government exams; top book skill development in India; famous book skill development in India; best book skill development in India; online best book skill development in India; famous book skill development in India; test prep textbooks/study aids & Exam preparation government sector.

How the Private Sector Develops Skills: Lessons from India

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More young people live in India than in any other country and their numbers are projected to increase for decades to come. More than 12 million enter the workforce each year yet few have the skills required for employment. The Government of India has set a target to skill 400 million people by 2022 and established the National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) as part of this mission. Through NSDC, government is engaged with private sector partners to advance strategic approaches in skills development by creating public-private partnerships with companies involved in skill training. This is at the centre of a skills business “ecosystem” in India through which all players interact to produce a positive, productive system to skill millions. Momentum for the skills development movement comes not only from the urgent need to provide livelihoods for youth but also from the need to act before a window of opportunity closes. The “youth bulge” in India’s population is poised to deliver a demographic dividend, a transformational boost in economic productivity associated with growing numbers in the workforce relative to dependents. Only through investing in up-to-date education, health and decent work for youth can India harness this dividend. India requires skills to sustain its rapid economic growth, to integrate its large working-age population into the economy in an inclusive and sustainable manner and, ultimately, India needs skills in order to become a global supplier of human resources. This study focuses on 12 skills delivery initiatives led by the private sector and carried out to support the national skills mission of the Government of India. The objective of this study is to generate lessons from India’s experience in skilling, namely to identify and analyse impactful business models and their practices and innovations, to highlight challenges, and to provide insights on how the private sector could contribute even more to skills acquisition and employability.

Skills Development for Inclusive and Sustainable Growth in Developing Asia-Pacific

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Focusing on the Asia-Pacific region, which in recent years has been the engine of global economic growth , this volume surveys trends and prospects in technical and vocational education and training (TVET) with particular reference to achieving inclusive growth and the greening of economies. Underlying the increasing pressure for new models of TVET provision is the rapid pace of technological change, demand for a work force which is highly responsive to evolving needs and a transforming market place that calls for higher order skills and lifelong learning. The book proposes a re-engineered, modernized TVET system that fosters an innovative approach which enhances the employability of workers as well as the sustainability of their livelihoods. The book includes contributions from leading policy makers, researchers, and practitioners, including those in the private sector in analyzing and forecasting the most urgent priorities in skills development. The book argues for creative approaches to TVET design and delivery particularly with a view to improve job prospects , and meeting the goals of inclusion, sustainable development and social cohesion. Addressing issues such as the chronic mismatches between skills acquired and actual skills required in the work place, the volume proposes diversified approaches towards workforce development and partnerships with the private sector to improve the quality and relevance of skills development . The new imperatives created by ‘greening’ economies and responses required in skills development and training are addressed. Developing TVET is a high priority for governments in the Asia Pacific region as they seek to achieve long-term sustainable growth since the .continued success of their economic destinies depend on it. The volume also includes an emerging framework for skills development for inclusive and sustainable growth in the Asia and Pacific region.

Skill Development and Entrepreneurship in India

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Skill development and entrepreneurship are complementary to each other. The term skills is used in the literature to refer to a wide range of attributes and to that extent there is no clear definition of a skilled worker. In practical terms, the term used is marketable skill which commonly refers to any skill/expertise/ability that has a market value, i.e. which has the potential of being utilised for generating income/employment. Entrepreneurship is the quality of being an entrepreneur, i.e. one who undertakes an enterprise. The term puts emphasis on the risk and effort taken by individuals who both own and manage a business, and on the innovations resulting from their pursuit of economic success. Skill development is important because of its contribution to enhancing productivity at the individual, industry and also national levels because of the complementarities that exist between physical capital and human capital on the one hand and between technology and human capital on the other. Fast changing knowledge economies call for new core competencies among all learners in the society. In India, skill formation is broadly ensured through general education - considered as a provider of generic skills. Other than general education, skill formation efforts consist of vocational education and training and sector-specific programmes for better employability in industry. The National Policy for Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, 2015 aims to bring the world of education and training closer to the world of work so as to enable them together build a strong India. It provides clarity and coherence on how skill development efforts across the country can be aligned within the existing institutional arrangements. The policy links skill development to improved employability and productivity. This book provides a comprehensive account of policies and programmes for skill development and entrepreneurship in India, focusing on the needs of unorganized (informal) sector workers, marginalized and vulnerable groups and women workers. [Subject: Education, Economic Development, Business]

Anticipating and Preparing for Emerging Skills and Jobs

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This open access book analyzes the main drivers that are influencing the dramatic evolution of work in Asia and the Pacific and identifies the implications for education and training in the region. It also assesses how education and training philosophies, curricula, and pedagogy can be reshaped to produce workers with the skills required to meet the emerging demands of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The book’s 40 articles cover a wide range of topics and reflect the diverse perspectives of the eminent policy makers, practitioners, and researchers who authored them. To maximize its potential impact, this Springer-Asian Development Bank co-publication has been made available as open access.

Skilling India

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The book focuses on the status of vocational education programs, challenges of achieving quality and attaining competitive excellence in a globalized socioeconomic order, and the role of government and industry in achieving these avowed goals. India’s transition to a knowledge-based economy requires a new generation of educated and skilled people. Its competitive edge will be determined by its people’s ability to create, share, and use knowledge effectively. A knowledge economy requires India to develop workers—knowledge workers and knowledge technologists—who are flexible and analytical and can be the driving force for innovation and growth. Developing skilled workers enhances the efficiency and flexibility of the labor market; skills bottlenecks are reduced, skilled workers are more easily absorbed into the economy, and their job mobility is improved. In this light, an effort is made in this book to describe and analyze governmental skill development initiatives in India. The book also dwells on the need to revive traditional family centric vocations pursued in the rural communities, especially those dying village-based vocations that provide livelihood options to a multitude of socially disadvantaged artisans, and integrate them into the fabric of skill development initiatives in place. The book provides a systematic understanding of the processes of skill formation and provides several pathways for enhancing entrepreneurial skills in a business ecosystem with a huge knowledge capital gained through skill development initiatives. Toward this end, the book seeks to contribute toward understanding the structures and processes of governance and initiatives for enhancing the quality of skilling programs. The book also dwells on various opportunities and challenges of augmenting a multitude of skilled workforces made available through various skilling initiatives and programs.

Skill Development A key to Nation Building

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Skill Development in India

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This paper stresses that despite the fact that India is a fast developing economy difficulties have led the Government to conclude that far more needs to be done to engender more employment opportunities for the majority of Indians, to enable them to participate in the benefits of growth and to contribute to that growth. To do this they must have education and training that equips them for the labor market. One of the sources of the skilled workforce is the vocational education and training system. However, the government realizes that the system is not being able to appropriately respond to the needs of the labor market. A key issue, then, is what reforms/interventions are needed to improve the effectiveness of the system. Answering that question is far from easy and this paper attempts to provide some options for doing so. On the one hand India faces the future with its changing realities; on the other hand it must deal with the nature of its established traditions and structures. This paper has laid out some key reforms that must be undertaken in different areas to make the vocational education and vocational training systems more responsive to the needs of the labor market. The reform agenda is fairly comprehensive and all the reforms cannot be implemented immediately. Given this, the paper has laid out some of the critical reforms that need to be undertaken in the short-run (first phase) followed by others that can be undertaken over a period of 2-3 years. The first phase focuses on reforms aimed at improving the quality and labor market relevance of the existing system, while the medium-term agenda also includes moving forward on mobilizing additional resources for the system, especially once the quality has improved. However the background work needed to undertake reforms in the medium-term should also commence immediately. These reforms should be treated as a package. If only some are instituted, while others are not, it is unlikely that the objective of developing a truly demand-responsive system will be effectively met.

India's Skills Challenge

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"Although India is one of the largest economies in the world, its skill challenges are huge. Despite the tremendous growth and diversification, over half of India's population lacks primary education. Only a fraction of people possess any formal or vocational education and training (VET). Based on primary surveys of vocational training providers and enterprises, this book is a first to provide a comprehensive agenda of reforms to improve the employability of India's youth."--Résumé de l'éditeur.